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UK Controller Plugin 5.0.0


About This File

UK Controller Plugin.

Useful Links

If you have trouble loading the plugin, please ensure that you install the latest x86 version of Visual C++ Redistributables, available from https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe.

What's New in Version 2.6.0   See changelog


- Add TAG item for "Enroute Release Point or Blank". This allows controllers to avoid cluttering up their TAGs when there is no information to be displayed.
- Add integration framework to allow other applications and plugins to communicate with UKCP and alter its data.
- Add RECAT-EU Functionality:
- Add TAG item for UK Wake Category without aircraft type.
- Add TAG item for RECAT-EU Category.
- Add TAG item for UK/RECAT-EU combined.
- Add TAG item for Aircraft Type / RECAT-EU Category

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