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VATéir (Shannon & Dublin ACCs) & VATSIM UK (London ACC) LoA 2023/11


About This File

This Letter of Agreement (LoA) outlines the agreements between VATSIM UK (London ACC) and VATéir (Shannon and Dublin ACCs) for the provision of air traffic services.

What's New in Version 2023/06   See changelog


Effective 15 June 2023 (AIRAC 2306)

  • EICK arrivals to route via BANBA instead of ENJEX and amended EIDW inbound agreement from LAC S9, now at RFL and RFD to FL280 (
  • Amended EIDW outbound agreement to LAC S9, now max FL350, and EGCC inbounds now accepted by LAC S7 at max FL330 (
  • Introduction of BAKUR RFC Areas 1 and 2 with amended RFC agreements (3.3.5)
  • Introduction of FRA directs from 15W to LAC S9 for LTMA arrivals and overflights (3.3.7)

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