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IFR Flight Instructor

Daniel Crookes



Hi All,

Unfortunately, @Fraser Cooper is no longer able to commit his time to managing the P4 course. With the rapid expansion of the New Controller process, Fraser has approached me and explained that he does not have the time to manage both and feels that it would be the best decision to step down and allow someone to continue leading the course.

I would like to express my thanks to Fraser for his help during the development of the course and managing the course over the past six months, he has been great to work with and is an asset to any team. Fraser will be helping us develop the P5 course in its final stages (more follows soon!) and has told me he'll not be a stranger, or else he's buying everyone a drink!



Edited by Daniel Crookes



Recommended Comments

Matthew Wilson


Thanks for the all the hard work you've put into the PTD in your short tenure Fraser.

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Nathan Donnelly


Thanks Fraser for your time in the PTD; your hard work is really appreciated.

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Oliver Gates


Fraser, thank you for your time in the PTD; I enjoyed working with you.

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Gdpr Removed


Sad news, Thanks for all your work in the PTD Fraser.


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