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Contributors to this blog

  • Chris Pawley 44
  • Simon Irvine 37
  • Daniel Crookes 27
  • Ben Wright 21
  • Nathan Donnelly 5
  • Kris Thomson 2
  • VATSIM UK Web Services 2
  • Andy Ford 2
  • Oliver Rhodes 2
  • Adam Arkley 2
  • Gdpr Removed 1
  • Loui Ringer 1
  • Adam Farquharson 1
  • Kieran Hardern 1

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Entries in this blog

Division Conflict Resolution Manager

The appointment of Sean Reedman as the DCRM of the UK Division has now concluded.   Phillip Speer has accepted my invitation to take this role.   Sean has been a participant in running the division for a significant amount of time (circa 10 years) and has contributed many thousands of volunteer hours including as the division director. This has undoubtably shaped the division and contributed to our success in this time. We thank him for these contributions.   Philli

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Training Department Q1 2020

Afternoon Folks! I cannot say that 2020 has been a very nice time for any of us so far, nor can we even begin to understand how some people are being affected by these terrible times. But what I can do, is reflect upon the amazing work that you have all made possible through your contributions as pilots, students, mentors, instructors, chief tea maker, you name it and I guarantee you will have helped somewhere.   ATC Training We saw the beginning of the end for our Central Tr

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

Division Policy 7.3.0

Division Policy 7.3.0 is now in effect.   This policy is changed to reflect adjustments to the S1 training process as well as to introduce appointment limits to the position of Division Director and Deputy Division Director.   Chris

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

VATSIM UK Live! 2020

We are pleased to announce the return of VATSIM UK Live! for the 9th edition. We will return to Conference Aston (in the same room we used in 2019) in Birmingham on the 8th and 9th August 2020 (both days 0900z-2100z). Our website will shortly be updated to enable you to make bookings for the event and for car parking only - we will not be offering an option to book accomodation with us this year. If you require accomodation you can book via Conference Aston directly or via one of the t

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

New Division Director

The last few weeks have been busy, as you can imagine, but even so, this message is well overdue. Firstly,  thanks to those people who have taken a moment to welcome me to my new job. I have agreed with Simon that my appointment should be of fixed term, lasting no later than the 1st February 2022. At this moment there is an opportunity to terminate the appointment or to re-appoint me as division director - but this is a choice to be made by the regional director.   I am grateful to Simon

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

New VATSIM UK Division Director

Folks I am delighted to announce that Chris Pawley is the new VATSIM UK Division Director. Chris's near 2 decades of experience on the network and staff positions made him the ideal candidate to lead the Division into a new era. I will be doing a handover with Chris in the coming week and he will let you know when is in running solo. I would like to wish Chris, and you all,  the best of luck and thanks again for your support over the past 4 years.  

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

DSG Changes

Nathan Donnelly is standing down as Deputy Division Director with immediate effect. I would like to thank Nathan for his support and friendship over the past 2 and a half years that he has been in the role.  As Dan had indicated last month, Nathan will also be relinquishing his TG1 Instructor role.  

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Merry Christmas....and other news

I want to thank everyone who has helped the Division this year whether it be flying in for an exam, mentoring, helping with sector files, document writing, staff roles, the list goes on.  You have all had a part in making this a great year for the Division. 2019 was another great year for the Division with more training, some great events and fantastic member engagement meaning that documentation and sector files were up to date and we were at the forefront of the testing for Audio for Vats

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Christmas 2019

Hi all, Believe it or not, Christmas is just under one week away, so it is inevitable that activity on and around the network will reduce. From Friday 20th December to Thursday 2nd January (inclusive), training staff will not send out the normal session request/availability reminders. Students will not be required to maintain a session request or availability during this period. Reminders will be sent on or shortly after Friday 3rd, and students will have until the end of Friday 10th

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in United Kingdom

Member Support Department

Over the past few months, you may have heard some rumours about a new department in the Division (known to some as Department X ?).  I am pleased to say that I can give some more information on our plans. Since we disbanded the Community Department we have been looking at ways we can best serve you, if you are looking for help and support in the Division. The new department will deal with most of the administration that we deal with in the Division allowing the other departments to concentr

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Training Forums

Evening Guys! The below concerns all members currently training with us for an ATC or Pilot rating! We are very happy to introduce a new Training area on our forums. The Training Department forums are accessible to any current student training, mentors and training department staff. Upon being assigned to a TG for the purpose of training or mentoring, you will automatically be given access to view your TGs forum. The purpose of this forum is to provide students, mentors and staff

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

Training Department Q3 Review

Evening Folks!It’s that time again to have a look at what we have achieved last quarter.We’re fast approaching the end of the year and we’re still full steam ahead. Over the past few months, we have seen some new, and some not so new.. faces join the Training team.@Ben Cook has taken over from @Josh Howker as Training Group Instructor (TGI) for TGNC.@Sebastian Rekdal has taken over from @Phillip Speer as TGI for Enroute.To carry on the trend of new faces we have some great opportunities coming u

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

Division Policy Updated

In light of the release of Audio for VATSIM, VATSIM UK has adopted Division Policy v7.2.0 and this has been approved by the (acting) Region Director. It is available for download in the policies section of the website.   On behalf of the Division Staff,   Chris.    

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Audio for VATSIM launch date announced

Audio for VATSIM is an innovative new technology for our voice communication which features: State of the art voice quality - a brand new Opus-based voice codec with optional realistic distortion, white noise, VHF and HF simulation Reduced delay - up to 80% reduction in latency, making busy frequencies more realistic and manageable Range simulation - transceivers set up as per real ATC positions, with signal strength dependent on distance and altitude Customisable technology - this up

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Training Evenings

All, Whilst students at busier aerodromes such as Manchester and Gatwick regularly enjoy busy traffic scenarios to perfect their skills, those training on quieter positions often struggle to attract enough traffic to make their online time worthwhile. To combat this, we're pleased to introduce Training Evenings - designated events for pairs of quieter training aerodromes. Each week will see an event at one of the following pairs of aerodromes: Edinburgh (EGPH) & Glasgow (EGPF

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

Training Department Q2 Review

Six months down; six to go! Firstly, to all those who’ve had their head glued to a textbook for the past few months, welcome back! And to those of us who’ve had to listen to the perpetual sighs of students... hallelujah, it's over! Here’s what the Training Department has been up to over the past three months: April: With several members of the team focusing on academic exams, things were reasonably quiet on the ATC side of the fence.  Pilot Training led most of the development

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

[Training] Exam Season 2019

All, We're coming once again to the examination season, wherein a large proportion of our membership will be sitting GCSEs, A-Levels, or other important exams. The first examination on the JCQ common timetable is on Monday 13th May (though Wales starts slightly earlier on Tuesday 7th May). The examination period stretches to Thursday 20th June for GCSEs, and to Tuesday 25th June for A-Levels. This period (and the time preceding it, from around now) will likely see large numbers of stud

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in United Kingdom

Training Department Q1 Review

Guten Abend! 1 down, 3 to go! What a quarter it has been! Here’s a short summary of what the team has achieved since January this year. January: The month started off with the addition of EGAD (Newtownards), EGCJ (Sherburn-in-Elmet), EGSQ (Clacton) and EGHJ (Bembridge) to our collection of AG/AFISO aerodromes; followed closely by the release of the UKCP (thanks to the Rt Hon gentleman Andy Ford). Since the release of the UKCP, TGNC have integrated its use and setup into the OBS session

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

February Changes

Hi all, There’ve been a few staff changes over the past few months. Thanks to: •    @Fraser Cooper for his work as TGI in TG1; •    @Tom Szczypinski for his work as a TGM in TGNC; •    @Tom Knowles for his work as IFR Flight Instructor; •    @James Gibson for his work as Development Flight Instructor. And welcome to: •    @Oliver Gates, who’s joining the team as a TGI for TG1 – he’ll be working with Nathan to develop the mentoring team in TG1 (a TGI for TG2 will be coming

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

New Marketing Director

I am delighted to announce that Loui Ringer will be joining the DSG as VATSIM UK's new Marketing Director. Loui is well known to the community as our Social Media Manager and is well placed to lead the department. I would like to thank Trevor Hannant for his time on staff and I wish him well in his new adventure. Please join me in congratulating Loui on his appointment!!  

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

UK Controller Plugin

Hi all, For a long time, we have wanted to provide our members with more tools that directly aid them in their day to day use of the network. I'm pleased to confirm that today, we are releasing the UK Controller Plugin; a EuroScope plugin for use by controllers in the UK. What Does It Do? Local and General Squawks: If the plugin detects certain conditions that suggest that an aircraft would normally receive a local squawk (e.g. VFR departure), it will assign a local squawk for

VATSIM UK Web Services

VATSIM UK Web Services in United Kingdom

Merry Christmas from VATSIM UK

I want to thank everyone who has helped the Division this year whether it be flying in for an exam, mentoring, helping with sector files, document writing, staff roles, the list goes on.  You have all had a part in making this a great year for the Division. 2018 has been a great year for VATSIM UK.  We have seen more students pass ATC and Pilot exams than ever before. We now have a brand new website. Community Awards have been rolled out. Our documentation and sector files have been updated

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

VATSIM UK Donations 2018

Good Evening, Thanks to some very generous donations gifted by some of our members over the years, we have been in a very fortunate position in terms of comfortably covering our outlays that we incur whilst running the Division without having to go out to the general membership. We have recently been looking ahead at our anticipated expenditure over the next year and the finances that we will require to continue to provide the services within the Division that we currently do. We belie

Nathan Donnelly

Nathan Donnelly in United Kingdom

Training Department Changes

Folks, With the departure of Andy Ford as ATC Training Director, I am making some changes to the way training is organised in the UK. I am delighted to announce that Daniel Crookes will take on the role of Director of Training and will have ultimate responsibility for both ATC and Pilot Training.  Dan will appoint a General Manager of ATC Training and the same for Pilot Training. Dan will assume responsibility for both departments with immediate effect.  While we finalise the stru

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

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