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ATC Training Staff Changes

Hi everyone, Following our recent recruitment I'm happy to announce that @John Batten has accepted my offer to take up the New Controller Training Group Instructor role. I look forward to working with John in developing the existing training system and improving the experience that new members get when signing up for ATC Training in our division. Unfortunately we are also saying goodbye to some other members of our team. @Fergus Walsh (Heathrow TG Instructor), @William Jennings (APP TG

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Heathrow TGI Resignation

Hi everyone, I have taken the unfortunate decision to leave my role as Heathrow TGI. I have loved people part of the VATSIM UK team for the past few years and will hopefully try it out again in the future, but with my limited amount of time currently and slight burn out from VATSIM, I feel that it would be selfish for me to hold on to the role, so therefore I am passing TGI on to someone with new and fresh ideas that can benefit the division. I joined the staff team in February 2019 (crazy

Fergus Walsh

Fergus Walsh

[Vacancy] New Controller Training Group Instructor

Hi all, I am pleased to announce that we are recruiting for a New Controller Training Group Instructor. This role will see you join with the current team in managing and developing training in the OBS-S1, Gatwick ground endorsement  AFIS/AGCS endorsement training programme. General responsibilities in the New Controller Training Group: ●    Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; ●    Select and train new mentors; ●    Maintain training standard

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

TG Tower Staff Changes

Hi all, Firstly I’d like to thank everyone for the kind messages following the announcement of my appointment as ATC Training Director. Having moved roles this left a space in the TWR team which a couple of people quickly expressed their interest in. Following a few discussions we have decided to appoint @Kye Taylor to the role.  Kye joined the Training Department 15 months ago as a New Controller TG Instructor. Having been involved in many projects including the development of th

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

[Appointment] Training Directors

Following the conclusion of the recruitment process started here, to replace Dan Crookes I am pleased to announce the DSG has agreed to make two appointments: We have appointed @Darren Hillas Pilot Training Director. Darren has been the Pilot Training Manager since January 2021 and has been crucial to the development of the pilot training courses during this time. In addition, Darren has begun to fill the gap left by the previous P1 rating, which especially catered to beginner pilots taking

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Happy New Year from Operations

It’s time for a quick ‘Happy New (AIRAC) Year’ from the Operations Department. I hope the festive period has allowed you some time to rest and recharge for 2022. It’s a privilege to take over this department from Jack, who’s led it since October 2020. We are going into 2022 with a strong and established team, which we’ll need to achieve all our plans and hit our deadlines for 2022. Thank you @Jack Edwardsfor all your efforts to bring the team to where it is, along with your personal contrib

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

On behalf of everyone in VATSIM UK, let me wish all of our community a happy and healthy Christmas and prosperous and enjoyable 2022! As 2021 draws to a close, we reflect on another turbulent and challenging year outside of the network. While many of us had a return towards normality in the summer and autumn, we have seen widespread distruption for many celebrating with friends and family this week. Additionally, we have the prospect of a new year which is likely to bring new restrictions a

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Training Directors

Following the resignation of Daniel as our Training Director. This post begins the recruitment process for director(s) of training to replace him. Please note that this will be a slightly different recruitment process than for other recent vacancies (see below for more details*). Expressions of Interest close: 21 December 2021 The ATC Training Director shall: ● be delegated general responsibility for ATC training by the Division Director(s); ● develop, directs, and implement new

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

Christmas & New Year 2021-22

Hi all, Another year, another Christmas holiday period! As we all take some time away to spend with friends and family, training activity will inevitably decrease from its current level. From Monday 20th December to Sunday 2nd January (inclusive), training staff will not send out the normal session request/availability reminders. If you’re a student training in one of our programmes - pilot or ATC - you will not be required to have a session request or availability entered into the CT

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Training

[Appointment] Operations Director

The division has concluded the recruitment process for the vacant Operations Director position following the resignation of Jack Edwards. As a result of this process, I am pleased to inform you that @Kieran Hardernhas been appointed to this role. Kieran is a long-standing member of the network; most recently he can be found as a member of the Supervisor team as a Team Lead and spearheading the twice yearly Cross the Pond event. Kieran is familiar with the work of the Operations Department h

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Staff Changes

Training Director Resignation

Hi everyone, Over the past 5 years, I have had the pleasure of being part of what can only be described as a community teeming with enthusiasm, knowledge and the will to want to help others. As with most commitments, there comes a time when it is appropriate for the baton to be passed on. To say that I have enjoyed the past 5 years wouldn’t do it justice.  I will see the department into the new year followed by the commencement of a recruitment period for the role(s) in January 2022.

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Operations Director

This is notification of the beginning of the application process for the position of Operations Director  Application Closing Date 18 21 November 2021  The Operations Director shall: sit on the Division Staff Group have responsibility for the maintenance of and publishing of the UK Sector File together with supporting volunteer members with training and guidance. have responsibility for the maintenance of and curation of the UK Controller Pack. maintain an

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

Visiting and Transferring Controller Update

Over the last few months, we have been conducting a review of the Visiting and Transferring Controller policy. The following changes will make the process more open and fair and are provisionally effective from 1st January 2022. NB: we are not yet accepting new applications from new visitors or applications from current visitors wishing to upgrade - there will be an announcement when this changes. New Visiting Groups  The aim of the new Visiting and Transferring training process (

Lee Roberts

Lee Roberts in Member Services

ATC Training Update

Hi everyone, Firstly, I hope everyone enjoyed CTP! It seems like the event was a gleaming success, and it certainly was enjoyable from the controlling side! I just wanted to update you on a few remaining projects we hope to launch by the end of the year. C1 Moodle Course This is the final course to be released before having an entire library of eLearning courses for our S1, S2, S3 and C1 training programmes. We recently finished the content creation for this course, and it will

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Operations Director - Resignation

Good afternoon all. I've throughly enjoyed the last year as Operations Director, the swell in interest and commitment to the network from everyone in VATSIM UK has been a big wave to surf and I'm really proud of the work that everyone in the department has done since we all started last year. It's time for me to move on now and hand the role over to someone else. Before I go, I would like to give you all (the membership) an idea of what goes on behind the scenes and thank some of those

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in Operations

Global Control Adminstration Policy (GCAP) feedback

The UK Division has provided a lengthy feedback document privately to the authors of the new global controller administration policy (GCAP). We are broadly supportive of a new policy which unifies some of the key policies which determine how many elements of our division operate. With this in mind there are some concerns which remain in the current draft. We believe it is especially important to ensure that all divisions are treated equally; regardless of their (internal) structure. In addition,

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Midweek Madness Ends

Hello Everyone,   After much consideration, the Marketing Team have decided that the weekly Midweek Madness events will not continue into October, thus Manchester Midweek Madness on the 29th of September will mark the final installment of the event for the foreseeable future. When the event started in February 2020, we did not expect it would grow anywhere near as popular as it currently is. For those of you who were active on the Network prior to the pandemic, ATC coverage was th

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in Marketing

[STAFF CHANGES] Tower TG Staff Changes

Hi all, In light of the recent interviews that have been conducted for a new Tower TGI, I am delighted to announce that @Matthew Dean will be joining the training team in this position. Matthew is extremely keen to continue our venture towards a structured initial training plan, and shared some great ideas with the team during his interview. With him, Matthew brings a wealth of real-world experience including currently undergoing training in the real-world ATC environment which, as we

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Member Services team changes

Hi all, @Luke Peters Has decided to step down from his role on the MS team. I would like to thank Luke for his hard work and dedication he has put into the team and the community over the last year. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to announce that @Dale Stainrod will be joining the team as a Member Services assistant. I wish him all the best in his new role and look forward to working with him. Welcome to the team Dale!

Lee Roberts

Lee Roberts in Staff Changes

S1 Syllabus and Lesson Plans Release!

Hi all, Marking the end of a year-long project for the New Controller TG, including six months of trials with groups of students and mentors, we’re pleased to announce the introduction of a series of structured lesson plans for S1 students. The practical component (part two) of the S1 training programme will now consist of a series of four sessions, which students will move through sequentially to apply the knowledge obtained from the programme’s theoretical component (part one) to sce

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

[Appointment] Member Services Director

Following our recent vacancy for a new member services director, I am delighted to report that @Lee Robertshas been appointed to this role. Lee has a wealth of experience in the division and the network overall - having worked with the vSOA team at VATSIM.net and within the training department at VATSIM UK during the recent few years. Harry and Lee will work in parallel for the next few weeks as Lee gets up to speed. We thank Harry for his efforts in running this department and w

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Member Services Director

During the last ten months, Harry Downton has led the Member Services Department as the scope of their work has broadened. During the same period, Harry has been lucky enough to begin a new role with a technology company in the North of England. His (real-world) role has since been expanded and he will begin more nationwide work during the last quarter of 2021. As well as having to balance his personal and work life, it seems that it will not be possible for him to also dedicate the amount of ti

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

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