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2024-01-25 - Edinburgh (EGPH) - Interaction between APC and Scottish Control

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective 25 January 2024

This is one of a series of posts highlighting changes with the new Edinburgh vMATS Release. A summary post is available here.

Local Area and use of 6000 ft

The Edinburgh Local Area is unchanged, but pictured here for reference. 

Controllers are reminded that the Local Area exists at 6000 ft and below and does not extend up to the release level (as is common in the London FIR’s RMAs). Therefore, unless required to hold, traffic transferred to Edinburgh APC should be descended 6000 ft (or below) at the earliest opportunity to enter the Local Area and therefore vacate the MSL.

The Continuous Descent Approach for Edinburgh begins at Transition Altitude (i.e. 6000 ft). INT shall therefore issue track mileage with the first descent below altitude 6000 ft. 


Release Procedures

Scottish shall transfer traffic via a Silent Release to Edinburgh APC descending to the MSL via TARTN and descending to be level at the MSL by STIRA. Traffic via N864 remains individually coordinated. These levels are unchanged from previous documentation, however controllers should note:

  • Arrivals via TARTN should be issued 6000 ft (or lower) as soon as practical so that the next arrival can be cleared to MSL and transferred. It shall be the default for arrivals to be transferred at MSL.
  • Traffic can be released to Edinburgh APC at MSL+1 and MSL+2 (typically when holding) via a reduced radar handover or an electronic abbreviated release. However, outside of holding this should typically not be required. Edinburgh INT should make the descent of inbounds to below MSL a high priority task. 
  • Traffic via STIRA is only released at MSL and there is no option to provide an electronic abbreviated release. Traffic above MSL must be coordinated with a reduced radar handover
  • Traffic via N864 must achieve MSL by the ScAC South/Galloway sector boundary (coincident with the north border of Edinburgh CTA 2) or be coordinated with Galloway. This traffic must be descended into the Local Area as soon as practical.

Unless specified in a release, all traffic transferred to Edinburgh APC on own navigation to the agreed fix is released for descent and turns in the “same general direction, towards the Edinburgh Local Area”. Turns of this kind are, by convention, not permitted to be more than 30 degrees.

The vMATS also stipulates that before traffic is within the Local Area (i.e. 6000 ft and within the horizontal limits), turns are not permitted towards the non-duty runway. For traffic at TARTN when Runway 24 is in use, traffic shall only be vectored east of the holding pattern/direct route to TARTN. When Runway 06 is in use, TARTN inbounds shall only be vectored west of the holding pattern/direct route to TARTN.

Traffic that is transferred to Edinburgh APC on a radar heading is not released for turn until the Local Area (and therefore needs descent to 6000 ft or below before it can be turned). Area control should individually coordinate traffic on headings prior to transfer. 

While traffic is always released for descent unless otherwise specified, this never includes permission for traffic to enter the Glasgow Local Area. When Runway 06 is in use, TARTN inbounds must be 6000 ft or below crossing the 180 degree track from the UW. 

Controllers are reminded of the general principle that traffic routing to a holding pattern should not receive descent below holding levels. Therefore traffic receiving descent below MSL requires a heading (or alternative) instruction. 

Departure Responsibilities

Edinburgh INT is responsible for separation of inbounds below MSL with all Edinburgh outbounds (even though outbounds are transferred to Area Control) plus all outbounds from each other whilst in the Local Area. Practically, outbound separation is delegated to AIR through the use of time-based separation and the speed table. However, it is for this reason that releases for departures not on the speed table are requested from INT and not the receiving radar controller (contrary to UK convention). To achieve this responsibility, Edinburgh INT may ask to work any departure out of Edinburgh and can issue instructions whilst in the Local Area. Transfer to Area Control shall occur as soon as possible, with the aircraft on its own navigation on the SID track. 

With the exception of GOSAM departures from Runway 24, Area Control will not vector or deviate aircraft from the SID until above MSL (i.e. cleared to MSL+1 or higher and have vacated MSL). 

Galloway can turn GOSAM departures from Runway 24 right, up to a track of 290 degrees once they are west of UW or passing 3000 ft. Edinburgh INT is required to anticipate this and is responsible for separation of this traffic with GRICE departures and STIRA arrivals. 

Non-standard departure coordination and releases are changed from FIN to the INT controller as of this vMATS revision. In certain cases, it is sensible for FIN to provide services after departure and therefore INT should always specify to AIR which frequency to hand non-standard traffic to with a release. Full details of non-standard coordination can be found in APC 4.5.

Documentation Status
The Edinburgh vMATS is released this AIRAC with the above changes.

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