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ATC Training Handbook 1.5

Adam Farquharson

About This File

This handbook outlines Training Department policy, and the standard administrative procedures to be followed by staff, mentors, examiners, and students involved with ATC training within VATSIM UK. It is not a contract, and will not create contractual obligations, of any kind, for the division or its members.

What's New in Version 1.3   See changelog


All – minor formatting changes.
5.14 – added information on the new training place allocation process for C1 students, and added footnote for upcoming requirement changes (from 01 August 2021).
5.3 – added further guidance for students on entering availability.
6 – added explicit reference to visiting Shanwick mentors.
7.1.1 – removed (previously, this section allowed S1 examiners to be appointed without undergoing the full training process).
7.5.3 – clarified that rating upgrades will come within 72 hours of an exam report being filed.
7.7 – added specific guidance for S1 exams. – added section on how to upgrade ratings through the VATSIM.net Terminal system.
8.4.3 – corrected typo. – added footnote for training place allocation in the Enroute TG, in which eligibility is determined on an individual sector basis. – slight changes in wording to facilitate S1 training at EGNX and EGSS, and to allow instructors greater discretion in allocating training positions. – added extra guidance for TG Instructors on the mentor recruitment process.

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