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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

And Now For Something Completely Different: AFIS and Air/Ground

We are pleased to announce the release of our AFIS and Air/Ground Moodle course. This course is designed for members that want to try their hand at something a little different from your average aerodrome. These aerodromes are a hotspot for light and VFR traffic and often aren't large enough (to the relief of many) for the big tin. A big thank you to Callum Presley and Alex Hodgkinson for creating the course and also to Sebastian Wheeler and Ollie Latham for reviewing and adding the exam questio

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Have Your Say: ATC Training

All, The purpose of this post is a general consultation of the membership regarding their opinions of the ATC Training Department and where its priorities should be over the next 12 months. Now I should start by saying that the department does have a vision for what it would like to achieve in the near future. This includes working towards reducing training times, mentor retention and also further developing our online learning resources - more consultations and opportunities to come i

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

ATC Training Assistant

Folks, Please join me in welcome Alex Beard who is joining the ATC Training team as our new ATC Training Assistant. He's taking over my former role so any tickets or issues pertaining to ATC Training from an admin perspective will be dealt with by him. Alex has been a very mature, keen and motivated member of the Division, contributing many hours of mentoring both in SERTS and Essex and also on the Group OBS mentoring team and he has also been very helpful to me in my previous role as ATC T

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Meeting Minutes: Multi Airfield Mentoring

Hi all, The ATC Training department recently held a meeting to discuss a proposal from our TGIs regarding how we might implement S2 -> S3 mentoring across multiple airfields, as part of the wider project of Central Training. At this time, no final decisions have been made. However, productive discussions were held and the proposal is now being refined to take into account points raised. The minutes for the meeting are available here. If anybody has any questions or wishes

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

And it's goodbye from me

Good afternoon all, There comes a time when everyone has to take a moment to sit back and look what what's going on. That time for me, as far as VATSIM is concerned, came fairly recently. I'll explain more about my decision in a moment, however last week I wrote to Simon and explained that after the implementation of Phase 1 of the Central Training project, I intended to resign my post as ATC Training Director in VATSIM UK. Following a protracted discussion, which I think was hard for both

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

South East RTSM

All, Please join me in welcoming @Fraser Cooper as the new South East RTSM. He will be taking over the great work @John Batten has been doing keeping SERTS running smoothly. He brings real world aviation experience with him as well as some exciting ideas to further improve training. Welcome to the ATC Training team Fraser!  

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Training Department

Evening all! As you have probably seen over the past few weeks we have been in search of two new TGIs for TG APP and one for TGNC. The search is now over! @Thomas Greer and @William Jennings will be joining the Approach Training Group working alongside @Charlie Watson, bringing the team back up to three! @Kye Taylor will be joining our New Controller Training Group working alongside @Fergus Walsh. Over the next week they will be getting up to speed with our current operations

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

OBS and London Gatwick S1 Changes

Hello one and all, This post announces upcoming changes to OBS Training in TG New Controller and also changes to restrictions regarding S1 rated controllers at London Gatwick. These changes will go live at 0000z on Monday 8th January 2017. London Gatwick Over the recent months, we have been monitoring feedback from pilots, controllers and mentors alike regarding the recent surge in Gatwick controllers. For historical context to this, prior to 2016, an endorsement was required

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in ATC Training

Heathrow Training Group Instructor

We are pleased to announce that James Yuen has been appointed as the Training Group Instructor for TG Heathrow. James will be working closely with Oliver and myself to re-ignite the S2->S3 training program at Heathrow, details of which will be announced over the next week. Good luck, James!

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

Time to say goodbye

Dear all,   It is with regret that I will be leaving my role as ATC Administrative Manager, with immediate effect.   For the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time within the department. During my time, we have seen a huge improvement which has only been possible with the immense effort put in by each and every person within the department, both past and present. It also wouldn't have been possible without the mentoring team dedicating their time, and students showing a wil

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in ATC Training

ATC Training Department

I am delighted to announce that Sam James will be taking over as ATC Training Director with immediate effect.  Sam has been Adam's deputy and has been working hard over the past few months with Central Training and we hope to retain some, if not all of what has been worked on. Sam brings real world experience, along with many years of VATSIM experience to the role. I am also announcing some additions to the Lead Mentor team.  Matthew Collier is replacing me in SCONI and Sebastian Rekdal fil

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in Staff Changes

Training Group Instructor

Folks, It is my pleasure to welcome Jamie Paine onboard as Training Group Instructor for TG1. He will be working alongside Matt Collier and Nathan Donnelly building on the great progress that has been made there so far. Jamie is no stranger to the Division as he has many hours of experience mentoring and controlling on many airfields around the UK. I hope you enjoy your new role and I encourage all members and staff to help support him and his colleagues to keep VATSIM UK going from strengt

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Approach Instructor Staff Changes

Hi all! As we near the end of the quarter there are a few upcoming changes on the horizon in the Approach Training Group. @Charlie Watson will be leaving the team as an Approach TGI in the next week as he settles into his new job off the network. Anyone who has trained for their S3 over the past 3 years will know of - or at the very least will have heard of - Charlie, especially his 'S2 to S3 Progression Guide' 🤭 . Since his initial appointment in 2017 Charlie has been a key player in

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

TGNC Instructor Changes

Following the recruitment process for new TGNC TGIs, we have appointed @Reece Buckley and @James Taylor to this team to support Kye with the ongoing work with our members who begin training for the ATC ratings with us. We recieved some excellent applications and had great discussions with several candidates over the last few days. This  gave us some nice ideas about things to do in the future and also to get some feedback on what is working out well. Generally it was difficult to exclude ca

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in Staff Changes

Enroute TGM

All, Please join me in welcoming Oliver Parker to the ATC Training department as the new Enroute Training Group Manager (TGM). He takes over the reins from Matt Weddell who has done a fantastic job of London RTSM for the last few years. We wish Matt well Olly will be coming up to speed over the next few days and weeks so please give him and Matt some time for the transition and for Olly to settle in. All the best to you both!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

ATC Training Department

Hi folks, Following a small review of our current team, it has been decided that Mike Pike will be changing from a Training Group Instructor to a Division Instructor. It is also a pleasure to welcome Nathan Donnelly to the team as a Training Group Instructor for TG1. Nathan has particular expertise on Gatwick which will be a valuable asset to the team. Please join me in wishing them both well in their new roles.

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

Training Group Manager

The application period for the position of Training Group Manager has now concluded. I would like to say a big thank you to those who took time to apply, we had a strong pool of applications this round. We are pleased to announce that Lee Roberts has been appointed as a Training Group Manager. Lee will be working closely with Nick and Alex as we look to change up the way that we manage our training groups. Instead of our traditional TG1/TG2 structure, the TGM's will be split by level -

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

Training Group 1 Instructor

Dear all, Please join me in welcoming Fraser Cooper back to ATC Training in the role of TG1 TGI. He will be working alongside both Jamie Paine and Nathan Donnelly within the TG. As most of you will be aware, Fraser spent a significant amount of time reviving the OBS-S1 process, starting the familiarisation sessions and reintroducing the 'Gatwick Endorsement' during his time as TGNC TGM. I'm sure his enthusiasm and commitment will also be reflected in his new position. Many thanks Ale

Alex Beard

Alex Beard in Staff Changes

General Manager - ATC Training

Hi all, It is with great pleasure that I would like to welcome Oliver Rhodes into his new role as General Manager - ATC Training. Oliver will be leaving TGNC and TG Heathrow to manage the day to day running of ATC training and will be working closely with myself to help continue its development. This role will allow the day to day running of training and the development of training to be split between 2 people. This will enable the department to run in such a way that day to day activities

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes


Hi All, We are pleased to announce that Jonas Hey has joined the staff team as Training Group Instructor for Training Group 2. Jonas has a wealth of controlling and mentoring experience and we look forward to what he can bring to the table in TG2. Good luck in the new role!

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in Staff Changes

Training Group Manager

Hi all, Firstly, I would like to start by thanking all of those who applied for the vacancy, the applications and interviews were very strong and provided us with some very good ideas for the future.  Please join me in welcoming Adam Meade into his new role in the Training team. Adam will be working closely with @Oliver Rhodes and @Nick Marinov to ensure that we continue the good progress that has been made this year. Last but not least I would like to thank @Lee Roberts for stepp

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in Staff Changes

[STAFF CHANGES] Tower TG Staff Changes

Hi all, In light of the recent interviews that have been conducted for a new Tower TGI, I am delighted to announce that @Matthew Dean will be joining the training team in this position. Matthew is extremely keen to continue our venture towards a structured initial training plan, and shared some great ideas with the team during his interview. With him, Matthew brings a wealth of real-world experience including currently undergoing training in the real-world ATC environment which, as we

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in ATC Training

CTS Phase 1 Preparation - Exitus acta probat!

Hi folks, In preparation for CT, myself and the Web Services team will be in the next 3 weeks merging all Training RTSs into the 2 new Training Groups (TG1 and TG2). As a student you may begin to notice small cosmetic changes to the CTS, however you should still be able to request mentoring provided you are listed as an active student with a mentoring place. For those members who are not currently training or are currently in a waiting list for training you will most likely receive an email

Samuel James

Samuel James in ATC Training

Heathrow TGM

It is my pleasure to announce Oliver Rhodes as the new Heathrow TGM, leaving the TGM reins of TG2 solely now with Leon Grant. This follows a readjustment of the ATC Training department following the Training Group introduction a few months ago. I'm sure Oliver will do a wonderful job and he will still be mentoring and assisting TG2 when he can! Well done Oliver, thanks for all you've done for TG2 so far and enjoy your new role!

Samuel James

Samuel James in Staff Changes

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