About This File
Self-contained Shanwick Oceanic controller pack based on the UK Controller Pack.
- euroNAT plug enables display of North Atlantic Tracks (inc. Concorde tracks) - type " .natoptions " to open dialogue window.
- Tag family similar to domestic "AC" tag family simulates display of ADS-B data
- UKCP plugin enables display of clearances from natTRAK website
- Sector ownership set automatically
- Also contains profiles for Gander Oceanic positions.
A new oceanic spreadhseet which integrates with the natTRAK website is also available, simply click the refresh button to sync clearances/requests from natTRAK. This should make it easier to identify conflicts between clearances issued manually and those issued via natTRAK. (For CTP, clearances will be issued via natTRAK so this spreadsheet is designed primarily to be used outside of CTP/as a backup).
What's New in Version 2110 See changelog
- Updates to Shannon sectorisation
- Updated alias to provide options for different oceanic clearance availability (i.e. natTRAK, VHF voice etc), ".selcal" now available as ".s"
- Fixed bug where leader lines could not be displayed, deafult length set to 15NM
- Detailed tags expanded to include aircraft type/category
- Extra profile added for Shanwick mentoring
- Tango routes drawn as STARs, labels available but deselected by default
- Adjacent FIR names now show by default
With version 2110:
- Download