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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 26
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

Shifting Focus: Tower Training

Following feedback received during and following the ATC Training Consultation, the department has been hard at work. One of the points raised during the consultation, that many of you have added your voices to since, is that as a division, we spend a lot of time in our training doing theory. Often, teaching the same thing multiple times and on topics that students should be able to learn for themselves. Some have gone as far as to say that some people expect to be spoon-fed information, like a

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Increasing Access To Moodle

We have completed the process of opening up our online learning (Moodle) courses to make them viewable by all members, regardless of rating or training status. To access a course, simply go to the course and self-enrol. By doing this, we are looking to give students and rated controllers alike the opportunity to read training material at any time and take control of their own learning. We will, however, be restricting access to the "final exam" part of each course to only the students that

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

ATC Training Place Policy

Dear all, The ATC Training Department has put together a policy regarding Training Places. The aim of the policy is to offer some clarification of the requirements whilst holding a training place, making the process of training as clear as possible. The document can be downloaded from our website. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the department via the helpdesk. Many thanks Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in ATC Training

ATC Training Consultation: Response

As many of you are aware, we recently held a consultation of the membership regarding the direction of the ATC Training Department and what you want out of your division. Nearly 40 of you replied and, well, we listened. In the downloads section of the website (direct download link) you can find our response. This addresses some of the questions raised, gives action points for the future and also highlights changes that we have already made. For a number of the points raised, I will be appro

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training


Hi All, We are pleased to announce that Jonas Hey has joined the staff team as Training Group Instructor for Training Group 2. Jonas has a wealth of controlling and mentoring experience and we look forward to what he can bring to the table in TG2. Good luck in the new role!

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

S1 Gatwick Endorsements - Hours Checker

Hi all, From listening to the feedback we’ve had over the past few weeks about the recently introduced Gatwick endorsement scheme, we’ve realised that the requirements to start training for the endorsement could be made clearer.  From today, thanks to some fantastic work by the Web team, we’re introducing a new system to guide you through the process of gaining your Gatwick endorsement. If you are currently an S1-rated controller, you can go to this page to use the new system. If

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

Have Your Say: ATC Training

All, The purpose of this post is a general consultation of the membership regarding their opinions of the ATC Training Department and where its priorities should be over the next 12 months. Now I should start by saying that the department does have a vision for what it would like to achieve in the near future. This includes working towards reducing training times, mentor retention and also further developing our online learning resources - more consultations and opportunities to come i

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

ATC Mentor Feedback Form

We have now introduced a feedback form for ATC Mentors. It is available here. What this form is: An opportunity for students to provide constructive feedback to their mentors, regarding how they conducted a particular mentoring session. A place for mentors to help each other, by providing constructive feedback. For example, another mentor who is controlling adjacent to the mentoring session may wish to feedback on the way a particular situation was handled by the mentor.

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Meeting Minutes: Multi Airfield Mentoring

Hi all, The ATC Training department recently held a meeting to discuss a proposal from our TGIs regarding how we might implement S2 -> S3 mentoring across multiple airfields, as part of the wider project of Central Training. At this time, no final decisions have been made. However, productive discussions were held and the proposal is now being refined to take into account points raised. The minutes for the meeting are available here. If anybody has any questions or wishes

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Training Group 2 Manager

Dear all It gives me great pleasure to announce that @James Edwards will be joining the staff team as TG2 TGM. He will be replacing Leon, who will be transitioning into his role as a Community Manager. Both will be fulfilling the TGM role for now, while James gets to grips with his new role. Please join me in congratulating James on his new role. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

ATC Training Department Staff Changes

Hi All, This weekend, there have been a number changes to staff in the ATC Training Department. Due to real world commitments, Gregg Donohoe has stepped down from his role at Division Instructor. For the same reasons, Johan Grauers has stepped down from his role as TG2 TGI. James Yuen has also stepped down from his role as TG2 TGI. We would like to thank all of them for their time and contributions to the division. We will be assigning a number of the division instructor

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Get Involved: CT S3 Moodle Course

All, The ATC Training Department is looking for contributors to the ongoing development of our online self-learning moodle courses. The ultimate goal behind these courses is to shift the responsibility of learning towards the student, reducing the amount of theory that has to be explicitly taught in mentoring sessions. In turn, this will reduce the amount of mentoring sessions required to obtain a rating or endorsement by better preparing students for the situations that they will encounter

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

OBS and London Gatwick S1 Changes

Hello one and all, This post announces upcoming changes to OBS Training in TG New Controller and also changes to restrictions regarding S1 rated controllers at London Gatwick. These changes will go live at 0000z on Monday 8th January 2017. London Gatwick Over the recent months, we have been monitoring feedback from pilots, controllers and mentors alike regarding the recent surge in Gatwick controllers. For historical context to this, prior to 2016, an endorsement was required

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

TG New Controller Update

Hello all, We wanted to give you all an update on TG New Controller and give some insight into what we have achieved over the past 12 months. New Controller has come a long way over the last year and below you can see some of our statistics: S1 ratings issued: 73 Group sessions held: 13 with 234 participants. Total mentoring sessions: 282 Average members joining TGNC per day: 3 Number of S1s requesting further familiarisation sessions: 37 New Mentors Over the past yea

Fraser Cooper

Fraser Cooper in ATC Training

Temporary ATC Training Director

All, Due to unforeseen circumstances, Andy Ford will take on the role of temporary ATC Training Director with immediate effect. You may contact Andy via the helpdesk or via his private email account at [email protected]. Andy will be arranging the interviews with Alex for the TG2 Manager position in the next few days.  

Nathan Donnelly

Nathan Donnelly in ATC Training

Area Training requirements

Dear all, This post is to clarify two basic requirements for S3 students who want to start their C1 training. These requirements have been in place for many years (but haven't always been followed and it seems they've been forgotten). In order to be eligible to begin training on any CTR position with us you must comply with both of the following requirements: Must have controlled at least 12 hours on any APP position in the UK in the last 3 months. This is to ensure you are actively p

George Wright

George Wright in ATC Training

ATC Training

Dear all,  I am delighted to announce two changes to our ATC Training staff:  James Yuen will be joining us as a TGI for TG2, working alongside Luke and Johan to improve the training we provide. James is a highly experienced mentor who brings a lot to the table. He will be starting in his new role over the next couple of days. Welcome, James! Oliver Rhodes will be taking on an additional role, sharing the New Controller TGM position with Fraser. New Controller is our biggest tr

George Wright

George Wright in Staff Changes

Samuel James

All, Unfortunately, Sam will be taking some time away from VATSIM due to ill health in the family.  George Wright has kindly agreed to look after the ATC Training Department in Sam's absence. Any ATC Training Management matters can be directed to George during this time, via the helpdesk.  

Nathan Donnelly

Nathan Donnelly in ATC Training

Training Group Instructor

Folks, It is my pleasure to welcome Jamie Paine onboard as Training Group Instructor for TG1. He will be working alongside Matt Collier and Nathan Donnelly building on the great progress that has been made there so far. Jamie is no stranger to the Division as he has many hours of experience mentoring and controlling on many airfields around the UK. I hope you enjoy your new role and I encourage all members and staff to help support him and his colleagues to keep VATSIM UK going from strengt

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Heathrow APC Validations

Dear all, I am pleased to officially announce that as of today, no Heathrow APC students will require an official and advertised validation/examination made by VATSIM UK. The new process is inspired by our previous changes with Heathrow Aerodrome, namely by letting our mentors sign off our students. The new process will be: the student passes the Heathrow APC e-Learning course; the student receives practical mentoring until considered capable of controlling Heathrow APC wi

Sebastian Rekdal

Sebastian Rekdal in ATC Training

ATC Instructors and Staff Changes

All, As I mentioned recently in this post the following Instructors have had their roles changed and it is my pleasure to appoint the following: George Wright - Appointed as a Senior Instructor (I3), previously Division Instructor. Andy Ford - Appointed as a Senior Instructor (I3), previously Division Instructor. Gregg Donohoe - Moved from TGI (TG1) to Division Instructor (I1)   The following members have relinquished their Instructor roles to pursue and concen

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

ATC Instructor Policy

Dear all, To make the Instructor processes and expectations more transparent amongst the Division I have decided to publicly publish our ATC Instructor Policy, available here. This lays down what is expected of an Instructor, how they are appointed and what their particular roles entail. Main highlights / changes: Instructor roles streamlined to 3 positions: Division Instructor (DI) - I1 rating - Responsible for UK-wide TWR and APP training and standards. Trai

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

S1 Aerodrome Familiarisation Sessions

Hi folks, We are excited to announce a new training opportunity for S1 members. Any member within VATSIM UK who holds an S1 rating will now be able to request Ground and Delivery aerodrome familiarisation sessions.  These sessions are run by our ‘experienced’ S1 members. These members have been trained to offer mentoring sessions both on Ground and Delivery. We are now offering further training for both EGKK - London Gatwick and EGCC – Manchester. What will the mentoring sessions includ

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Updated Observer Training Process

Dear all, From today, we are slightly adjusting the way we do our OBS-S1 controller training. Thanks to the hard work of Fraser Cooper, Luke Collister and Leon Grant we are now in a position to utilise Manchester in addition to Gatwick for our initial Part 2 sessions. The new process is shown in the diagram below:     The majority of the S1 progression path remains largely unchanged. More information of the new optional further training sessions on Gatwick or Manchester

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Heathrow TGM

It is my pleasure to announce Oliver Rhodes as the new Heathrow TGM, leaving the TGM reins of TG2 solely now with Leon Grant. This follows a readjustment of the ATC Training department following the Training Group introduction a few months ago. I'm sure Oliver will do a wonderful job and he will still be mentoring and assisting TG2 when he can! Well done Oliver, thanks for all you've done for TG2 so far and enjoy your new role!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

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