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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

And Now For Something Completely Different: AFIS and Air/Ground

We are pleased to announce the release of our AFIS and Air/Ground Moodle course. This course is designed for members that want to try their hand at something a little different from your average aerodrome. These aerodromes are a hotspot for light and VFR traffic and often aren't large enough (to the relief of many) for the big tin. A big thank you to Callum Presley and Alex Hodgkinson for creating the course and also to Sebastian Wheeler and Ollie Latham for reviewing and adding the exam questio

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

And it's goodbye from me

Good afternoon all, There comes a time when everyone has to take a moment to sit back and look what what's going on. That time for me, as far as VATSIM is concerned, came fairly recently. I'll explain more about my decision in a moment, however last week I wrote to Simon and explained that after the implementation of Phase 1 of the Central Training project, I intended to resign my post as ATC Training Director in VATSIM UK. Following a protracted discussion, which I think was hard for both

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

An Insight into Demand

When I was appointed to this post, I committed to being transparent with you all about all manner of different things. Specifically, I've committed to give everybody a view on the demand that ATC training is facing, at all ratings. Thanks to my colleagues in our Tech team, I have some data now that I can share with you. However, before we dive into any detail, it's worth saying that we can only work with the data that we have. We might draw many inferences from that data, but we'll never have a

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

2024 Christmas Closure

Good morning, all, As is tradition, to remove any burden of expectation on either our mentors, staff or students, the ATC Training Department will be closed between the 23rd December and 2nd January. During this period, there is no expectation of any mentoring or examinations taking place, but of course, if mentors and students find themselves with time and wanting to take part then we will, of course, not stop them! To this effect, between the 23rd December and 2nd January, no ATC Tra

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

2024 - A Year in Review

Hello everyone! I've been sort of quiet with updates as life has gripped what little precious time I have and summarily taken it away from me, but I promised transparency and it wouldn't be the advent of a new year without a blog post now, would it!? Firstly, as ever, we need to recognise the contributions of our mentors, examiners and staff. Our department is one the most highly demanding across VATSIM and we deal with people from all walks of life, from all situations and with variou

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

2023 - A Year in Review

As 2023 leaves us and we bid a fond greeting to 2024, many will be undertaking a period of reflection and, as is tradition, we'll take a quick look back at ATC Training over the year. Before that, an extraordinary thanks needs to be given to all of our mentors, examiners, instructors and ATC training staff that make everything that we do possible. Mentoring controllers is hard work. Our mentors take people who have likely never, ever worked with, in or near Air Traffic Management before and

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG TWR

The department is pleased to accept applications for the Training Group Instructor - TG TWR. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmatic, high-qual

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG Heathrow

The department is pleased to accept applications for the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Heathrow. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmat

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG Enroute

The department is pleased to accept applications for the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Enroute. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmati

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG Approach

The department is pleased to accept applications for the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Approach. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmat

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Tower Training Group Instructor (TGI)

Hi all, I am pleased to announce that we are recruiting for a new Tower Training Group Instructor. General Responsibilities within the Tower Training Group: Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; Select and train new mentors; Review ATC feedback; Maintain training standards in their designated group (inc. by ‘sitting in’ on mentoring sessions & exams); Organise group seminars as appropriate; Issue SxVs in a

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

[Vacancy] Tower TG Lead Mentor

The ATC Training Department is looking to recruit an experienced mentor to the Tower TG, to act as Lead Mentor. You must as a minimum be a mentor at TWR level. Application Deadline: Monday 20th December 23:59z Role Description In conjunction with other Lead Mentors / TG Instructors, the new Lead Mentor will: Select and train new mentors; Work to motivate the mentoring team and driving mentoring levels; Maintain training standards in their designated group (in

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Vacancy

[Vacancy] New Controller Training Group Instructor

Hi all, I am pleased to announce that we are recruiting for a New Controller Training Group Instructor. This role will see you join with the current team in managing and developing training in the OBS-S1, Gatwick ground endorsement  AFIS/AGCS endorsement training programme. General responsibilities in the New Controller Training Group: ●    Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; ●    Select and train new mentors; ●    Maintain training standard

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

[Vacancies] Approach Training Group Instructor and Division Instructor Vacancies

Hello all, We are now recruiting for someone to join the ATC Training team as an Approach Training Group Instructor. Training Group Instructor role description: Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; Select and train new mentors; Maintain training standards in their designated group (inc. by ‘sitting in’ on mentoring sessions & exams); Organise group seminars as appropriate; Issue SxVs in accordance with division

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in Vacancy

[STAFF CHANGES] Tower TG Staff Changes

Hi all, In light of the recent interviews that have been conducted for a new Tower TGI, I am delighted to announce that @Matthew Dean will be joining the training team in this position. Matthew is extremely keen to continue our venture towards a structured initial training plan, and shared some great ideas with the team during his interview. With him, Matthew brings a wealth of real-world experience including currently undergoing training in the real-world ATC environment which, as we

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

[Policy] ATC Training Handbook Updated

Hello The ATC Training Handbook has been updated to version 1.3. This updates most of our procedures and workflows to reflect the latest versions; seperates certain procedures for training towards the S1 rating and defines the new structure of hours requirements for those members wishing to achieve a C1 rating. Thanks to @Oliver Rhodes for drafting these changes. Chris

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in ATC Training

[POLICY] ATC Training Handbook

Hi all, Back in September of 2018 when the ATC and Pilot Training Departments merged into one - I was adamant that the ATC Training side of things needed an Operations Manual similar to the manual we are required to have as past of our ATO for Pilot Training. The purpose being to provide anyone who operates within the Training Department with guidance, advice, and direction on how we operate so that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet. When we started making this manual we sud

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

[MINUTES] CTIB Meeting - 16th December 2016

Hi all, I'm pleased to release to you the minutes of our last CTIB meeting. A massive thanks to Oliver Rhodes for doing a fantastic job of compiling a 3 hours meeting into the minutes you see here! Some fantastic progress made and great effort by all to date. Thanks, Sam

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training


Hi all, I’m pleased to announce that @Charlie Watson will shortly be rejoining the VATSIM UK instructor team in a new role as the Enroute TG Instructor! Charlie first expressed an interest in the role when it was advertised last October, but opted to remain in his role as an Approach TG Instructor - a role which he left in March to move house and start a new job. He’s been quietly leading the development of our C1 Moodle eLearning course in the background, and seven months on he’s back

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

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