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[MINUTES] DSG Meeting - 23rd April 2017

All, The minutes of the most recent DSG Meeting are now available for download here. Moving forward, we hope to ensure the minutes are published in a timely manner. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to raise them below or in confidence via the Helpdesk. Thanks,


VATSIM UK in United Kingdom

Web Services Assistants

Hi all, I am pleased to announce that following the invitation of applications for Web Services Assistants, we have had three successful applicants who will be joining the Web Services Department. Craig Milne as a Development Assistant Craig has an impressive portfolio of projects that have allowed him to develop skills that will be invaluable to the Division in continuing to develop our web services for our membership. Josh Riley & Matt Collier as Support Assistants Both

VATSIM UK Web Services

VATSIM UK Web Services in Staff Changes

Cross The Pond Pilot Q&A

Evening All, It's CTP season again and as we have done in the past, the Pilot Training Department would like to invite all members to a Q&A session. The session will give pilots the opportunity to ask any questions they have about the event, from what to expect on the ground to how to give a position report. Joining me to answer your questions will be members of the pilot training team, @Simon Irvine & @Sebastian Rekdal - so come armed with your questions. We look forward to se

Gdpr Removed

Gdpr Removed in Pilot Training

Web Services Directors

With Ant leaving his position on the DSG I have been thinking on how best our web services should be managed. The work that the Web Services Department do for the Division has grown and grown over the past  18 months.  We are also part of the way through some major changes both to pilot and atc training as well as the move over to core. I have decided that it would best serve the Division if we split Web Services into two departments each with its own focus to help us with the changes

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in Staff Changes

Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Hello.   How are you today?  Have you done something with your hair?  It really suits you.   Theodore Roosevelt once said that "in any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing". Making decisions that are right, but aren't what you'd like in an ideal world are always going to be hard but after about a week or mulling over the different options to take, I think the decision I'v

Anthony Lawrence

Anthony Lawrence in Web Services

Changes to Waiting Lists

Hi all, As part of our effort to speed up training and make training more efficient, we are changing the way training places are allocated. As of now we will be requiring students to have at least 12 hours in the last 3 months on UK ATC positions to show activity on the network. We have been seeing students that have been inactive/away for extended periods of time and then returning when offered a training place. Although this is great to see, it means that active students are then demotiva

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in ATC Training

Enroute TGM

All, Please join me in welcoming Oliver Parker to the ATC Training department as the new Enroute Training Group Manager (TGM). He takes over the reins from Matt Weddell who has done a fantastic job of London RTSM for the last few years. We wish Matt well Olly will be coming up to speed over the next few days and weeks so please give him and Matt some time for the transition and for Olly to settle in. All the best to you both!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Operations Manager

I am delighted to announce that Chris Pawley is our new Operations Manager. Chris is no stranger to most of you and he brings a wealth of experience to the role.  Chris will move into Operations from his current training job. I would like to thank Harry for his work in setting up the department and his hard work during his time on staff. Thanks    

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in Staff Changes

P3 (VFR Pilot) Promotional Video

Evening all, Recently we have launched the P4 IFR Pilot rating and the initial expression of interest was unbelievable! We have already issued 6 P4 ratings within the past 3 weeks and have got more exams planned. We would just like to thank all of the community for the amazing support and interest you have expressed, without the support, time, and dedication received from the community it would not be possible for us to produce and run courses. With the release of the P4 we also launched a

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Pilot Training

P4 Launched!

Good Evening, Well, PMDG have made a big release today so we thought, why not do the same! The P4 (IFR Pilot) Rating is now LIVE! If you are interested in signing up for the P4 course, please send us a ticket via the Helpdesk. I would like to say a big thank you to @Matthew Collier, @Rhys Marston, @John Livesey, @Oliver Gates and @Morgan Stone for helping us test the P4 rating which has been a massive success. Also, a big thank you to given to @Anthony Colduck for a

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Pilot Training

VATSIM UK Transferring Controller Process - Effective 1st February 2017

We have revised the process of how we handle Transferring Controller assessments into the United Kingdom. Effective 1st February 2017 the following processes will be followed: S1 Transfer Process   S2 and S3 Transfer Process     C1+ Transfer Process   When you have been accepted by the Community Department and transferred to the ATC Training Department for assessment you will be provided with more information and the required resources in order

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Marketing Manager

Folks Marketing and Community have always worked closely, and with the introduction to changes in the Community department this will continue at pace.   I have decided to merge the Marketing and Community departments.  This new department will be lead by Barrie Joplin. To maintain the focus on the day to day running of marketing and events I have appointed James Brierley to the role of Marketing Manager.  James will work into Barrie he will be in charge of all our social media out

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in Staff Changes

New CT S1 Training Programme Launched!

Hey folks, I'm pleased to announce the launch of our new CT S1 course. Main points: Comprehensive e-Learning/Moodle courses All S1 training completed within the New Controller Training Group All practical S1 training sessions conducted using London Gatwick   *Once process/event is complete, send a ticket to ATC Training to continue the process   I've just joined the New Controller Training Group (TG) - How do I join a Group session? You

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

ATC Training Department - Staff Structure

I am pleased to officially announce the new ATC Training Department's staff structure is as above with the following staff filling the roles as below: TG1 TGMs - Fraser Cooper, Paul Murphy, Nick Marinov TGIs - Gregg Donohoe, Michael Pike, Matthew Collier TG2 TGMs - Leon Grant, Oliver Rhodes TGIs - Johan Grauers, Charlie Watson, Luke Collister TGE (Enroute - EGTT, EGPX, EGGX) TGM - Matt Weddell TGI - Phillip Speer Heathrow TGM - Philip Harris TGI - Sebastian Rekdal New Co

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

VATSIM Connexion 2017: Website & Tickets Launched

Following on from the announcement last year that VATSIM would be holding a conference in London this summer.  VATSIM is delighted to announce that the website for Connexion 2017 has been launched and tickets are now available to book. This is a global convention open to all VATSIM members. The event website is here. The discussion thread is here.

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Nova sanguinem - Welcome to...

Following on with the Latin theme... I'm pleased to welcome the following to the ATC Training Department staff team: Gregg Donohoe - TG Instructor for TG1 Gregg is a long standing member of the Division having previously held various roles including SCONI RTSI - It's a real honour to have him back and brings a bucket load of experience, enthusiasm and knowledge to the role Charlie Watson - TG Instructor for TG2 Charlie has been heavily involved with the UK Division for the past co

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

CTS Phase 1 Preparation - Exitus acta probat!

Hi folks, In preparation for CT, myself and the Web Services team will be in the next 3 weeks merging all Training RTSs into the 2 new Training Groups (TG1 and TG2). As a student you may begin to notice small cosmetic changes to the CTS, however you should still be able to request mentoring provided you are listed as an active student with a mentoring place. For those members who are not currently training or are currently in a waiting list for training you will most likely receive an email

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Pollice verso (with a turned thumb - or some such Latin'ish blah-de-blah)

Dear All You have been used to being able to extend your thumbs in an upward direction, now it's time for something completely different (only not that different and basically exactly the same)..... In addition to the ability to 'thumbs up' posts within the forum, members will now be able to use 'thumbs down'. Presently you are able to 'thumbs up' a maximum of twenty times each day, this will continue; A maximum of two 'thumbs down' votes may be cast by any one member on any si

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

Change of Domain

All, As 2016 draws to a close and we start looking at the list of tasks that 2017 presents, we're presented with a great opportunity to start the year with a fresh domain to better represent the VATSIM UK brand (and make it slightly easier for folk to remember).  @Alex Hartshorne is working incredibly hard to ensure VATSIM UK is correctly represented and as such, from the 1st January, we'll be migrating to our new home - https://vatsim.uk  All old links will continue to work as expecte

Anthony Lawrence

Anthony Lawrence in Web Services

Gatwick eLearning Course (DEL/GND)

Hello all, Over the past months we have been writing a Gatwick Ground & Delivery familiarisation e-learning course. The course is now complete. You are now all able to self enrol on to the course. https://moodle.vatsim-uk.co.uk/ This course is designed for any member who wishes to further their knowledge of controlling either on Gatwick Ground or Delivery. Additionally, this will make up one of many future e-learning courses available for airfield familiarisation. These c

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

[MINUTES] CTIB Meeting - 16th December 2016

Hi all, I'm pleased to release to you the minutes of our last CTIB meeting. A massive thanks to Oliver Rhodes for doing a fantastic job of compiling a 3 hours meeting into the minutes you see here! Some fantastic progress made and great effort by all to date. Thanks, Sam

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Open Source Update - UK Sector File

I am pleased to announce that the migration of the UK Sector File Repository from GitLab to GitHub has now been completed - thanks @Neil Farrington! The new repository can be found here: https://github.com/VATSIM-UK/UK-Sector-File The first and most important thing is that you read (and understand) the Contributing guide which is attached to the project. As we go on it is the intention to develop the Wiki with details of how the sector file is generated from the repository, and a step-

VATSIM UK Operations

VATSIM UK Operations in Operations

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