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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

Military ACC Course - Released

We are pleased to announce the release of our Military Area Radar Moodle Course and the re-introduction of Military ACC endorsements. A massive thank you to Callum Presley and Lee Roberts for creating this course for us. The course is open to view to all members. Members holding a permanent controller rating of C1 or C3 and also a Military APC endorsement are invited to take the exam (please submit a ticket to the helpdesk to have the exam enabled) at the end of the course to gain their Mil

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Merry Christmas from ATC & Pilot Training

Merry Christmas from the Training Departments! We're entering that time of year where many of us have a little less time to spend online and as such you'll see less mentoring and a slower response time to tickets. From today (18th December) to Monday 8th January, students in both Pilot and ATC Training programmes are not required to have a session request or availability in the system. This includes those forwarded for exams, who should expect their exam to be conducted in January.  Be

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in ATC Training

Meeting Minutes: Multi Airfield Mentoring

Hi all, The ATC Training department recently held a meeting to discuss a proposal from our TGIs regarding how we might implement S2 -> S3 mentoring across multiple airfields, as part of the wider project of Central Training. At this time, no final decisions have been made. However, productive discussions were held and the proposal is now being refined to take into account points raised. The minutes for the meeting are available here. If anybody has any questions or wishes

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Matt Collier

Effective immediately, Matt has decided to step down from his role as TGI in TG1 in order to continue in his role as Web Services Assistant full-time. Thank you Matt for all your hard work in the ATC Training Department and best of luck in your continuing web role.

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

Leon Grant

Dear all, As per Barrie's post on 3 January, Leon has now left his role as TG2 TGM with the transfer of role now complete with James Edwards. I'm sure many of you are aware of the hard work Leon has put in during his time in his role, helping both students, the Department and the membership. On behalf of the ATC Training Department, I would like to thank Leon for his continued commitment and enthusiasm, and wish him luck with his new role as a Community Manager. Many thanks Alex  

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in ATC Training

January Changes

Hi all, After a few months of testing we are adjusting the way that ATC exams are picked up. Previously our Head Examiner has assigned exams to our examiners, the new method will allow examiners to pick up exams without waiting for them to be assigned. Our aim is to minimise the time students are waiting after being submitted for an exam. To ensure that examiner currency and any potential speculative bias is removed, we have set criteria that governs whether an examiner can  pick up and exa

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

James Edwards

Dear all, It is with regret that James Edwards has resigned from his role of TG2 Training Group Manager this afternoon, effective immediately. James has been maintaining the administrative operation (mainly behind the scenes) for TG2 for the past 6 months, ensuring that training runs smoothly for all involved. Please join me in thanking James for dedicating his time to the division. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

Introducing Training Tuesdays

Dear all, In conjunction with the Pilot Training team, I am very pleased to announce the introduction of Training Tuesdays. One of the biggest difficulties that the ATC Training Department face is generating enough traffic to make training viable on the live network, which in turn leads to mentors attempting to use Sweatbox more to generate traffic to train students. The vicious circle develops itself by pilots then seeing a lack of air traffic online in the UK and instead flying e

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Increasing Access To Moodle

We have completed the process of opening up our online learning (Moodle) courses to make them viewable by all members, regardless of rating or training status. To access a course, simply go to the course and self-enrol. By doing this, we are looking to give students and rated controllers alike the opportunity to read training material at any time and take control of their own learning. We will, however, be restricting access to the "final exam" part of each course to only the students that

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Hello and moving forwards...

Hi folks, First of all, a big thank you to Adam for all of the fantastic progress he made as ATC TD - I hope to build on the great work we started together and see it through to fruition. Secondly, regardless of past confusion or posts - Central Training is still going ahead. In the coming months I am keen to update the membership regularly on the CTIB's (Central Training Implementation Board) progress on delivering CT in its various phases. We will be rolling it out in phases for

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Heathrow Training Group Instructor

We are pleased to announce that James Yuen has been appointed as the Training Group Instructor for TG Heathrow. James will be working closely with Oliver and myself to re-ignite the S2->S3 training program at Heathrow, details of which will be announced over the next week. Good luck, James!

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

Heathrow TGM

It is my pleasure to announce Oliver Rhodes as the new Heathrow TGM, leaving the TGM reins of TG2 solely now with Leon Grant. This follows a readjustment of the ATC Training department following the Training Group introduction a few months ago. I'm sure Oliver will do a wonderful job and he will still be mentoring and assisting TG2 when he can! Well done Oliver, thanks for all you've done for TG2 so far and enjoy your new role!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Heathrow TGI Vacancy

Following Nathaniel's resignation, we begin the recruitment process for a new Heathrow TGI. The role The Training Department is responsible for developing and implementing training schemes for the award of VATSIM controller ratings. We are looking for someone to join our existing team to help us continue to deliver high quality training and a great standard of Heathrow controllers. Role Description Have overall responsibility for training within the Heathrow TG; Select

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Heathrow TGI Resignation

Hi everyone, I have taken the unfortunate decision to leave my role as Heathrow TGI. I have loved people part of the VATSIM UK team for the past few years and will hopefully try it out again in the future, but with my limited amount of time currently and slight burn out from VATSIM, I feel that it would be selfish for me to hold on to the role, so therefore I am passing TGI on to someone with new and fresh ideas that can benefit the division. I joined the staff team in February 2019 (crazy

Fergus Walsh

Fergus Walsh

Heathrow TGI Appointment

I'm happy to announce that @Fraser Cooperhas been appointed as the Heathrow TGI. Fraser brings with him a wealth of experience of multiple ATC Training roles (and other staff positions) both in the UK and throughout other divisions on the network. Over the last few days Fraser has been picking things up from Nathaniel and he will soon be up to speed with Heathrow. I'm excited to see what changes Fraser's appointment will bring to Heathrow. Welcome to the team Fraser!  

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Heathrow Instructor Staff Changes

Evening everyone! I am pleased to announce that @Fergus Walsh will be moving over to the Heathrow Training Group to work with @Nathaniel Leff, our current Heathrow TGI! Fergus has been a part of the TGNC team for just over two years and has without a doubt, been a key player in maintaining our flow of new students and constantly updating and developing our training programme. He will be initially moving over for three months with the view to review after that period has elapsed. This will o

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Heathrow Ground Training

Dear all, On behalf of the Heathrow RTS, I am pleased to inform you all that we have successfully completed the Heathrow GMC Training Trial (LL GMC Trial). This trial has indeed made a huge impact on how the Heathrow RTS will deal with training requests in the future. Our primary focus is to reduce the amount of 'unnecessary' one-to-one mentoring sessions by delegating the responsibility of understanding the Heathrow theory to the student himself, through a self-study system. I am ther

Sebastian Rekdal

Sebastian Rekdal in ATC Training

Heathrow APC Validations

Dear all, I am pleased to officially announce that as of today, no Heathrow APC students will require an official and advertised validation/examination made by VATSIM UK. The new process is inspired by our previous changes with Heathrow Aerodrome, namely by letting our mentors sign off our students. The new process will be: the student passes the Heathrow APC e-Learning course; the student receives practical mentoring until considered capable of controlling Heathrow APC wi

Sebastian Rekdal

Sebastian Rekdal in ATC Training

Have Your Say: ATC Training

All, The purpose of this post is a general consultation of the membership regarding their opinions of the ATC Training Department and where its priorities should be over the next 12 months. Now I should start by saying that the department does have a vision for what it would like to achieve in the near future. This includes working towards reducing training times, mentor retention and also further developing our online learning resources - more consultations and opportunities to come i

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Get Involved: CT S3 Moodle Course

All, The ATC Training Department is looking for contributors to the ongoing development of our online self-learning moodle courses. The ultimate goal behind these courses is to shift the responsibility of learning towards the student, reducing the amount of theory that has to be explicitly taught in mentoring sessions. In turn, this will reduce the amount of mentoring sessions required to obtain a rating or endorsement by better preparing students for the situations that they will encounter

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

General Manager - ATC Training

Hi all, It is with great pleasure that I would like to welcome Oliver Rhodes into his new role as General Manager - ATC Training. Oliver will be leaving TGNC and TG Heathrow to manage the day to day running of ATC training and will be working closely with myself to help continue its development. This role will allow the day to day running of training and the development of training to be split between 2 people. This will enable the department to run in such a way that day to day activities

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

GCAP Update 3: Effect of Change

Good morning all, Yesterday, we processed the first roster update since GCAP went live on the 1st March. On the 1st March, we retained on the roster anyone who had controlled at all within the preceding 12 months, from the 1st March 2023 to the 1st March 2024. Thereafter, currency requirements dictate that to remain on the roster, a controller must control three hours within every fixed quarter; three hours between the 1st Jan and the 1st April, three hours between the 1st April and the 1st

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

GCAP Changes to Heathrow Training

Hello everyone, To comply with the introduction of the Global Controller Administration Policy (GCAP), we have made some changes to the way training is conducted within the Heathrow TG. Heathrow is now categorised as a Tier 1 airfield. For more information regarding GCAP, please see the VATSIM.net policy here.   Introduction of Heathrow GMP/GMC endorsements for S1 members With the implementation of GCAP, members who hold an S1 rating are now able to apply with Heathrow T

Fraser Cooper

Fraser Cooper in ATC Training

Gatwick eLearning Course (DEL/GND)

Hello all, Over the past months we have been writing a Gatwick Ground & Delivery familiarisation e-learning course. The course is now complete. You are now all able to self enrol on to the course. https://moodle.vatsim-uk.co.uk/ This course is designed for any member who wishes to further their knowledge of controlling either on Gatwick Ground or Delivery. Additionally, this will make up one of many future e-learning courses available for airfield familiarisation. These c

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Gatwick ADC Endorsement Syllabus

Hi all, We are pleased to release the new syllabus for members working towards their Gatwick ground endorsement. We are working towards releasing syllabi for all of our training courses whether that be for a rating or an endorsement in order to improve the continuity of mentoring provided and to make it easier for students to know what they are working towards. A big thank you to all of the Gatwick mentors who help review and provided some great feedback on the document! Thanks,

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

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