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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

TG New Controller Update

Hello all, We wanted to give you all an update on TG New Controller and give some insight into what we have achieved over the past 12 months. New Controller has come a long way over the last year and below you can see some of our statistics: S1 ratings issued: 73 Group sessions held: 13 with 234 participants. Total mentoring sessions: 282 Average members joining TGNC per day: 3 Number of S1s requesting further familiarisation sessions: 37 New Mentors Over the past yea

Fraser Cooper

Fraser Cooper in ATC Training

Returning Mentors: An Exercise In Trust

Effectively immediately, we are going to be trialling out a new policy for mentors returning to us after a break from the network. In the past, returning mentors were usually subject to the same training regime as new mentors, which was often discouraging. We're still quite unsure about this one - with some good arguments both supporting and refuting the idea. So, we thought the best thing to do was give it a go and see how it pans out. The trial process as follows: If a mentor has been "s

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

British Summer Time (BST) ends Sunday 25th October at 02:00

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.  – Stephen R. Covey At 2am on Sunday 25th October the clocks will revert back by one hour. This means that 2am will immediately become 1am, generously providing us with another hour in our day! This means that you will receive back the hour in bed which was thieved in the Spring, nobody will have a clue which way up is, and most importantly working out times in the CT System will become simpler, following the trend below: 18:0

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

ATC Training Staff Changes

Hi all, As I'm sure many of you have seen, there have been some staff changes within the ATC Training Department in the last month. @Kye Taylor has stepped down from his role in the Tower Training Group (resignation post). Kye, I know I've said this privately but I'll extend the message (even more) publicly, you've had a huge effect on the training and experience on the network of hundreds of members. The difference you've made during a difficult time cannot be understated, thank you!

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

ATC Training Department - Staff Structure

I am pleased to officially announce the new ATC Training Department's staff structure is as above with the following staff filling the roles as below: TG1 TGMs - Fraser Cooper, Paul Murphy, Nick Marinov TGIs - Gregg Donohoe, Michael Pike, Matthew Collier TG2 TGMs - Leon Grant, Oliver Rhodes TGIs - Johan Grauers, Charlie Watson, Luke Collister TGE (Enroute - EGTT, EGPX, EGGX) TGM - Matt Weddell TGI - Phillip Speer Heathrow TGM - Philip Harris TGI - Sebastian Rekdal New Co

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

ATC Training - Review and Appointment

Good afternoon, all, I'm tremendously pleased to have been appointed as ATC Training Director and look forward to working with you all to improve the provision of ATC Training across the division. To those of you that have sent congratulatory messages; thank you - I appreciate them greatly. I realise that recent staff changes have caused some turbulence in the division, including within ATC Training and my thanks go to Kieran and the wider DSG for ensuring the smooth running of the departme

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Training Aerodrome Preferences

Under the old RTS' System and also under the early days of the new system, we took students aerodrome preference into account during the early stages of training and only offered the student a place when their chosen aerodrome came up. This sometimes led to students becoming disappointed in the waiting times if the student in front of them took longer to pass and thus held up a training place at their chosen aerodrome whilst their friends at other aerodromes passed before them. Under a new

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

ATC Rating Progression: The Story So Far

Hi Folks, We're now well into the second half of the year and I've taken this opportunity to have a look at the statistics and let you know how we're doing. The good news is, we're way way up on exam passes, compared to where we were this time last year! To this day in 2017, we had a total of 16 exam passes: 8 TWR 6 APP 2 CTR So far this year, we've had a total of 41 exam passes: 29 TWR 11 APP 1 CTR As well as the above, we currently ha

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

[Policy] ATC Training Handbook Updated

Hello The ATC Training Handbook has been updated to version 1.3. This updates most of our procedures and workflows to reflect the latest versions; seperates certain procedures for training towards the S1 rating and defines the new structure of hours requirements for those members wishing to achieve a C1 rating. Thanks to @Oliver Rhodes for drafting these changes. Chris

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in ATC Training

[Vacancy] New Controller Training Group Instructor

Hi all, I am pleased to announce that we are recruiting for a New Controller Training Group Instructor. This role will see you join with the current team in managing and developing training in the OBS-S1, Gatwick ground endorsement  AFIS/AGCS endorsement training programme. General responsibilities in the New Controller Training Group: ●    Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; ●    Select and train new mentors; ●    Maintain training standard

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Reciprocating Effort

The re-drafting of the training syllabus has brought with it an encouragement for students to learn on their own, by designating significant portions as self-taught. That is, the student is expected to read the material on their own and bring any questions to sessions, not expect to have it spoon-fed to them by mentors. Most of you have risen to the challenge with enthusiasm. Of course, there are still one or two who aren't reciprocating the effort that their mentors are putting in to train

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

VATSIM UK Transferring Controller Process - Effective 1st February 2017

We have revised the process of how we handle Transferring Controller assessments into the United Kingdom. Effective 1st February 2017 the following processes will be followed: S1 Transfer Process   S2 and S3 Transfer Process     C1+ Transfer Process   When you have been accepted by the Community Department and transferred to the ATC Training Department for assessment you will be provided with more information and the required resources in order

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Tower Training Group Instructor (TGI)

Hi all, I am pleased to announce that we are recruiting for a new Tower Training Group Instructor. General Responsibilities within the Tower Training Group: Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; Select and train new mentors; Review ATC feedback; Maintain training standards in their designated group (inc. by ‘sitting in’ on mentoring sessions & exams); Organise group seminars as appropriate; Issue SxVs in a

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Shifting Focus: Enroute Training

Having restructured the Tower and Radar training schemes, we are now in a position to take the final step, release of the first version of our restructured C1 syllabus. Thank you to everyone who commented and gave feedback. The key points of this re-thinking of our syllabus are as follows: A number of competencies have been designated as self-taught. In the past, these were included in practical mentoring reports, which led to some students assuming that the mentor would teach them. N

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

S3 Syllabus

In our quest to create a holistic ATC Training Syllabus and overhaul documentation associated with ATC Training, I am pleased to announce the next training syllabi as now been released - the S3 Syllabus. The new S3 Syllabus has been formatted similarly to the recent S2 Syllabus and is detailed below: Block 1 - Fundamental Approach/Radar Competencies: Block 1 aims to take students from zero experience to a solid understanding of S3 fundamental competencies. This includes Euroscope

Will Jennings

Will Jennings in ATC Training

Q3 2022 Review

Hi all, Last quarter there seemed to be some demand for ATC Training exam stats. We collect this information already for the region report which few people tend to see so I've decided to publish them in this post where more of you who are interested will be likely to see. Incomplete exams are excluded from the stats below: Exams S1: 16 exams, 16 passes S2: 6 exams, 6 passes S3: 2 exams, 2 passes C1: 0 exams, 0 passes Endorsements EGLL: 3

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

2024 - A Year in Review

Hello everyone! I've been sort of quiet with updates as life has gripped what little precious time I have and summarily taken it away from me, but I promised transparency and it wouldn't be the advent of a new year without a blog post now, would it!? Firstly, as ever, we need to recognise the contributions of our mentors, examiners and staff. Our department is one the most highly demanding across VATSIM and we deal with people from all walks of life, from all situations and with variou

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

TG Enroute - Appointment

Good evening all, I'm tremendously pleased to announce the appointment of @David Woodward who will lead TG Enroute moving forwards. Dave is no stranger to VATSIM, having led ATC Training in Bahrain as well as having previously been Division Director in VATSIM Sub-Saharan Arica. Dave's been a home member in VATSIM UK for some time now, mentoring in TG Enroute and sharing his expertise from his day job with both the ATC Training and Operations departments. As Dave is appointed, we must s

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

EGNX: Training Aerodrome Update

Effective immediately, East Midlands (EGNX) as a training aerodrome will be moving to TG2 from TG1. The training places of those who are already training on EGNX will not be affected. The trial of using East Midlands for training again went well and at present TG2 has a large number of students going through the system on a lower number of aerodromes (compared to TG1). We are therefore moving East Midlands to TG2 to increase the capacity. If in the future, TG1 starts to have capacity issues

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

TG TWR and TG NC Vacancies

The ATC Training department is recruiting for S2+ rated members to join our team in various roles. The role(s) The Training Department is responsible for developing and implementing training schemes for the award of VATSIM controller ratings. We are looking for members to join and work closely with our existing team to help us continue to deliver high quality training to our students and to improve the efficiency of training. On a day to day basis, depending on the strengths of the a

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

ATC Training Staff Changes

Hi all, @Reece Buckley and @Nathaniel Leff are both leaving their roles within ATC Training. Reece has been an integral part of the team in the recent months in which he has been managing approach training as the only TGI. Nathaniel leaves us after multiple years running Heathrow training as he acclimatises to a career change. I wish both of you all the best in any future endeavours and look forward to seeing you around on the network. Nathaniel will be sticking around while we search

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Temporary ATC Training Director

All, Due to unforeseen circumstances, Andy Ford will take on the role of temporary ATC Training Director with immediate effect. You may contact Andy via the helpdesk or via his private email account at [email protected]. Andy will be arranging the interviews with Alex for the TG2 Manager position in the next few days.  

Nathan Donnelly

Nathan Donnelly in ATC Training

Heathrow APC Validations

Dear all, I am pleased to officially announce that as of today, no Heathrow APC students will require an official and advertised validation/examination made by VATSIM UK. The new process is inspired by our previous changes with Heathrow Aerodrome, namely by letting our mentors sign off our students. The new process will be: the student passes the Heathrow APC e-Learning course; the student receives practical mentoring until considered capable of controlling Heathrow APC wi

Sebastian Rekdal

Sebastian Rekdal in ATC Training

[MINUTES] CTIB Meeting - 16th December 2016

Hi all, I'm pleased to release to you the minutes of our last CTIB meeting. A massive thanks to Oliver Rhodes for doing a fantastic job of compiling a 3 hours meeting into the minutes you see here! Some fantastic progress made and great effort by all to date. Thanks, Sam

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Division Instructors - Review and Appointments

As part of my review of ATC Training when I took on this post at the end of last year, I sought to understand the roles that are in place across the department, from department assistants to training group leads and mentors to division instructors. It's this latter group that is the subject of this blog post. For many, many years, division across VATSIM - including here in VATSIM UK - have recognised the experience and seniority of some of our most capable mentors through their appointment

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

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