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Euroscope - Automatic UK Sector File Updates

James van Hankins

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James van Hankins

Evening all

I wondered if anyone could help me with something - I saw a post about the UK Sector File and that I could turn on automatic updates in Euroscope. 

I was able to get ES to download the file but, when it tries to run it I get an error (see screenshot). It says it can't find the file called "7za.exe" in my ES directory but the file that it's downloaded is actually called "UK_2017_07.7z".

Would anyone be able to help point me in the right direction to get it working? If not, is there a correct way to manually update the sector file?

Thanks in advance,



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The 7za.exe program should be in your Program Files (x86)\Euroscope folder. You need to investigate why ES is looking in your Documents folder for it. It should be in the same folder where Euroscope.exe itself is installed.

However, if you have downloaded the sector file manually from the link in the first thread (\uk_sector_file_euroscope_2017_07.zip), you should unzip it manually to your Euroscope\Documents folder (or wherever you keep your sector files).


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  • 3 weeks later...
James van Hankins

Thanks Michael and Chris.

I think I'm a little confused about the installation of EuroScope on my PC. I seem to have two versions installed - one is V3.2 and the other is V3.2 Beta. I wonder if that's why it's getting confused. I have some files in Documents (where i start Euroscope from) and then some in Program Files.

Would it be worth deleting it all and starting again? :)

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The installation files (including euroscope.exe) should be in program files. Your user configuration files should be in your user documents folder. The ES installer puts default configuration files in your documents folder and you add to these with the UK controller pack.

You should start Euroscope using the shortcut the installer puts on your desktop and then select a profile from the UK controller pack. If you start by double clicking a .prf file, the configuration files will not be found.


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