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ATC Update, Winter 2018

Oliver Rhodes



Hi all,

As the year draws to a close, we wanted to give you all an update on what ATC Training has achieved over the past 12 months, and look forward to the next!

Over the past year, we have:

  • Issued 115 S1s (up by 51.3% from last year);
  • Issued 58 S2s (up by 123% from last year);
  • Issued 19 S3s (up by 46.2% from last year);
  • Issued 4 C1s (down by 25.0% from last year, but the sample size is low - the absolute difference is by one);
  • Inducted 90 visitors and transferees (up by 55.2%);
  • Validated 84 members on Heathrow positions (up by 86.7%);
  • Inducted 47 new mentors;
  • Conducted 2,458 mentoring sessions (up by 55.4% from last year);
  • Written a total of ~1,413,268 words in mentoring & exam reports (enough to write the Harry Potter series ~1.56 times).

We owe a massive debt of gratitude to every single member - staff, mentors, and students - for these phenomenal numbers: 2018 has been ATC Training's best year yet!


From Friday 21st December to Tuesday 2nd January (inclusive), students will not be required to maintain a session request/availability in the CT System. TG staff will not send out the normal reminders during this time period. 

As our administrative team take some time off, please also note that tickets submitted to the helpdesk may go unanswered for longer than usual over this period.


Looking ahead to the New Year, we’re planning to:

  • Publish an ‘Operations Manual’ to combine all of our policies into a single document, and set-out exactly the role of each member of our staff team;
  • Put together a group of experienced members from all levels (not just staff) to help complete the implementation of the central training concept by:
    • Reviewing exam/mentoring syllabuses to ensure that we all work from the same criteria, and that the criteria is suitable for the online environment;
    • Reviewing the way in which we use eLearning in our mentoring;
    • Making a final decision on whether to implement the contentious TG merger (and if we do, how to do so).

Until then, we’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Recommended Comments

Arvid Hansson



I am missing a statistic on how many aircraft LUTON TOWER coordinated with TC NORTH over the course of the year. Can this be included in a future revision?

Many Thanks,

(memes aside, well done to all involved!)

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Oliver Rhodes


20 minutes ago, Arvid Hansson said:


I am missing a statistic on how many aircraft LUTON TOWER coordinated with TC NORTH over the course of the year. Can this be included in a future revision?

Many Thanks,

(memes aside, well done to all involved!)

I am grateful to the Hon. Gentleman for his insightful question. I regret to inform him that TC North and Luton Tower were not concurrently connected to the network at any point this year, so it would therefore be reasonable to assume that the number of aircraft co-ordinated was, in fact, zero.

I can assure him, however, that this government will do all it can to rectify this in the year to come, and I am sure that he and/or his Hon./Rt. Hon. Friends will join me in this endeavour.

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George Peppard


32 minutes ago, Oliver Rhodes said:

TC North and Luton Tower were not concurrently connected to the network

Was Luton Tower ever connected? ?

All jokes aside, excellent job - here's to next year!

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Well done to everyone who participated in these impressive stats! Merry Christmas!

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On 20/12/2018 at 19:27, Oliver Rhodes said:

I am grateful to the Hon. Gentleman for his insightful question. I regret to inform him that TC North and Luton Tower were not concurrently connected to the network at any point this year, so it would therefore be reasonable to assume that the number of aircraft co-ordinated was, in fact, zero.

I can assure him, however, that this government will do all it can to rectify this in the year to come, and I am sure that he and/or his Hon./Rt. Hon. Friends will join me in this endeavour.

The year isn't over. I'll be online later. 

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Harley Chambers


How do I take my Moodle CT - S1 Aerodrome Control as i have completed all the Course but for the exam it says 'Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Exam Enabled' so what do i have to do to take the exam.


thank you

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Tom Szczypinski


2 hours ago, Harley Chambers said:

How do I take my Moodle CT - S1 Aerodrome Control as i have completed all the Course but for the exam it says 'Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Exam Enabled' so what do i have to do to take the exam.


thank you

Hi Harley,

Please pop a ticket in to ATC Training here - https://helpdesk.vatsim.uk. We will try to get to you back to you as quickly as possible, however you may not get a reply until the new year.

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Oliver Rhodes


On 20/12/2018 at 17:52, Arvid Hansson said:


I am missing a statistic on how many aircraft LUTON TOWER coordinated with TC NORTH over the course of the year. Can this be included in a future revision?

Many Thanks,

(memes aside, well done to all involved!)

Further to my previous response to the Hon. Gentleman, it gives me great pleasure to inform the house that, with the aid of my Hon. Friend the Member for Bergen, at 19:07:33 today we were successful in effecting co-ordination between TC North and Luton Tower. The answer to his question is therefore now one!

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