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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

S1 Examinations

Hi all, In order to improve and standardise the quality of our S1 training, and in response to feedback which we have received from mentors, students, and controllers, we will shortly be introducing S1 practical examinations, in line with the process followed at S2, S3, and C1. This will not change the process of training, whereby members initially attend in introductory group session, complete eLearning courses, and receive one-to-one practical training. However, instead of being reco

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

S1 AFISO/AG Validation: Additional Airfields

Now that things have had time to settle, we're adding some additional aerodromes to the list of those that S1 rated members holding the AFISO/AG validation may control. They are as follows: Barra (EGPR) Bodmin (EGLA) - airfield information sufficient to VATSIM needs is available on the airfields website - Bodmin does not feature in the AIP. Wolverhampton / Halfpenny Green (EGBO) We decided not to add Barrow/Walney Island (EGNL) at this time, due to instrument approach an

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

S1 Aerodrome Familiarisation Sessions

Hi folks, We are excited to announce a new training opportunity for S1 members. Any member within VATSIM UK who holds an S1 rating will now be able to request Ground and Delivery aerodrome familiarisation sessions.  These sessions are run by our ‘experienced’ S1 members. These members have been trained to offer mentoring sessions both on Ground and Delivery. We are now offering further training for both EGKK - London Gatwick and EGCC – Manchester. What will the mentoring sessions includ

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Review Findings and First Steps

Good evening, all, As many of you will be aware, I have promised openness and transparency following my appointment and both publicly and within my teams, have shared details of the plan that I intend to follow for ATC Training moving forwards. On Tuesday of this week, Ben Wright chaired the first DSG meeting of both the year and his tenure and, during that meeting, I asked to present my findings on ATC Training across the division so far and my high-level, unordered plan for the future. I

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Returning Mentors: An Exercise In Trust

Effectively immediately, we are going to be trialling out a new policy for mentors returning to us after a break from the network. In the past, returning mentors were usually subject to the same training regime as new mentors, which was often discouraging. We're still quite unsure about this one - with some good arguments both supporting and refuting the idea. So, we thought the best thing to do was give it a go and see how it pans out. The trial process as follows: If a mentor has been "s

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Resignation of TGI Tower

Regretfully, I must announce that @Daniel Blanco has stepped down as the TG Instructor for TWR. Daniel held this position for a year and a half, appointed by Adam in June 2022 at a time when we'd had a reasonably rapid turnover of TG staff. I'd like to thank him for his time in the role, keeping things stable and keeping up standards during this challenging time. Daniel and Will have kept TG TWR going this year, facilitating many hundreds of mentoring sessions. We look forward to seein

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Staff Changes

Resignation - John Batten

Dear all, It's with some regret that I announce that @John Battenis standing down from his post as Training Group Instructor within our New Controller training group. John was appointed in March 2022 and in the 27 months that he's been in post, he's been instrumental in the success of TGNC, leading the delivery of quality training to new members of our community whilst also juggling his tenure as Member Services Director. In recent times, the training group has seen record numbers of e

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Resignation - Fraser Cooper

Good day, It is with tremendous regret that I announce the unfortunate and unexpected resignation of Fraser Cooper from his post as Heathrow TGI. Fraser has been in post since April 2023 and has worked for a long time for the benefit of Heathrow on VATSIM, overseeing some fantastic changes within the TG and pushing Heathrow training to ensure that we consistently deliver prompt and high quality training to those who seek it. Fraser's contributions include overseeing the provision of tr

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training


Hi all, After almost 2 years in the staff team I have decided to step down as Approach TGI. I started in the New Controller TG alongside @Kye Taylor and @James Taylor (They are brothers) where we worked well and achieved lots together. I then moved to the Approach TG in March 2022 where I ran the training group on my own for circa 9 months. Despite being told there would be another TGI to support me in the near future I continued on my own until January 2023 when @William Jennings and

Reece Buckley

Reece Buckley in ATC Training

Reciprocating Effort

The re-drafting of the training syllabus has brought with it an encouragement for students to learn on their own, by designating significant portions as self-taught. That is, the student is expected to read the material on their own and bring any questions to sessions, not expect to have it spoon-fed to them by mentors. Most of you have risen to the challenge with enthusiasm. Of course, there are still one or two who aren't reciprocating the effort that their mentors are putting in to train

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Q3 2022 Review

Hi all, Last quarter there seemed to be some demand for ATC Training exam stats. We collect this information already for the region report which few people tend to see so I've decided to publish them in this post where more of you who are interested will be likely to see. Incomplete exams are excluded from the stats below: Exams S1: 16 exams, 16 passes S2: 6 exams, 6 passes S3: 2 exams, 2 passes C1: 0 exams, 0 passes Endorsements EGLL: 3

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Q2 2024 Review

Good morning, all! When I took this role, I had planned to provide quarterly updates for visibility; certainly I provide a quarterly update to the region to provide them with some oversight and to facilitate governance and, in the spirit of openness and transparency, it's only appropriate that I do the same with all of you. I had intended to write something a little closer to the end of Q2, rather than 1/3 of the way through Q3, but Real Life has conspired against me and I have been delayed

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Paul Murphy

Hi folks, Paul Murphy is stepping down as TGM after dedicating many hours to the network first as SCONI RTSM and as that role evolved into the TG Manager position. We wish him well and a big thanks to everything he has given the Division over the last couple years! All the best Paul and don't be a stranger!  

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

OBS and London Gatwick S1 Changes

Hello one and all, This post announces upcoming changes to OBS Training in TG New Controller and also changes to restrictions regarding S1 rated controllers at London Gatwick. These changes will go live at 0000z on Monday 8th January 2017. London Gatwick Over the recent months, we have been monitoring feedback from pilots, controllers and mentors alike regarding the recent surge in Gatwick controllers. For historical context to this, prior to 2016, an endorsement was required

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

OBS - S1 Training Projects!

Good afternoon! Training Airport Expansion I am pleased to announce that over the coming months we will be expanding the location of our OBS - S1 training airports to include East Midlands (EGNX) and London Stansted (EGSS). Why the expansion? Since the introduction of our OBS - S1 exams we have noticed an increase in the number of session students are having before they are submitted for their exam. This is resulting in the sweatbox positions for Manchester (EGCC) and Edinbur

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Nova sanguinem - Welcome to...

Following on with the Latin theme... I'm pleased to welcome the following to the ATC Training Department staff team: Gregg Donohoe - TG Instructor for TG1 Gregg is a long standing member of the Division having previously held various roles including SCONI RTSI - It's a real honour to have him back and brings a bucket load of experience, enthusiasm and knowledge to the role Charlie Watson - TG Instructor for TG2 Charlie has been heavily involved with the UK Division for the past co

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

New Phonetic Alphabet

Hi all, In order to keep-up with changing worldwide trends, we are today introducing a new phonetic alphabet to be used throughout the UK, effective immediately. Please could all controllers and pilots ensure that they are familiar with the following: Alpachino Bread Cucumber DIVISION! CLEAR THE LOBBY! Entropy Floxinoxinihilipilification Gnome Hexokinase Ionotropic Junior minister Kymograph Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrob

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

New Division Instructors

Hi! Please join me in welcoming @Jamie Paine and @Sebastian Rekdal to our team of Division Instructors! Both Jamie and Seb have driven change within ATC training over the past few years and, I believe that they will be great additions to the team! Thanks, Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

New CT S1 Training Programme Launched!

Hey folks, I'm pleased to announce the launch of our new CT S1 course. Main points: Comprehensive e-Learning/Moodle courses All S1 training completed within the New Controller Training Group All practical S1 training sessions conducted using London Gatwick   *Once process/event is complete, send a ticket to ATC Training to continue the process   I've just joined the New Controller Training Group (TG) - How do I join a Group session? You

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

New Controller Training Group Instructor

Hi all! We are looking for a member of the community to join the New Controller Training Group team as an Instructor. This exciting role is fundamental to VATSIM UK's training programme and is a great opportunity to join the UK staff team. What will the role entail? The following responsibilities are relevant to the New Controller Training Group: Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; Select and train new mentors; Review ATC feed

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Vacancy

New ATC Training Documentation

Good morning, I'm pleased to finally be able to announce the publication of new documentation for the department. These documents have both been arduous work, solidifying over a year of changes to how we run training within VATSIM UK whilst also ensuring that our policies and procedures are GCAP compliant. The documents have seen rounds of iterative feedback, both within my teams and within the DSG. We started working on these documents in late Spring last year, reviewing what existed, writ

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

More aerodromes for S1 AFISOs/AG operators

Hi all, By popular demand, we're adding another four aerodromes to the list of those which validated S1s may control: EGAD Newtownards EGCJ Sherburn-in-Elmet EGSQ Clacton EGHJ Bembridge Documentation for all four of these aerodromes - and many more - is available on the CIX VFR Club website.

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

Minor Changes to Heathrow Endorsements

Hello everyone, A couple of changes I wanted to bring to your attention regarding Heathrow endorsements.   Recency Requirements for Endorsement eligibility The reason behind the change to these requirements is to conform with division-wide recency for training places while also promoting Heathrow recency before progressing to the next endorsement stage.  To be eligible for a training place, you need to meet the following criteria. EGLL GMC Endorsement - At least 12

Fraser Cooper

Fraser Cooper in ATC Training

Military Radar (APC) Moodle course RELEASED

A massive thanks to @Callum Presley and colleagues for their hard work developing and testing the new Military Radar (APC) course on our moodle platform. I'm delighted to announce that it is now available for S3s to enrol and complete. Once you have passed the Final Exam, simply submit a ticket to the Military RTS and we'll get the endorsement processed. It'll be great to see some more of our Military APP positions manned in the future. Enjoy!

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Military PAR Course - Released

We are pleased to announce the release of our Military Precision Approach Radar (PAR) Online Moodle Course. This course is for those members that want to take their Military Approach controlling up a notch, offering pilots the opportunity to be talked all the way down the final approach (similar to a SRA), with vectors and glideslope information. A massive thank you to Trevor Hannant and Callum Presley for creating this course for us. The course is open for all members to view and self-enro

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

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