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  • Barrie Joplin 9
  • Leon Grant 2

Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast...

Leon Grant



Dear All,

I am very pleased to announce the brand new awards system for VATSIM UK members.

The community team has been extremely busy over the past 8 months managing some very exciting projects which we hope will improve the experience of our members. This is just one of the new programmes we have planned for the future and we are very happy to be able to release this to the membership.

Each department has their own set of awards which can be granted to members upon completion of the criteria regarding each achievement. Badges will then be visible on your forum profile.

The colour of each award corresponds with that used for each department’s staff team on the community forum:

  • Management - Green
  • Community - Purple
  • Marketing - Teal
  • ATC Training - Blue
  • Pilot Training - Orange
  • Web Services - Light Grey
  • Operations - Dark Grey

The first phase of this project will include all standalone/endorsement awards. Next we will start to introduce progressive/cumulative awards which have different stages of difficulty.

For the full list of available awards see the following area:


Any feedback you have will be gratefully received.



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Clearly it’s not very clear. Thanks for your opinion Oliver.

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