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Contributors to this blog

  • Chris Pawley 44
  • Simon Irvine 37
  • Daniel Crookes 27
  • Ben Wright 22
  • Nathan Donnelly 5
  • Kris Thomson 2
  • VATSIM UK Web Services 2
  • Andy Ford 2
  • Oliver Rhodes 2
  • Adam Arkley 2
  • Gdpr Removed 1
  • Loui Ringer 1
  • Adam Farquharson 1
  • Kieran Hardern 1

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Entries in this blog

GCAP Update 1 : Roster and Waiting List Changes

On 1st March, GCAP will be fully implemented worldwide. This brings some necessary changes to some of the processes in the UK as well as offers some opportunities. Updating you about all of these changes at once is not possible, so, today we are informing you about some of the first changes you can expect - the introduction of a Controller Roster and changes to Waiting Lists. Changing from one system to another will introduce challenges for old vs. new systems and ensuring parity for all members

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Training

December 2023 Update

Hello Everyone,   Before people start heading away for the Christmas break, I wanted to take the time to formally introduce myself, as I am conscious that many of us have not had the pleasure of meeting before. I am no stranger to VATSIM UK, having joined the Division in early 2016 and, for the last four and a half years, I have served as the Marketing Manager under Loui Ringer's leadership. During this time, I have risen to the somewhat dizzying heights of VATSIM Network Supervisor, B

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom

New VATSIM UK Division Director

I am delighted to announce the appointment of @Ben Wright as the new VATSIM UK Division Director, effective immediately. Ben brings nearly 5 years of invaluable experience within VATSIM UK in the Marketing team, recently running the day to day operations of the department.   Ben is no stranger to the network as a controller, pilot and also part of the Supervisor team. Ben has some fantastic ideas for the future of the Division. @Chris Pawley will help Ben transition into the r

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Marketing Department Changes

I am regretfully informing you that due to a change in personal circumstances I have received the resignation of Loui Ringer as Marketing Director. Loui has contributed substantially to the division’s events and marketing for many years and has become part of the furniture. The entire DSG thanks Loui for his extensive contributions which have had a visible impact on the division and its members. We wish him well for the next stages of his training.   Due to the widespread staff changes

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] ATC Training Director

As Adam is leaving his role as ATC Training Director, the DSG notes and thanks Adam for his contributions to the division over the last two years in this role and over the several years before this within the training department. We wish him luck for the future endeavours outside of VATSIM. We now begin the recruitment process for a new ATC Training Director to replace him. Application Closing Date 04th December 2023 2359z The ATC Training Director shall: be delegated general

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

[Vacancy] Member Services Director

The DSG thanks John for his efforts both on the DSG and in the Member Services Director role for the last year and a quarter. We wish him well for the hard work which is to come in his career and hope he enjoys the new view. We look forward to continued collaborating in his role at TGNC and hope that this training programme continues to flourish. This marks the beginning of the recruitment process for a new director of the Member Services Department. This role is the lead for th

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

[Vacancy] Enroute TGI

Following the resignation of Harry from this role, I know that the entire staff team will wish him well for the future. He has been nothing short of a foundational piece of what the division has in terms of resources, knowledge and technology for controllers, especially in the enroute context but also more broadly. As Kieran noted, Harry's contribution is felt by all current (and many future) members, and we will miss his enthusiasm for all things VATSIM UK. This marks the begin

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

ATC Training Director Resignation

I am writing to inform you that Adam Farquharson is leaving his role as ATC Training Director. Adam has recently been awarded a place on a highly competative course which will hopefully result in a new career in the aviation industry. Naturally, this will take over a huge amount of Adam's time, so it has been agreed that he will leave his role. Adam has held this role for the last couple of years and has worked with the team to develop training programmes across several ratings to provide s

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Staff Changes

Division Instructor Resignations

I have recently recieved the resignations of @Jack Edwards and  @Lee Roberts , two of the Division Instructors from the ATC Training Department. They have served in this role for several years and have made regular contributions to the running of the division - mainly behind the scenes - keeping examinations running, advising on procedure changes and revisions and providing input on many courses such as Military ATC endorsement and the Shanwick Oceanic endorsement. They have also been reliable a

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Staff Changes

VATSIM UK Division Director

Applications are now open for the VATSIM UK Division Director position. The Division Director is responsible for online activity growth, ATC provisioning, and ATC training within their division. The duties listed below are intended for further delegation, in part, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the Division Director. A Division Director is expected to be able to commit to at least 2 years in the role and should take this into consideration before applying. REPORTS TO: V

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in Vacancy

VATSIM UK Live! 2023 - Bookings now open

We are pleased to announce that tickets for VATSIM UK Live! are now available to purchase from our website (live.vatsim.uk). Here you will find tickets available for purchase, options for hotel accommodation as well as other information about the weekend. Due to the great support of members previously and the pricing from the venue this year, we’re offering an inflation busting price match to last year. Weekend tickets are available at £30 and day tickets are available at £20.   If you

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

VATSIM UK Live! 2023

The organisers of VATSIM UK Live! are pleased to announce that the next event will take place on 19th and 20th August 2023. The event will take place at Conference Aston, Birmingham. This is the only in-person event of the year for VATSIM UK. We look forward to welcoming all interested members to join us to fly, control and socialise during this weekend. Our event runs from 10am to 10pm on both Saturday and Sunday.   What is VATSIM UK Live!? This event is an in-person event hosted

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

DSG Meeting Minutes Published

This week, we have published several versions of the minutes of previous DSG meetings. This covers almost all of the meetings held in 2022. We plan a change in process to inform the community about the content of these meetings at a more regular interval moving forward.   On behalf of the DSG, Chris.

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

New Member Services Director

The DSG is pleased to announce that @John Batten is appointed as the Member Services Director. This recruitment round has been especially challenging as we negotiated this appointment with external parties and have held extensive discussions with the relevant applicants. Ultimately this has meant that our outgoing Member Services Director ( @Lee Roberts ) has remained in role much longer than anticipated in order to transition this function to our new appointment. For this we thank him. John is

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Training Department Christmas Message

Hi all, As we approach Christmas and new year, many of us will be taking a break from the network to spend time with our friends and families. With this training levels will inevitably decrease. Between 19th December and 2nd January (inclusive), Training Department staff will not be sending out the usual availability/session request reminders. All students (ATC or PTD), you are not required to keep your usual session request/availability during this time. Many Training Department

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Member Services Director

The DSG would like to thank Lee for his input in the running of the member services department and wish him the best as his career takes a new step into exciting opportunities. This marks the beginning of the recruitment process for a new director of the Member Services Department. This role is the lead for the Member Services Department which provides the main contact with members in ensuring their support needs are met and facilitating their experience within the division from Day 1 onwar

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

VATSIM UK Live! 2022 - Bookings Now available

We are pleased to inform you that bookings are now available for VATSIM UK Live! 2022 at Conference Aston in Birmingham, UK. You can book via our website - live.vatsim.uk Our event tickets will cost £20 for a single day (either Saturday or Sunday) or £30 for the whole weekend. Accommodation:- this is available at Conference Aston itself, we recommend either booking directly via their website or via a third party provider (hotels.com or booking.com) - this year there is no option to bo

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

VATSIM UK Live! 2022

VATSIM UK Live! Is pleased to announce that our event will return on the weekend of 13th & 14th August 2022 at Conference Aston in Birmingham. VATSIM UK Live! is an in person event - where members of the network join together to control and fly from the same room for two days.   We understand that this is at short notice, but working out how to best run an in-person event (including logistics, insurances etc.) is a challenge as we move out of the pandemic. As organisers, we wanted

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Update Terms and Conditions

The DSG has drafted new terms and conditions for the division's services. These will come into force on 20th May 2022. You can view both the new and old terms and conditions here:https://www.vatsim.uk/community/terms-and-conditions. Since our terms and conditions were last revised, the division has introduced a number of new platforms; notably Discord, and the majority of our activities have moved away from the forum and teamspeak. We have generalised our rules away from being platform spec

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

[Appointment] Training Directors

Following the conclusion of the recruitment process started here, to replace Dan Crookes I am pleased to announce the DSG has agreed to make two appointments: We have appointed @Darren Hillas Pilot Training Director. Darren has been the Pilot Training Manager since January 2021 and has been crucial to the development of the pilot training courses during this time. In addition, Darren has begun to fill the gap left by the previous P1 rating, which especially catered to beginner pilots taking

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

On behalf of everyone in VATSIM UK, let me wish all of our community a happy and healthy Christmas and prosperous and enjoyable 2022! As 2021 draws to a close, we reflect on another turbulent and challenging year outside of the network. While many of us had a return towards normality in the summer and autumn, we have seen widespread distruption for many celebrating with friends and family this week. Additionally, we have the prospect of a new year which is likely to bring new restrictions a

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Training Directors

Following the resignation of Daniel as our Training Director. This post begins the recruitment process for director(s) of training to replace him. Please note that this will be a slightly different recruitment process than for other recent vacancies (see below for more details*). Expressions of Interest close: 21 December 2021 The ATC Training Director shall: ● be delegated general responsibility for ATC training by the Division Director(s); ● develop, directs, and implement new

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Vacancy

Christmas & New Year 2021-22

Hi all, Another year, another Christmas holiday period! As we all take some time away to spend with friends and family, training activity will inevitably decrease from its current level. From Monday 20th December to Sunday 2nd January (inclusive), training staff will not send out the normal session request/availability reminders. If you’re a student training in one of our programmes - pilot or ATC - you will not be required to have a session request or availability entered into the CT

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Training

[Appointment] Operations Director

The division has concluded the recruitment process for the vacant Operations Director position following the resignation of Jack Edwards. As a result of this process, I am pleased to inform you that @Kieran Hardernhas been appointed to this role. Kieran is a long-standing member of the network; most recently he can be found as a member of the Supervisor team as a Team Lead and spearheading the twice yearly Cross the Pond event. Kieran is familiar with the work of the Operations Department h

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Staff Changes

Training Director Resignation

Hi everyone, Over the past 5 years, I have had the pleasure of being part of what can only be described as a community teeming with enthusiasm, knowledge and the will to want to help others. As with most commitments, there comes a time when it is appropriate for the baton to be passed on. To say that I have enjoyed the past 5 years wouldn’t do it justice.  I will see the department into the new year followed by the commencement of a recruitment period for the role(s) in January 2022.

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

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