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help with first euroscope set up

Raymond Karpinski

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Raymond Karpinski

Hi All, this is my first time trying to set up euroscope. I have followed the video/read me as I can, I can see the UK regions to select.

I've went with Gatwick SMR as per the instructions and followed it through but the runway/airport map doesnt appear. I have the tabs, combined taxi out list and combined take out list showing and the SRW1 but no detail under them

I can connect to VATSIM but after a while it shows and Error: failed to create file :UK/data/sector/VATUK_Euroscope_files.txt.download

uninstallad everything and tried again but presented with the exact same as above.

any ideas 


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It sounds like it's not successfully loading the Sector File. The 'official' video is slightly out of date. Where did you put the pack? It should be in the AppData EuroScope Folder. e.g. mine is C:\Users\peter\AppData\Roaming\EuroScope\UK (not you have to have this exact - no extra folders or anything - or it won't work properly). If you're still having issues after checking this, the best and fastest place to get help is the #community-help section of the Discord. You can post screenshot and have easier back-and-forth chat there 🙂


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