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Contributors to this blog

  • Loui Ringer 19
  • Ben Wright 8
  • Layth Al-Wakil 6
  • Trevor Hannant 3
  • Barrie Joplin 2
  • Alex Ashley 2
  • Harrison Grose 2
  • Thomas Hallam 1

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Graphics Team

🖌️ Want to join the VATSIM UK Graphics Team? 🖌️  We are looking to expand the VATSIM UK graphics Team! This is a team of people who assist the marketing department with the creation of event banners and various graphics for the social media and forums.  If you want to join please create a banner using the below parameters and email it to "[email protected]" with your Name by 8/02/24 "Glasgow Overload - 24/01/24 - 1200z - 1500z - Full staffup of Glasgow" Please be as adventu

Thomas Hallam

Thomas Hallam in Marketing

Marketing Appointments

Recently, the Marketing Department advertised a new position within our team. We received many applications and, following a competitive hiring process, have decided to appoint two new members to our team. Firstly, we welcome @Luke Thompson into the department under the role of Events Manager. Luke is no stranger to the department and has been contributing to the graphic design and livestreaming teams for a number of years. Luke will mainly be working alongside Ben Wright to help organise o

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Marketing Events Update

Hello Everyone,   First of all I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the new year. Loui, Piers, and I decided it might not be a bad idea to give an update of our plans for this year, as it's been over a year and a half since the last announcement! Following our usual break at the beginning of the calendar year, we have moved into full steam ahead with events. We are aiming for two per month, excluding GA events, which Piers will provide an update on in a separate post. An event ev

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in Marketing

Media Manager Resignation

Good morning,    Unfortunately I have to announce that @Thomas Greer will be leaving the Marketing Team, as Media Manager.  Tom joined the team in July 2020 to assist with the increased workload that came from our heavy COVID event schedules. Tom played a big part in the weekly management of Midweek Madness and domestic citypair event series. I would like to thank Tom for all of his work over the last few years! Tom has kindly offered to remain part of the Graphics & Rostering

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Midweek Madness Ends

Hello Everyone,   After much consideration, the Marketing Team have decided that the weekly Midweek Madness events will not continue into October, thus Manchester Midweek Madness on the 29th of September will mark the final installment of the event for the foreseeable future. When the event started in February 2020, we did not expect it would grow anywhere near as popular as it currently is. For those of you who were active on the Network prior to the pandemic, ATC coverage was th

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in Marketing

Future Long Haul Events

Good Morning All!   We hope you're all enjoying the warm weather and return of long nights at the pub (assuming you're over the age of 18 of course)! Over a year ago, we made a post outlining our plans for a long haul event series and polled the community on which destinations they'd like to visit. As the first lockdown restrictions came into full force we rushed to plan the debut event called Miami Vice, unsure of whether there would be sufficient demand for such lengthy events. Needl

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in Marketing

Changes to Midweek Madness

Hello Everyone!   Some of you may remember a similar post a year ago when we first floated the idea of a weekly event, how time flies! The event has since become synonymous with VATSIM UK, and we see huge crowds of pilots returning each week which speaks volumes for the quality of service our controllers provide. We're currently in a situation where due to the insane volume of traffic, we need a minimum of 7 C1 controllers to comfortably split London into manageable sectors and this is

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in Marketing

Events During This Time

Community, During this time of world crisis and advice to stay at home, the network traffic has increased. The increase in network activity has seen advantages to all departments; ATC Training have seen a large influx of mentoring sessions being conducted, as well as exams being pushed through. Web services have been working harder than ever to work on ensuring the systems that we use daily are up and running, as well as implementing new features. Operations have been able to approve and wo

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Midweek Madness - Feedback Wanted!

Hi Everyone,   As most of you are aware, we've been a trialling a weekly staff up event at Gatwick for the last couple of weeks. So far it's been a great success, in fact it has already exceeded our expecations on just the amount of traffic we're able to attract on a Wednesday evening. We've had some valid feedback so far, including: Making the event banner clearer - i.e including 'Gatwick' in the title Moving the event around, so it's not just held at Gatwick every week

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in Marketing

Livestreaming Update

All, As you're probably aware, we run a live streaming series on our Youtube called "Behind the Scope". The series was set up over a year ago with the idea of attracting a live audience to see behind the scenes. The series really allows us to show members outside of the division what it's like to control, and how it looks from a controllers perspective. A few months ago, we brought this back with the plan of running Behind the Scope on the first Friday of every month, however, due to stream

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Audio for VATSIM Beta Test

All, VATSIM UK’s largest event of the year is this weekend, and we look forward to all VATSIM members experiencing the best ATC the UK has to offer! A large number of UK positions will be staffed live from a conference room in Birmingham, UK from 0900z - 2100z on Saturday 24 August and again from 0900z to 1200z on Sunday 25 August on our current codec, live on the VATSIM network. On Sunday the controllers will be shifting to separate audio for the VATSIM beta server, attempting the lar

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Exam Season Events (2019)

All, We all know that things quieten down during exam season, for this reason, the number of events in this time has decreased. I for one have recently returned from exam leave and I know that the vast majority still have a month to go.... good luck!! Our next event will be "On the rock", on the 23rd of June. Ben will return from leave in a few weeks, Harrison and I will be running the department for the time being.  Just a quick update about why our events have slowed down s

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Livestreaming Update: Behind the Scope

Hello All! I'm happy to announce that 'Behind the Scope' will be making a return to the VATSIM UK YouTube channel. However, we obviously cannot proceed without your involvement! We are looking for people to live stream their controlling sessions directly onto the YouTube channel, for everyone to see. They will need to read the live chat and, if able, verbally answer ATC related questions that the viewers may have. (Responding verbally to the live chat is not 100% mandatory, dependant on

Harrison Grose

Harrison Grose in Marketing


Good afternoon, In the marketing update, I said that people interested in making some banners could help out. I had 16 people express interest, so I made a "Graphics Team". Since March, the Graphics team have been sharing knowledge and expertise in areas of Photoshop and Marketing. We are lucky to have people who are studying this in education or work in marketing. They have been making event banners, graphics for announcements, badges for forum awards, posters for pilots and advertisements

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Informal Staff-Ups Introduction

Alright buds,   I know I'm a bit late with this post, but for those of you who haven't already noticed, we have now introduced something called Informal Staff-ups. The idea of the staff-ups are to encourage groups of people to staff up their favourite airports, and we will then advertise them accordingly. This should increase the amount of traffic you'll receive, and make your time on the network more enjoyable. The full details are explained on the forum post here, but we just want to

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in Marketing

Marketing Update

All, I have taken over from Trevor and I am settling into my position as the Marketing Director for VATSIM UK. This post is for me to provide an update to the community regarding the marketing department. I’d like to say a thank you to Trevor for his work; he has laid an excellent foundation for me to build on. Events:  I am looking to move events away from Saturday evenings; this is due to feedback from the community. Friday evenings, Saturday/Sunday lunchtimes are something to

Loui Ringer

Loui Ringer in Marketing

Livestreaming - Cross The Pond

As we draw near to the start of this year's Cross The Pond Eastbound, we're looking for controller's who are willing to showcase their skills and VATSIM UK on our YouTube channel. We would like to invite all rostered on one of the Manchester or Area positions that meet the following criteria to apply to contribute their time to producing a livestream event.  You will be provided with help and support with the interface and relevant materials. Members wishing to apply must be: S2

Trevor Hannant

Trevor Hannant in Marketing

Events - Summer Season

Over the past few Events, getting the number of controllers we need to cover them comfortable has been more of a challenge than it was earlier in the year so we've decided to take a short break from running any for a few reasons: - it's Exam season and some pilots/controllers have these to concentrate on - summer holiday season (for some) - some controllers (in particular) may be "Event-ed out" As exam season is now under way and as some of you head off to sunnier locations (if it

Trevor Hannant

Trevor Hannant in Marketing

Livestreaming - An Update

All, If you follow us on our social media platforms, you’ll probably have seen that in the last few weeks we’ve been running a series of livestreams on our YouTube channel, focusing on 'Behind the Scope'. These livestreams have been running as part of a trial to examine the feasibility and demand for more regular episodes for the community. We’re pleased to report that the response to these livestreams has been exceptional, with a live participation/interaction ranging from 20 - 35 vie

Alex Ashley

Alex Ashley in Marketing

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