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OBS and London Gatwick S1 Changes

Andy Ford



Hello one and all,

This post announces upcoming changes to OBS Training in TG New Controller and also changes to restrictions regarding S1 rated controllers at London Gatwick. These changes will go live at 0000z on Monday 8th January 2017.

London Gatwick

Over the recent months, we have been monitoring feedback from pilots, controllers and mentors alike regarding the recent surge in Gatwick controllers.

For historical context to this, prior to 2016, an endorsement was required to control Gatwick Ground and Delivery. These endorsements were gained through a number of mentoring sessions (Post S1) followed by a validation with an approved mentor. In March 2016, to mixed reception, these validations were removed. This was due the burden it placed on Gatwick mentors and the fact that it made staffing at one of the UK's premier airports virtually non-existent (no pun intended).

The feedback we've received from the membership is that too often, controllers are becoming overwhelmed by the relatively large traffic levels Gatwick is fortunate to have. A large proportion of the "negative" controller feedback we receive is in relation to Gatwick. In response, we are re-introducing endorsements at Gatwick for S1's that will be required to control EGKK_GND and EGKK_DEL, albeit differently to how they were before, in the hope that it may give controllers a chance to experience the network before jumping on Gatwick. If you hold an S2 rating or higher, these changes do not affect you.

The changes are also published on the website at the following link: https://vatsim.uk/gatwick-endorsement

Factors in the Decision

When deciding the requirements of the endorsement, our key focuses were:

  • Increasing staffing across the division as a whole.
  • Giving new members a more rounded controlling experience before beginning S2 training and avoiding everyone picking the "biggest" airfields.
  • Staffing up airfields that rarely see staffing, including a few that are "different" than average, in a bid to increase their popularity.
  • Ensure that there are clear progression paths for students in both main TGs.
  • Improving controller and pilot experience at Gatwick.
  • Avoid making Gatwick a GRP Major Airfield - as this would be detrimental to staffing and incur more of the same issues that occur at Heathrow.
  • Reducing the amount of admin work as far as possible.

New Requirements

For the purpose of this endorsement, the UK aerodromes are split into the following three groups.

Group 1

  • Manchester (EGCC)
  • Edinburgh (EGPH)
  • Stansted (EGSS)
  • Liverpool (EGGP)

Group 2

  • Glasgow (EGPF)
  • Birmingham (EGBB)
  • Bristol (EGGD)
  • Luton (EGGW)

Group 3

  • Jersey (EGJJ)
  • Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)
  • Newcastle (EGNT)
  • East Midlands (EGNX)

In order to be eligible for a Gatwick Ground endorsement, that allows them to control both EGKK_GND and EGKK_DEL, S1 rated members must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be a UK Home Member.
  2. AT LEAST 10 hours controlling at one airfield in Group 1.
  3. AT LEAST 10 hours controlling at one airfield in Group 2.
  4. AT LEAST 5 hours controlling at one airfield in Group 3.

Once these four criteria are met:

  1. Members may apply to join a Moodle e-learning course, that will cover Gatwick specific procedures.
  2. Upon passing this course, members will be invited to sit a "familiarisation" session on EGKK_GND with a mentor. This is NOT pass or fail. This is simply a session for guided practice, plus an opportunity to gain feedback regarding their controlling in general.
  3. Once all of the above is completed, they will be awarded a Gatwick Ground validation.

Existing Controllers

In order to be automatically granted the endorsement at the time of rollout, S1 rated controllers must meet the following requirements, which were chosen to try and include as many current controllers as possible whilst also providing a fair set of goalposts for everyone:


Be active on the network in the past three months controlling UK positions (25 hours of controlling, 5 of which must be at EGKK)


Have attended a familiarisation session at London Gatwick, as they were previously offered.


Be actively training on Gatwick Tower.

All members who meet these requirements will be emailed on their VATUK registered email to confirm their endorsement status before these changes go live.

Update: Controllers that were deemed to meet these requirements through an automated query on our systems are now displayed at the following page: https://cts.vatsim.uk/home/validations.php?view=47

OBS Part 2

At this time, in line with the above, OBS Part 2 training at Gatwick is being withdrawn. OBS Part 2 training will continue to be offered at Manchester, with sessions also being offered at Edinburgh (EGPH).

In choosing Edinburgh, we hope to increase the staffing in Scotland, whilst again providing options for progression in both training groups. We are still keen to avoid having too many airfields for OBS Part 2 - as this would only see a return to the old RTS style system, with OBS Part 2's happening everywhere.

Gatwick and Manchester "Flow Control" Sessions

In the past, sessions regarding "Flow Control" were offered on Gatwick Delivery and Manchester Delivery on a one-to-one basis, to familiarise delivery controllers with the principles used in busier traffic situations such as events. These sessions shall now stop.

However, we do not want these opportunities to cease. Therefore, in the spirit of trying to free up more time for regular one-to-one mentoring (another hot topic recently), these sessions shall become group seminars. Initially, we hope to run these every couple of months, with extra sessions planned around significant events such as Cross the Pond.

Of course, we encourage all new controllers to attend these sessions - as the information contained will be invaluable for events and event rostering may take attendance into account.


Special thanks go to @Fraser Cooper, who has spent a considerable amount of time coming up with ideas for these changes and making preparations for the switch.

As always, any questions may be asked here, or in confidence via email, Teamspeak or the helpdesk.




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