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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

Heathrow TGI Appointment

I'm happy to announce that @Fraser Cooperhas been appointed as the Heathrow TGI. Fraser brings with him a wealth of experience of multiple ATC Training roles (and other staff positions) both in the UK and throughout other divisions on the network. Over the last few days Fraser has been picking things up from Nathaniel and he will soon be up to speed with Heathrow. I'm excited to see what changes Fraser's appointment will bring to Heathrow. Welcome to the team Fraser!  

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

TG Enroute - Appointment

Good evening all, I'm tremendously pleased to announce the appointment of @David Woodward who will lead TG Enroute moving forwards. Dave is no stranger to VATSIM, having led ATC Training in Bahrain as well as having previously been Division Director in VATSIM Sub-Saharan Arica. Dave's been a home member in VATSIM UK for some time now, mentoring in TG Enroute and sharing his expertise from his day job with both the ATC Training and Operations departments. As Dave is appointed, we must s

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

S2s and Sweatbox

To resolve any confusion between who can and cannot run Sweatboxes as an S2 across the Division and to prepare ourselves for the onset of Central Training, from now onwards, S2 Mentors are permitted to run Sweatboxes without restriction. Naturally, as with all Sweatbox mentors regardless of rating, we would encourage those who are not particularly confident with its’ features to attend a ‘Introduction to Sweatbox’ seminar which will be regularly held and details of these will be promulgated on t

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

New CT S1 Training Programme Launched!

Hey folks, I'm pleased to announce the launch of our new CT S1 course. Main points: Comprehensive e-Learning/Moodle courses All S1 training completed within the New Controller Training Group All practical S1 training sessions conducted using London Gatwick   *Once process/event is complete, send a ticket to ATC Training to continue the process   I've just joined the New Controller Training Group (TG) - How do I join a Group session? You

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

More aerodromes for S1 AFISOs/AG operators

Hi all, By popular demand, we're adding another four aerodromes to the list of those which validated S1s may control: EGAD Newtownards EGCJ Sherburn-in-Elmet EGSQ Clacton EGHJ Bembridge Documentation for all four of these aerodromes - and many more - is available on the CIX VFR Club website.

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

S1 Examinations

Hi all, In order to improve and standardise the quality of our S1 training, and in response to feedback which we have received from mentors, students, and controllers, we will shortly be introducing S1 practical examinations, in line with the process followed at S2, S3, and C1. This will not change the process of training, whereby members initially attend in introductory group session, complete eLearning courses, and receive one-to-one practical training. However, instead of being reco

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

ATC Training Staff Changes

Hi all, @Matthew Dean is leaving his role as Tower TG Instructor. With his personal circumstances changing he hasn’t been able to commit the time to the role that he’d have liked to and because of this has decided that it is time to step back from his VATSIM staff duties. I’d like to thank Matthew for his time and wish him all the best for the future. We have appointed @Daniel Blanco to join Kye in the Tower Training Group and Harry S who will be taking the role of Enroute TG Instructo

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

Waiting List Changes

Currently, all ATC Training Waiting Lists are ordered by list join date. Members on a list do not need to remain eligible for a training place while on the list. This means members on a waiting list who leave the network for a long period of time are returning at the top of a waiting list ahead of the members who have remained active within the division. In order to make the waiting lists fair for all members, from 21st December 2022, all members on the S2, S3 and C1 waiting lists will have

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

ATC Training 2022 Q4 + Year Review

There was generally some good feedback from publishing the quarterly stats when I did so last month. If this type of thing is something that you would like to see continue then please keep letting us know (by liking or commenting on this post or reaching out to me another way). Exams Incomplete exams are excluded for clarity: S1 - 26 exams, 23 passed, 3 failed. This is a 62% increase in the number of exams conducted and a 11% decrease in the pass rate. S2 - 5 exams, 5 passed, 0 failed

Adam Farquharson

Adam Farquharson in ATC Training

GCAP Update 3: Effect of Change

Good morning all, Yesterday, we processed the first roster update since GCAP went live on the 1st March. On the 1st March, we retained on the roster anyone who had controlled at all within the preceding 12 months, from the 1st March 2023 to the 1st March 2024. Thereafter, currency requirements dictate that to remain on the roster, a controller must control three hours within every fixed quarter; three hours between the 1st Jan and the 1st April, three hours between the 1st April and the 1st

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Gatwick eLearning Course (DEL/GND)

Hello all, Over the past months we have been writing a Gatwick Ground & Delivery familiarisation e-learning course. The course is now complete. You are now all able to self enrol on to the course. https://moodle.vatsim-uk.co.uk/ This course is designed for any member who wishes to further their knowledge of controlling either on Gatwick Ground or Delivery. Additionally, this will make up one of many future e-learning courses available for airfield familiarisation. These c

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Updated Observer Training Process

Dear all, From today, we are slightly adjusting the way we do our OBS-S1 controller training. Thanks to the hard work of Fraser Cooper, Luke Collister and Leon Grant we are now in a position to utilise Manchester in addition to Gatwick for our initial Part 2 sessions. The new process is shown in the diagram below:     The majority of the S1 progression path remains largely unchanged. More information of the new optional further training sessions on Gatwick or Manchester

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

ATC Instructor Policy

Dear all, To make the Instructor processes and expectations more transparent amongst the Division I have decided to publicly publish our ATC Instructor Policy, available here. This lays down what is expected of an Instructor, how they are appointed and what their particular roles entail. Main highlights / changes: Instructor roles streamlined to 3 positions: Division Instructor (DI) - I1 rating - Responsible for UK-wide TWR and APP training and standards. Trai

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Get Involved: CT S3 Moodle Course

All, The ATC Training Department is looking for contributors to the ongoing development of our online self-learning moodle courses. The ultimate goal behind these courses is to shift the responsibility of learning towards the student, reducing the amount of theory that has to be explicitly taught in mentoring sessions. In turn, this will reduce the amount of mentoring sessions required to obtain a rating or endorsement by better preparing students for the situations that they will encounter

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Increasing Access To Moodle

We have completed the process of opening up our online learning (Moodle) courses to make them viewable by all members, regardless of rating or training status. To access a course, simply go to the course and self-enrol. By doing this, we are looking to give students and rated controllers alike the opportunity to read training material at any time and take control of their own learning. We will, however, be restricting access to the "final exam" part of each course to only the students that

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Leon Grant

Dear all, As per Barrie's post on 3 January, Leon has now left his role as TG2 TGM with the transfer of role now complete with James Edwards. I'm sure many of you are aware of the hard work Leon has put in during his time in his role, helping both students, the Department and the membership. On behalf of the ATC Training Department, I would like to thank Leon for his continued commitment and enthusiasm, and wish him luck with his new role as a Community Manager. Many thanks Alex  

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in ATC Training

Tower Syllabus Updated

Version 1.1 of the S2 (TWR) Syllabus is now available for download. The document has been updated based on member feedback to clarify a number of points and to add some extra reading material. We have also introduced a section for attitude towards self-learning. The progress sheets will be updated in due course to incorporate the new criterion.

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

E duobus unum: Merging Waiting Lists

Hi all, At the beginning of 2017, in the delightfully entitled post ‘Exitus Acta Probat’ (Latin for ‘the end justifies the means’, from the poetry of Ovid, if you’re interested), Sam announced the merger of the old RTSs into the Training Groups (TGs). One of the main reasons for doing so was to reduce the discrepancies in waiting times between the RTSs. In the same spirit, and following discussions with students, mentors, and staff, we have now merged the S2 and S3 waiting lists for TG

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in ATC Training

Minor Changes to Heathrow Endorsements

Hello everyone, A couple of changes I wanted to bring to your attention regarding Heathrow endorsements.   Recency Requirements for Endorsement eligibility The reason behind the change to these requirements is to conform with division-wide recency for training places while also promoting Heathrow recency before progressing to the next endorsement stage.  To be eligible for a training place, you need to meet the following criteria. EGLL GMC Endorsement - At least 12

Fraser Cooper

Fraser Cooper in ATC Training

New ATC Training Documentation

Good morning, I'm pleased to finally be able to announce the publication of new documentation for the department. These documents have both been arduous work, solidifying over a year of changes to how we run training within VATSIM UK whilst also ensuring that our policies and procedures are GCAP compliant. The documents have seen rounds of iterative feedback, both within my teams and within the DSG. We started working on these documents in late Spring last year, reviewing what existed, writ

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Heathrow Ground Training

Dear all, On behalf of the Heathrow RTS, I am pleased to inform you all that we have successfully completed the Heathrow GMC Training Trial (LL GMC Trial). This trial has indeed made a huge impact on how the Heathrow RTS will deal with training requests in the future. Our primary focus is to reduce the amount of 'unnecessary' one-to-one mentoring sessions by delegating the responsibility of understanding the Heathrow theory to the student himself, through a self-study system. I am ther

Sebastian Rekdal

Sebastian Rekdal in ATC Training

ATC TD - Autumnal Updates

With so much going on over the last few months and with so much fantastic change coming, it's time for an update on what has actually been happening 'behind the scenes' and what is to come... OBS-S1 Program First of all some stats from the last 2 months: Number of OBS-S1s attending a Group OBS session: 98  Number of students from those Group sessions subsequently achieving their S1s to date: 47  Just for perspective - that's pretty much the same number trained in the 8 months prec

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

S1 Aerodrome Familiarisation Sessions

Hi folks, We are excited to announce a new training opportunity for S1 members. Any member within VATSIM UK who holds an S1 rating will now be able to request Ground and Delivery aerodrome familiarisation sessions.  These sessions are run by our ‘experienced’ S1 members. These members have been trained to offer mentoring sessions both on Ground and Delivery. We are now offering further training for both EGKK - London Gatwick and EGCC – Manchester. What will the mentoring sessions includ

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Area Training requirements

Dear all, This post is to clarify two basic requirements for S3 students who want to start their C1 training. These requirements have been in place for many years (but haven't always been followed and it seems they've been forgotten). In order to be eligible to begin training on any CTR position with us you must comply with both of the following requirements: Must have controlled at least 12 hours on any APP position in the UK in the last 3 months. This is to ensure you are actively p

George Wright

George Wright in ATC Training

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