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P3 Documentation Update

Evening all, This evening the streamlining of our training material has been completed with the update to all P3 (VFR Pilot) training material. Anyone wishing to download the pack can do so on the VATSIM UK download page or by clicking here. I would like to extend a thank you to @Oliver Gates who has led the development of the new P3 training material with contributions from @James Gibson.  If you would like to sign up for the course please open a ticket via the help desk with Pilot Tr

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Pilot Training

New VATSIM President

Folks Please see here.  Gunnar Lindahl  is VATSIM's new President (VATGOV1). Many of you will know Gunnar as a UK member and a former VATSIM UK Division Director. Well done Gunnar, very well deserved!!  Drinks are on you this weekend at Live!

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Training Group Instructor

Folks, It is my pleasure to welcome Jamie Paine onboard as Training Group Instructor for TG1. He will be working alongside Matt Collier and Nathan Donnelly building on the great progress that has been made there so far. Jamie is no stranger to the Division as he has many hours of experience mentoring and controlling on many airfields around the UK. I hope you enjoy your new role and I encourage all members and staff to help support him and his colleagues to keep VATSIM UK going from strengt

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Heathrow APC Validations

Dear all, I am pleased to officially announce that as of today, no Heathrow APC students will require an official and advertised validation/examination made by VATSIM UK. The new process is inspired by our previous changes with Heathrow Aerodrome, namely by letting our mentors sign off our students. The new process will be: the student passes the Heathrow APC e-Learning course; the student receives practical mentoring until considered capable of controlling Heathrow APC wi

Sebastian Rekdal

Sebastian Rekdal in ATC Training

ATC Instructors and Staff Changes

All, As I mentioned recently in this post the following Instructors have had their roles changed and it is my pleasure to appoint the following: George Wright - Appointed as a Senior Instructor (I3), previously Division Instructor. Andy Ford - Appointed as a Senior Instructor (I3), previously Division Instructor. Gregg Donohoe - Moved from TGI (TG1) to Division Instructor (I1)   The following members have relinquished their Instructor roles to pursue and concen

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

ATC Instructor Policy

Dear all, To make the Instructor processes and expectations more transparent amongst the Division I have decided to publicly publish our ATC Instructor Policy, available here. This lays down what is expected of an Instructor, how they are appointed and what their particular roles entail. Main highlights / changes: Instructor roles streamlined to 3 positions: Division Instructor (DI) - I1 rating - Responsible for UK-wide TWR and APP training and standards. Trai

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Web Services Assistant

Good evening all, Please join me in welcoming Nathan Davies to the Web Team as a Support Assistant. He will be working alongside Matt Collier to provide front-line support to members and staff. In addition, he will be working closely with Neil to help with the upkeep of our servers. His experience in SysAdmin in his profession will prove invaluable to the division in the management of our development environments, backups and other fun stuff.

VATSIM UK Web Services

VATSIM UK Web Services in Staff Changes

Emotions - to be worn on sleeves

Good evening all In preparation for the latest forum upgrade #shiny you may have noticed some older features being removed and some newer ones appearing.  One of the more noticeable appearances is the ability now to articulate your feeling about a post using emoticons.  This has now fully replaced the previous binary Like/Dislike system which didn't always really allow a good method of what you actually thought. So far we have 5 'emotions'  to choose from, these will increase over time

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

IFR Flight Instructor

Hi All, Unfortunately, @Fraser Cooper is no longer able to commit his time to managing the P4 course. With the rapid expansion of the New Controller process, Fraser has approached me and explained that he does not have the time to manage both and feels that it would be the best decision to step down and allow someone to continue leading the course. I would like to express my thanks to Fraser for his help during the development of the course and managing the course over the past six mon

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Pilot Training

New Deputy Division Director

I have been thinking about bringing a Deputy back for the past few months but have held off. It has not been easy as there are many people with the skills and attributes to do the UK2 job, and having been UK2 myself i know what it takes to be a great deputy. With this in mind I am delighted to announce that Nathan Donnelly has accepted my offer to be the Deputy Division Director.   Nathan is no stranger to the Division with previous staff roles in both pilot and more recently ATC

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Changes to CTS

Evening All, Recently, we deployed a number of updates to the CT System, as some of you may have already noticed by the large banner on your homepage. Over time, we're hoping to use the System Updates feature in the CTS to inform you of any important changes that may affect your use of the system. On this occasion, due to the number of changes and also because of the previous lack of use of the system updates, we are also using this forum post to let you all know the important bits that ha

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Web Services

Pilot Training Seminars

Hi All, Over the past month, the PTD has been testing the idea of seminars specific to each of the courses we offer (P1/2/3/4). After conducting several seminars and receiving very positive feedback, we have decided to continue with the seminars.  There will be a minimum of one seminar for each course every month led by the relevant Flight Training Instructor or a small group of mentors. The seminars will be run initially for the P1 (Online Pilot) and P2 (Flight Fundamentals) cour

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Pilot Training

S1 Aerodrome Familiarisation Sessions

Hi folks, We are excited to announce a new training opportunity for S1 members. Any member within VATSIM UK who holds an S1 rating will now be able to request Ground and Delivery aerodrome familiarisation sessions.  These sessions are run by our ‘experienced’ S1 members. These members have been trained to offer mentoring sessions both on Ground and Delivery. We are now offering further training for both EGKK - London Gatwick and EGCC – Manchester. What will the mentoring sessions includ

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Updated Observer Training Process

Dear all, From today, we are slightly adjusting the way we do our OBS-S1 controller training. Thanks to the hard work of Fraser Cooper, Luke Collister and Leon Grant we are now in a position to utilise Manchester in addition to Gatwick for our initial Part 2 sessions. The new process is shown in the diagram below:     The majority of the S1 progression path remains largely unchanged. More information of the new optional further training sessions on Gatwick or Manchester

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

VATSIM UK Live! 2017 - Bookings Open

We are delighted to announce that bookings have opened this evening for VATSIM UK Live! which is taking place on the weekend of the 26th and 27th of August at Conference Aston. Tickets are priced at £30 for the weekend, or £20 for one day. We have also worked with Conference Aston to provide options for on-site accommodation (incl. breakfast). For more information on pricing, or anything about the weekend, visit the Live! website. We have also provided more detailed information about the

Kris Thomson

Kris Thomson in United Kingdom

Pilot Training Director

I am delighted to announce that Daniel Crookes is the Division's new Pilot Training Director. Daniel has been a driving force in the PTD over the past year and will build on the successes that have already been made in the department. I would like to thank James Mack for his tenure as Pilot Training Director.  Daniel and James will be working together for a smooth handover. Congratulations Daniel!!

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in Staff Changes

New Feedback System

Folks I am delighted to announce that we have developed a new feedback system. The new system is built within Core and will allow you to give feedback, positive or negative, to UK based controllers. Feedback for pilots will follow shortly. The feedback that is submitted will be used in three ways... Review our training program based on trends identified in feedback that has been submitted. Pass on positive feedback directly to members. Ensure members with consiste

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Heathrow TGM

It is my pleasure to announce Oliver Rhodes as the new Heathrow TGM, leaving the TGM reins of TG2 solely now with Leon Grant. This follows a readjustment of the ATC Training department following the Training Group introduction a few months ago. I'm sure Oliver will do a wonderful job and he will still be mentoring and assisting TG2 when he can! Well done Oliver, thanks for all you've done for TG2 so far and enjoy your new role!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

ATC Training Department

Hi folks, Following a small review of our current team, it has been decided that Mike Pike will be changing from a Training Group Instructor to a Division Instructor. It is also a pleasure to welcome Nathan Donnelly to the team as a Training Group Instructor for TG1. Nathan has particular expertise on Gatwick which will be a valuable asset to the team. Please join me in wishing them both well in their new roles.

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

[11.6.17 - 1830z] VATSIM UK Townhall with Kyle Ramsey

Folks I am delighted to announce that the VATSIM President, Kyle Ramsey will be holding a Q&A on Sunday 11th June from 1830z-1930z.  This will take place in the VATSIM UK teamspeak. You will have the chance to ask Kyle a question on the night, or if you cant be there or want to put ask as question in advance please use this link or send a question via @vatsimuk using #vuktownhall. We look forward to seeing you there.      

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

VATSIM UK Live! 2017 - Announcement

We are delighted to announce that this year’s VATSIM UK Live! event will take place on the weekend of the 26th and 27th of August at Conference Aston. Live! is an annual real-world social event which is organised to allow VATSIM members, be that Pilots or Controllers, to meet and work alongside each other. During the event, attendees will be working together in close proximity, which adds a new element to "as real as it gets".   Our venue, Aston Business School, is home

Kris Thomson

Kris Thomson in United Kingdom

Paul Murphy

Hi folks, Paul Murphy is stepping down as TGM after dedicating many hours to the network first as SCONI RTSM and as that role evolved into the TG Manager position. We wish him well and a big thanks to everything he has given the Division over the last couple years! All the best Paul and don't be a stranger!  

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

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