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  • Barrie Joplin 9
  • Leon Grant 2

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Entries in this blog

Stepping Aside

Hi all, Alongside the rest of the Community Team, I will be stepping aside from my role. I would like to thank everyone that I've worked with in both ATC Training and Community, in particular @Barrie Joplin, @Nick Marinov, @Alex Beard and @Oliver Rhodes (without whom I would've probably experienced at least 17 mental breakdowns by now ?). All the best! Leon ?

Leon Grant

Leon Grant in Community

Evolution and change

Dear All The community team will be stepping aside from their roles to make way for something shiny, new, and hopefully much better in the department's place.  With Nick successfully applying for the region membership role back in March (congrats @Nick Marinov), that leaves only Leon and me. Thank you to all of the people I have worked with for giving up their time to help make the network a better place (except @Leon Grant who quite frankly was a massive pest ?). Be good to one a

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast...

Dear All, I am very pleased to announce the brand new awards system for VATSIM UK members. The community team has been extremely busy over the past 8 months managing some very exciting projects which we hope will improve the experience of our members. This is just one of the new programmes we have planned for the future and we are very happy to be able to release this to the membership. Each department has their own set of awards which can be granted to members upon completion of

Leon Grant

Leon Grant in Community

TeamSpeak kick grace period

Dear All After taking into consideration all of the comments and suggestions regarding this, while being mindful of trying to cultivate an environment where there are active people to speak with, the TS bot will be updated by 06:00z 23/02/2018 to the following grace period: All* rooms within the UK TeamSpeak will have a 60 minute grace period before a member is kicked automatically by the TS Bot for being idle. *Idle times in the following rooms will be ignored by the bot: C

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

Emoticons and Reactions

Dear All Today I have suspended the use of emoticons and most of the reactions on the forum pending review of the system and how it works with the new features being introduced later this quarter. WHAT!? The community team shall attempt to get through everything we need to as quickly as is possible, however this is realistically likely to take a number of weeks. Many thanks Barrie

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

Emotions - to be worn on sleeves

Good evening all In preparation for the latest forum upgrade #shiny you may have noticed some older features being removed and some newer ones appearing.  One of the more noticeable appearances is the ability now to articulate your feeling about a post using emoticons.  This has now fully replaced the previous binary Like/Dislike system which didn't always really allow a good method of what you actually thought. So far we have 5 'emotions'  to choose from, these will increase over time

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

Pollice verso (with a turned thumb - or some such Latin'ish blah-de-blah)

Dear All You have been used to being able to extend your thumbs in an upward direction, now it's time for something completely different (only not that different and basically exactly the same)..... In addition to the ability to 'thumbs up' posts within the forum, members will now be able to use 'thumbs down'. Presently you are able to 'thumbs up' a maximum of twenty times each day, this will continue; A maximum of two 'thumbs down' votes may be cast by any one member on any si

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

Home is where the heart is...

Dear All From 00:01z Thursday 15th December, you will be asked if you would like to select one of 8 region-based communities from the following list: Scotland | Northern Ireland | Northern | Wales | Midlands | East Anglia | South West | South East Members do not have to join a community in which the facility they are training at is based.  There may however be benefit for the member to choose the community in which the majority of their day-to-day VATSIM activity (flying/controlli

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

“You used to be much more...muchier. You’ve lost your muchness.”

Dear All VATSIM UK is pleased to be able to introduce a region-based community structure of colloquial delights, with a drop of slight insanity better to accommodate the mixed bag of nuts we all make up. Starting 15th December 2016, you will be invited to join one of the new 9 region-based communities: Scotland Northern Ireland Northern Wales Midlands East Anglia South West South East British Overseas Region-based commu

Barrie Joplin

Barrie Joplin in Community

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