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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

Matt Collier

Effective immediately, Matt has decided to step down from his role as TGI in TG1 in order to continue in his role as Web Services Assistant full-time. Thank you Matt for all your hard work in the ATC Training Department and best of luck in your continuing web role.

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

ATC Update, Winter 2018

Hi all, As the year draws to a close, we wanted to give you all an update on what ATC Training has achieved over the past 12 months, and look forward to the next! Over the past year, we have: Issued 115 S1s (up by 51.3% from last year); Issued 58 S2s (up by 123% from last year); Issued 19 S3s (up by 46.2% from last year); Issued 4 C1s (down by 25.0% from last year, but the sample size is low - the absolute difference is by one); Inducted 90 visitors an

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

New Division Instructors

Hi! Please join me in welcoming @Jamie Paine and @Sebastian Rekdal to our team of Division Instructors! Both Jamie and Seb have driven change within ATC training over the past few years and, I believe that they will be great additions to the team! Thanks, Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Nova sanguinem - Welcome to...

Following on with the Latin theme... I'm pleased to welcome the following to the ATC Training Department staff team: Gregg Donohoe - TG Instructor for TG1 Gregg is a long standing member of the Division having previously held various roles including SCONI RTSI - It's a real honour to have him back and brings a bucket load of experience, enthusiasm and knowledge to the role Charlie Watson - TG Instructor for TG2 Charlie has been heavily involved with the UK Division for the past co

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Training Staff Changes (ATC)

Bon Soir! After a few discussions over the past couple of days, @Luke Collister is stepping down from his role of TGI for TG2 due to his availability and other commitments. With that being said, @Lee Roberts will move into the role of TGI for TG2 whilst retaining his current role as TGM - TWR for a short period.  Please join me in thanking Luke for his time as TGI and in wishing Lee Roberts good luck in his new role. Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

New Phonetic Alphabet

Hi all, In order to keep-up with changing worldwide trends, we are today introducing a new phonetic alphabet to be used throughout the UK, effective immediately. Please could all controllers and pilots ensure that they are familiar with the following: Alpachino Bread Cucumber DIVISION! CLEAR THE LOBBY! Entropy Floxinoxinihilipilification Gnome Hexokinase Ionotropic Junior minister Kymograph Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrob

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

Military Radar (APC) Moodle course RELEASED

A massive thanks to @Callum Presley and colleagues for their hard work developing and testing the new Military Radar (APC) course on our moodle platform. I'm delighted to announce that it is now available for S3s to enrol and complete. Once you have passed the Final Exam, simply submit a ticket to the Military RTS and we'll get the endorsement processed. It'll be great to see some more of our Military APP positions manned in the future. Enjoy!

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

ATC Training

Dear all,  I am delighted to announce two changes to our ATC Training staff:  James Yuen will be joining us as a TGI for TG2, working alongside Luke and Johan to improve the training we provide. James is a highly experienced mentor who brings a lot to the table. He will be starting in his new role over the next couple of days. Welcome, James! Oliver Rhodes will be taking on an additional role, sharing the New Controller TGM position with Fraser. New Controller is our biggest tr

George Wright

George Wright in Staff Changes

Self Study Exercises For Radar Students

To coincide with the impending release of the new S3 syllabus, the department has created a number of simulator scenarios for EuroScope. The purpose of these scenarios is to allow radar students to practice specific competencies on their own, with a few tips and aspects to consider provided - thus avoiding the distractions of trying to learn many things at once and also imperfect pilots. These are more directed towards the practical aspects of Approach Radar such as vectoring, rather than h

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

British Summer Time (BST) begins Sunday 31st March at 01:00

"There is nothing stable in the world; uproar's your only music." - John Keats At 1am on Sunday 31st March the clocks will advance one hour. This means that 1am shall immediately become 2am, thieving us all of an hour of our day, and @George Wright will spend the next six months dancing 'the funky chicken' whilst dressed as Bob the Builder. For those of you in other timezones: as you were. For those of us in the UK, we must now engage in intellectual gymnastics every time we use t

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

An Insight into Demand

When I was appointed to this post, I committed to being transparent with you all about all manner of different things. Specifically, I've committed to give everybody a view on the demand that ATC training is facing, at all ratings. Thanks to my colleagues in our Tech team, I have some data now that I can share with you. However, before we dive into any detail, it's worth saying that we can only work with the data that we have. We might draw many inferences from that data, but we'll never have a

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

S1 Examinations - from March 31st

Hi all, We announced in November that we would shortly be introducing S1 examinations. Since then, members have been working to produce an S1 syllabus which was published to OBS mentors and ATC examiners two weeks ago, and the web team have worked their usual magic to set-up S1 examinations on the CT System. S1 examinations will be introduced at 23:59z on Tuesday 31st March. Until then, students will continue to progress through the current system, receiving a rating upgrade once

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training


Hi all, I’m pleased to announce that @Charlie Watson will shortly be rejoining the VATSIM UK instructor team in a new role as the Enroute TG Instructor! Charlie first expressed an interest in the role when it was advertised last October, but opted to remain in his role as an Approach TG Instructor - a role which he left in March to move house and start a new job. He’s been quietly leading the development of our C1 Moodle eLearning course in the background, and seven months on he’s back

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

TG New Controller TGMs

Dear all, Please join me in welcoming Josh Howker and Tom Szczypinski to the role of Training Group Manager in TG New Controller. Both bring their own unique set of skills to the table, and I look forward to working with both in greater depth. They will be working alongside Fraser and Oliver to help develop TGNC and the OBS process. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

James Edwards

Dear all, It is with regret that James Edwards has resigned from his role of TG2 Training Group Manager this afternoon, effective immediately. James has been maintaining the administrative operation (mainly behind the scenes) for TG2 for the past 6 months, ensuring that training runs smoothly for all involved. Please join me in thanking James for dedicating his time to the division. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

Training Group Instructor TGNC

Hi all, Please join me in welcoming @Ben Cook to the Training Department in his new role as Training Group Instructor for TGNC. @Fergus Walsh will be moving from his current role as TGM to TGI to facilitate an upcoming change in the way the division handles its administrative workload. Fergus and Ben are both very keen to finish the development of our training syllabus for OBS-S1, which aims to provide students and mentors with a more defined path of progression. Thanks,  

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Training Group Restructure

Hi all, Around 300 million years ago, the movements of the Earth's tectonic plates saw the continents combine to form the Pangaean supercontinent. It lasted for roughly 100 million years, before fragmenting to form the continents and oceans we see today. The plates keep moving; approximately 250 million years from now, it's likely that the continents will once again coalesce to form a new supercontinent - Pangaea Ultima. In January 2017, our division's Regional Training Schemes - RTSs

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Division Instructor Staff Changes

Good evening,   Please could you all join me in thanking @Jamie Paine for his contributions as a Division Instructor (DI). Jamie has decided to step down from his role as a DI as a result of his time being consumed elsewhere.   Jamie has contributed to the staff team for just under three years. He has been involved in the wider training groups and then proceeded to become a DI where he took over the S3 Moodle Course development. Alongside all of the work Jamie has been doing for

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes

Heathrow Instructor Staff Changes

Evening everyone! I am pleased to announce that @Fergus Walsh will be moving over to the Heathrow Training Group to work with @Nathaniel Leff, our current Heathrow TGI! Fergus has been a part of the TGNC team for just over two years and has without a doubt, been a key player in maintaining our flow of new students and constantly updating and developing our training programme. He will be initially moving over for three months with the view to review after that period has elapsed. This will o

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

TGNC TGI - Josh Howker

Evening all, @Josh Howker will be leaving the Training Department in his role as TGI. Josh has been a great addition to the team and has helped drive some great changes in TGNC. After recently obtaining his PPL he has decided it's time to put VATSIM aside for flying! Please join me in thanking him for his efforts in the Training Department and wishing him the best in his flying. Thanks, Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Tower TGI Resignation

Hello all, Unfortunately, I have decided to step down from my role as Tower TGI. Joining the training team nearly two years ago, as TGNC's TGI, I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet some lovely people within the staff and mentoring team. With @Fergus Walsh at TGNC, we made it a mission to progress students through the OBS->S1 stage and during covid, we did just that!  With the TG TWR change, It was very difficult. Shortly after my appointment, I was soloing the training group

Kye Taylor

Kye Taylor in Staff Changes

Paul Murphy

Hi folks, Paul Murphy is stepping down as TGM after dedicating many hours to the network first as SCONI RTSM and as that role evolved into the TG Manager position. We wish him well and a big thanks to everything he has given the Division over the last couple years! All the best Paul and don't be a stranger!  

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Samuel James

All, Unfortunately, Sam will be taking some time away from VATSIM due to ill health in the family.  George Wright has kindly agreed to look after the ATC Training Department in Sam's absence. Any ATC Training Management matters can be directed to George during this time, via the helpdesk.  

Nathan Donnelly

Nathan Donnelly in ATC Training

ATC Training Consultation: Response

As many of you are aware, we recently held a consultation of the membership regarding the direction of the ATC Training Department and what you want out of your division. Nearly 40 of you replied and, well, we listened. In the downloads section of the website (direct download link) you can find our response. This addresses some of the questions raised, gives action points for the future and also highlights changes that we have already made. For a number of the points raised, I will be appro

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Division Instructor Staff Changes

Hi all, Please could you join me in thanking @Phillip Speer for his unreserved dedication and commitment to VATSIM UK over the past 15 years. Phillip will be leaving our team of Division Instructors as he settles into new personal circumstances. For those of you who may not know Phillip, he started mentoring for the Division in 2006 (at which point I was 7...) and joined the staff team in 2008. Phillip has fulfilled numerous staff roles in the UK and always has, without fail, contributed to

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes

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