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Contributors to this blog

  • Loui Ringer 19
  • Ben Wright 8
  • Layth Al-Wakil 6
  • Trevor Hannant 3
  • Barrie Joplin 2
  • Alex Ashley 2
  • Harrison Grose 2
  • Thomas Hallam 1

- Trevor Hannant

Trevor Hannant



Hi all.

After some careful consideration, I’ve tendered my resignation to the DSG.  I’ve accepted a new job which will involve some travel and significant work/study on re-training from my current skills hence leaving me with limited time to provide a firm commitment to the Division. 

I’d like to thank not only @Simon Irvine and the rest of the DSG for giving me the opportunity to provide support to the Division from “the inside” but to @Layth Al-Wakil, @Alex Ashley and @Loui Ringer who I’ve worked alongside in my time in the Marketing Dept. as well as to all pilots and controllers who’ve supported Events and other initiatives (not necessarily from my throughs/suggestions!) run by the department.

I’ll be around until the end of January or until such time as a successor is appointed and I hand over the reigns to them.

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Thank you for your hard work as Marketing. I've really enjoyed the events that you have contributed to.

Best of luck with your job!!
Fergus ?

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Fraser Cooper


Thanks for the time you committed Trevor. Hope to see you around here still. 


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Good luck at your new job, thanks for the time you have committed. Working alongside you has been great!

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Thank you for your commitment, Trevor, and good luck with your new job.

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Thanks for all your hard work on the staff team Trevor and good luck in your new job.

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Thanks for all your hard work! Best of luck with your new job, but I hope we still get to see about.

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Was fantastic working alongside you Trevor - although waking up bleary eyed to more requests for banners was hardly the highlight of my day... ?

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Adam Farquharson


Good luck in your new job. Your work was highly appreciated!

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Trevor Hannant


Thanks everyone.  I certainly plan to still control when I can so don't plan on being a stranger round these parts.

On 22/12/2018 at 18:03, Jonas Hey said:

Thanks for your time Trevor! Time to get on SCO?

If I can get the sessions, I'll be on!   Hopefully get my rating before I start the new role but we'll see!

On 24/12/2018 at 13:56, Alex Ashley said:

Was fantastic working alongside you Trevor - although waking up bleary eyed to more requests for banners was hardly the highlight of my day... ?

You loved it really...  ?

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Nathan Donnelly


Thanks Trevor for all your time during your tenure as Events Manager and Marketing Director.

I wish you all the best in your new job!

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Daniel Crookes


Thanks for all of your hard work Trevor! I wish you the best for the future.

Dan ✈️


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