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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

Waiting List Changes

Currently, all ATC Training Waiting Lists are ordered by list join date. Members on a list do not need to remain eligible for a training place while on the list. This means members on a waiting list who leave the network for a long period of time are returning at the top of a waiting list ahead of the members who have remained active within the division. In order to make the waiting lists fair for all members, from 21st December 2022, all members on the S2, S3 and C1 waiting lists will have

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

VATSIM UK Transferring Controller Process - Effective 1st February 2017

We have revised the process of how we handle Transferring Controller assessments into the United Kingdom. Effective 1st February 2017 the following processes will be followed: S1 Transfer Process   S2 and S3 Transfer Process     C1+ Transfer Process   When you have been accepted by the Community Department and transferred to the ATC Training Department for assessment you will be provided with more information and the required resources in order

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Updated Observer Training Process

Dear all, From today, we are slightly adjusting the way we do our OBS-S1 controller training. Thanks to the hard work of Fraser Cooper, Luke Collister and Leon Grant we are now in a position to utilise Manchester in addition to Gatwick for our initial Part 2 sessions. The new process is shown in the diagram below:     The majority of the S1 progression path remains largely unchanged. More information of the new optional further training sessions on Gatwick or Manchester

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Training Staff Changes (ATC)

Bon Soir! After a few discussions over the past couple of days, @Luke Collister is stepping down from his role of TGI for TG2 due to his availability and other commitments. With that being said, @Lee Roberts will move into the role of TGI for TG2 whilst retaining his current role as TGM - TWR for a short period.  Please join me in thanking Luke for his time as TGI and in wishing Lee Roberts good luck in his new role. Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Training Staff Changes

Evening all! On the theme of staff changes, we have some faces leaving us in Training - please see below a summary of who is leaving. @Ben Cook New Controller Training Group Instructor - Ben joined us in September last year where he worked alongside the rest of the team to maintain and develop our OBS-S1 and Gatwick endorsement training. He has been a key player in projects such as the introduction of our S1 syllabus, new S1 aerodromes, and Basic training.  Please join me in wishi

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Training Place Eligibility Update

Our new theory exam requirement for training places has been live for  a couple of weeks now!  I would like to provide some extra detail on how this is implemented practically: ⚠️ - Whether you have passed the required theory exam is not currently tracked by the "My Waiting List" eligibility checker on the VATSIM UK Website. ⚠️ - If you meet all the other criteria for a training place other than passing the theory exam, the eligibility checker will still show you as eligible, but

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in ATC Training

Training Group Restructure

Hi all, Around 300 million years ago, the movements of the Earth's tectonic plates saw the continents combine to form the Pangaean supercontinent. It lasted for roughly 100 million years, before fragmenting to form the continents and oceans we see today. The plates keep moving; approximately 250 million years from now, it's likely that the continents will once again coalesce to form a new supercontinent - Pangaea Ultima. In January 2017, our division's Regional Training Schemes - RTSs

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

Training Group Manager

The application period for the position of Training Group Manager has now concluded. I would like to say a big thank you to those who took time to apply, we had a strong pool of applications this round. We are pleased to announce that Lee Roberts has been appointed as a Training Group Manager. Lee will be working closely with Nick and Alex as we look to change up the way that we manage our training groups. Instead of our traditional TG1/TG2 structure, the TGM's will be split by level -

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

Training Group Manager

Hi all, Firstly, I would like to start by thanking all of those who applied for the vacancy, the applications and interviews were very strong and provided us with some very good ideas for the future.  Please join me in welcoming Adam Meade into his new role in the Training team. Adam will be working closely with @Oliver Rhodes and @Nick Marinov to ensure that we continue the good progress that has been made this year. Last but not least I would like to thank @Lee Roberts for stepp

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Training Group Instructor TGNC

Hi all, Please join me in welcoming @Ben Cook to the Training Department in his new role as Training Group Instructor for TGNC. @Fergus Walsh will be moving from his current role as TGM to TGI to facilitate an upcoming change in the way the division handles its administrative workload. Fergus and Ben are both very keen to finish the development of our training syllabus for OBS-S1, which aims to provide students and mentors with a more defined path of progression. Thanks,  

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Training Group Instructor

Folks, It is my pleasure to welcome Jamie Paine onboard as Training Group Instructor for TG1. He will be working alongside Matt Collier and Nathan Donnelly building on the great progress that has been made there so far. Jamie is no stranger to the Division as he has many hours of experience mentoring and controlling on many airfields around the UK. I hope you enjoy your new role and I encourage all members and staff to help support him and his colleagues to keep VATSIM UK going from strengt

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Training Group 2 Manager

Dear all It gives me great pleasure to announce that @James Edwards will be joining the staff team as TG2 TGM. He will be replacing Leon, who will be transitioning into his role as a Community Manager. Both will be fulfilling the TGM role for now, while James gets to grips with his new role. Please join me in congratulating James on his new role. Alex

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

Training Group 1 Instructor

Dear all, Please join me in welcoming Fraser Cooper back to ATC Training in the role of TG1 TGI. He will be working alongside both Jamie Paine and Nathan Donnelly within the TG. As most of you will be aware, Fraser spent a significant amount of time reviving the OBS-S1 process, starting the familiarisation sessions and reintroducing the 'Gatwick Endorsement' during his time as TGNC TGM. I'm sure his enthusiasm and commitment will also be reflected in his new position. Many thanks Ale

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

Training Department Vacancies [TG APP, DI, TDA]

The Training Department is now recruiting for 3 roles: Approach TG Instructor; Division Instructor; Training Department Assistant. Training Group Instructor role description: Have overall responsibility for training within their designated group; Select and train new mentors; Maintain training standards in their designated group (inc. by ‘sitting in’ on mentoring sessions & exams); Organise group seminars as appropriate; Issue

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Training Department

Evening all! As you have probably seen over the past few weeks we have been in search of two new TGIs for TG APP and one for TGNC. The search is now over! @Thomas Greer and @William Jennings will be joining the Approach Training Group working alongside @Charlie Watson, bringing the team back up to three! @Kye Taylor will be joining our New Controller Training Group working alongside @Fergus Walsh. Over the next week they will be getting up to speed with our current operations

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

Training Aerodrome Preferences

Under the old RTS' System and also under the early days of the new system, we took students aerodrome preference into account during the early stages of training and only offered the student a place when their chosen aerodrome came up. This sometimes led to students becoming disappointed in the waiting times if the student in front of them took longer to pass and thus held up a training place at their chosen aerodrome whilst their friends at other aerodromes passed before them. Under a new

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Tower TGI Resignation

Hello all, Unfortunately, I have decided to step down from my role as Tower TGI. Joining the training team nearly two years ago, as TGNC's TGI, I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet some lovely people within the staff and mentoring team. With @Fergus Walsh at TGNC, we made it a mission to progress students through the OBS->S1 stage and during covid, we did just that!  With the TG TWR change, It was very difficult. Shortly after my appointment, I was soloing the training group

Kye Taylor

Kye Taylor in Staff Changes

Tower Syllabus Updated

Version 1.1 of the S2 (TWR) Syllabus is now available for download. The document has been updated based on member feedback to clarify a number of points and to add some extra reading material. We have also introduced a section for attitude towards self-learning. The progress sheets will be updated in due course to incorporate the new criterion.

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Time to say goodbye

Dear all,   It is with regret that I will be leaving my role as ATC Administrative Manager, with immediate effect.   For the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time within the department. During my time, we have seen a huge improvement which has only been possible with the immense effort put in by each and every person within the department, both past and present. It also wouldn't have been possible without the mentoring team dedicating their time, and students showing a wil

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in ATC Training

TGNC TGI - Josh Howker

Evening all, @Josh Howker will be leaving the Training Department in his role as TGI. Josh has been a great addition to the team and has helped drive some great changes in TGNC. After recently obtaining his PPL he has decided it's time to put VATSIM aside for flying! Please join me in thanking him for his efforts in the Training Department and wishing him the best in his flying. Thanks, Dan ✈️

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

TGNC Instructor Changes

Following the recruitment process for new TGNC TGIs, we have appointed @Reece Buckley and @James Taylor to this team to support Kye with the ongoing work with our members who begin training for the ATC ratings with us. We recieved some excellent applications and had great discussions with several candidates over the last few days. This  gave us some nice ideas about things to do in the future and also to get some feedback on what is working out well. Generally it was difficult to exclude ca

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Staff Changes

TGI Tower - Appointment

Good morning, It's with great pleasure that I welcome @Reece Buckleyback to the ATC Training team, this time in the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Tower. Reece is no stranger to the ATC Training Team, having previously held a post as TGI APP and his familiarity with the department makes his return to the team most welcome. I was pleased to hear that Reece brought several ideas to the table during interview and have every faith that he'll continue to build upon the solid foundation i

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training


Hi all, I am pleased to announce that we are recruiting for a new TGI in TGNC!  General Tasks: Have overall responsibility for training within TGNC; Select and train new mentors through an ‘OTS’ check; Review ATC feedback submitted by pilots; Maintain training standards within TGNC (inc. by ‘sitting in’ on mentoring sessions); Organise group seminars as appropriate; Approve students for their S1. The candidate must: Hold an S3 rating

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Vacancy


Hi All, We are pleased to announce that Jonas Hey has joined the staff team as Training Group Instructor for Training Group 2. Jonas has a wealth of controlling and mentoring experience and we look forward to what he can bring to the table in TG2. Good luck in the new role!

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

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