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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Hi all, I’m pleased to announce that @Charlie Watson will shortly be rejoining the VATSIM UK instructor team in a new role as the Enroute TG Instructor! Charlie first expressed an interest in the role when it was advertised last October, but opted to remain in his role as an Approach TG Instructor - a role which he left in March to move house and start a new job. He’s been quietly leading the development of our C1 Moodle eLearning course in the background, and seven months on he’s back

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Training Staff Changes (ATC)

Bon Soir! After a few discussions over the past couple of days, @Luke Collister is stepping down from his role of TGI for TG2 due to his availability and other commitments. With that being said, @Lee Roberts will move into the role of TGI for TG2 whilst retaining his current role as TGM - TWR for a short period.  Please join me in thanking Luke for his time as TGI and in wishing Lee Roberts good luck in his new role. Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Matt Collier

Effective immediately, Matt has decided to step down from his role as TGI in TG1 in order to continue in his role as Web Services Assistant full-time. Thank you Matt for all your hard work in the ATC Training Department and best of luck in your continuing web role.

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

ATC Update, Winter 2018

Hi all, As the year draws to a close, we wanted to give you all an update on what ATC Training has achieved over the past 12 months, and look forward to the next! Over the past year, we have: Issued 115 S1s (up by 51.3% from last year); Issued 58 S2s (up by 123% from last year); Issued 19 S3s (up by 46.2% from last year); Issued 4 C1s (down by 25.0% from last year, but the sample size is low - the absolute difference is by one); Inducted 90 visitors an

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

Heathrow TGM

It is my pleasure to announce Oliver Rhodes as the new Heathrow TGM, leaving the TGM reins of TG2 solely now with Leon Grant. This follows a readjustment of the ATC Training department following the Training Group introduction a few months ago. I'm sure Oliver will do a wonderful job and he will still be mentoring and assisting TG2 when he can! Well done Oliver, thanks for all you've done for TG2 so far and enjoy your new role!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Enroute TGM

All, Please join me in welcoming Oliver Parker to the ATC Training department as the new Enroute Training Group Manager (TGM). He takes over the reins from Matt Weddell who has done a fantastic job of London RTSM for the last few years. We wish Matt well Olly will be coming up to speed over the next few days and weeks so please give him and Matt some time for the transition and for Olly to settle in. All the best to you both!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

ATC Training

Dear all,  I am delighted to announce two changes to our ATC Training staff:  James Yuen will be joining us as a TGI for TG2, working alongside Luke and Johan to improve the training we provide. James is a highly experienced mentor who brings a lot to the table. He will be starting in his new role over the next couple of days. Welcome, James! Oliver Rhodes will be taking on an additional role, sharing the New Controller TGM position with Fraser. New Controller is our biggest tr

George Wright

George Wright in Staff Changes

TG New Controller TGMs

Dear all, Please join me in welcoming Josh Howker and Tom Szczypinski to the role of Training Group Manager in TG New Controller. Both bring their own unique set of skills to the table, and I look forward to working with both in greater depth. They will be working alongside Fraser and Oliver to help develop TGNC and the OBS process. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

Training Staff Changes

Evening all! On the theme of staff changes, we have some faces leaving us in Training - please see below a summary of who is leaving. @Ben Cook New Controller Training Group Instructor - Ben joined us in September last year where he worked alongside the rest of the team to maintain and develop our OBS-S1 and Gatwick endorsement training. He has been a key player in projects such as the introduction of our S1 syllabus, new S1 aerodromes, and Basic training.  Please join me in wishi

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

British Summer Time (BST) begins Sunday 31st March at 01:00

"There is nothing stable in the world; uproar's your only music." - John Keats At 1am on Sunday 31st March the clocks will advance one hour. This means that 1am shall immediately become 2am, thieving us all of an hour of our day, and @George Wright will spend the next six months dancing 'the funky chicken' whilst dressed as Bob the Builder. For those of you in other timezones: as you were. For those of us in the UK, we must now engage in intellectual gymnastics every time we use t

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

Shifting Focus: Tower Training

Following feedback received during and following the ATC Training Consultation, the department has been hard at work. One of the points raised during the consultation, that many of you have added your voices to since, is that as a division, we spend a lot of time in our training doing theory. Often, teaching the same thing multiple times and on topics that students should be able to learn for themselves. Some have gone as far as to say that some people expect to be spoon-fed information, like a

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Military Radar (APC) Moodle course RELEASED

A massive thanks to @Callum Presley and colleagues for their hard work developing and testing the new Military Radar (APC) course on our moodle platform. I'm delighted to announce that it is now available for S3s to enrol and complete. Once you have passed the Final Exam, simply submit a ticket to the Military RTS and we'll get the endorsement processed. It'll be great to see some more of our Military APP positions manned in the future. Enjoy!

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

TGNC TGI - Josh Howker

Evening all, @Josh Howker will be leaving the Training Department in his role as TGI. Josh has been a great addition to the team and has helped drive some great changes in TGNC. After recently obtaining his PPL he has decided it's time to put VATSIM aside for flying! Please join me in thanking him for his efforts in the Training Department and wishing him the best in his flying. Thanks, Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

James Edwards

Dear all, It is with regret that James Edwards has resigned from his role of TG2 Training Group Manager this afternoon, effective immediately. James has been maintaining the administrative operation (mainly behind the scenes) for TG2 for the past 6 months, ensuring that training runs smoothly for all involved. Please join me in thanking James for dedicating his time to the division. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

Samuel James

All, Unfortunately, Sam will be taking some time away from VATSIM due to ill health in the family.  George Wright has kindly agreed to look after the ATC Training Department in Sam's absence. Any ATC Training Management matters can be directed to George during this time, via the helpdesk.  

Nathan Donnelly

Nathan Donnelly in ATC Training

Paul Murphy

Hi folks, Paul Murphy is stepping down as TGM after dedicating many hours to the network first as SCONI RTSM and as that role evolved into the TG Manager position. We wish him well and a big thanks to everything he has given the Division over the last couple years! All the best Paul and don't be a stranger!  

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

January Changes

Hi all, After a few months of testing we are adjusting the way that ATC exams are picked up. Previously our Head Examiner has assigned exams to our examiners, the new method will allow examiners to pick up exams without waiting for them to be assigned. Our aim is to minimise the time students are waiting after being submitted for an exam. To ensure that examiner currency and any potential speculative bias is removed, we have set criteria that governs whether an examiner can  pick up and exa

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

S1 Gatwick Endorsements - Hours Checker

Hi all, From listening to the feedback we’ve had over the past few weeks about the recently introduced Gatwick endorsement scheme, we’ve realised that the requirements to start training for the endorsement could be made clearer.  From today, thanks to some fantastic work by the Web team, we’re introducing a new system to guide you through the process of gaining your Gatwick endorsement. If you are currently an S1-rated controller, you can go to this page to use the new system. If

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

Training Group 2 Manager

Dear all It gives me great pleasure to announce that @James Edwards will be joining the staff team as TG2 TGM. He will be replacing Leon, who will be transitioning into his role as a Community Manager. Both will be fulfilling the TGM role for now, while James gets to grips with his new role. Please join me in congratulating James on his new role. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

S3 Moodle Course Release

Hi all, Following the launch of the S2 Moodle eLearning course in December, we’re very excited to announce the launch of our S3 Moodle eLearning course! The course guides students through 14 sections, starting with some fundamental Approach Control concepts (e.g. a high-level overview of the principles of separation) and moving on to Altimetry and Meteorology, Navigation, Approach Control Principles, Equipment and Systems, Identification, Validation, and Verification, Appreciation of A

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

TG Enroute

Evening all, A small public service announcement! @Phillip Speer will be stepping aside from his role as TGI TG Enroute; he has built up enough of a pension (so he tells me...) to warrant just one staff position so will be remaining as a DI. With that being said, I have officially granted our in-house Norwegian a VATSIM pension, therefore, he will be taking on the role of TGI TG Enroute, @Sebastian Rekdal in case you know any more Norwegians! Sebastian will be carrying on the exce

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

S1 Syllabus and Lesson Plans Release!

Hi all, Marking the end of a year-long project for the New Controller TG, including six months of trials with groups of students and mentors, we’re pleased to announce the introduction of a series of structured lesson plans for S1 students. The practical component (part two) of the S1 training programme will now consist of a series of four sessions, which students will move through sequentially to apply the knowledge obtained from the programme’s theoretical component (part one) to sce

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

CTS Theory Exam and Training Place Eligibility Changes

Hi everyone, As mentioned in my recruitment post, in the past couple of months I’ve been looking at what quick changes can be made in order to improve ATC Training. My main focus is maximising the use of mentors time - feedback from mentors suggests that they spend a lot of time teaching theory that is already available through other resources (Moodle, Syllabus, vMATS etc.). Explaining the practical application of theoretical concepts is an important part of the role of a mentor and we want

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

E duobus unum: Merging Waiting Lists

Hi all, At the beginning of 2017, in the delightfully entitled post ‘Exitus Acta Probat’ (Latin for ‘the end justifies the means’, from the poetry of Ovid, if you’re interested), Sam announced the merger of the old RTSs into the Training Groups (TGs). One of the main reasons for doing so was to reduce the discrepancies in waiting times between the RTSs. In the same spirit, and following discussions with students, mentors, and staff, we have now merged the S2 and S3 waiting lists for TG

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

New CT S1 Training Programme Launched!

Hey folks, I'm pleased to announce the launch of our new CT S1 course. Main points: Comprehensive e-Learning/Moodle courses All S1 training completed within the New Controller Training Group All practical S1 training sessions conducted using London Gatwick   *Once process/event is complete, send a ticket to ATC Training to continue the process   I've just joined the New Controller Training Group (TG) - How do I join a Group session? You

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

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