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  • Kieran Hardern 19
  • Jack Edwards 12
  • Harry Sugden 9
  • Luke Brown 1

New Forums

Harry Sugden



You may have noticed a few changes to the forum to help facilitate achieving the goals set out in my earlier roadmap post. So, what are the new places for?

ATC Procedure Changes

This forum used to sit under ‘ATC Training’ but has been moved to ‘Operations’. It will work in the same way as it has done, with procedures that have been fully incorporated into published documentation moved into the Archive.

ATC Rostering & Requests

This forum centralises requests by RTSMs for availability in order to roster events and ATC requests the Marketing Department receives. A full description of how it will be used has been placed at the top of the forum.

UK Sector File & Controller Pack

Information regarding new releases of the Sector File and Controller Pack will be posted in this forum, along with a new place for those who contribute to development to discuss and help others get started. Examples of its usage will be posted soon!

Procedure Consultation

All members are able to consult on changes to procedures posted in this forum. Responses will be reviewed and approved before they are visible so as every single post is read and considered. This will also enable discussions to remain on track, and consultation periods will be stated in the initial post. Consultations will serve one of the following purposes:

  • To propose, discuss and review changes to existing procedures (e.g. sectorisations, bandboxing)
  • To discuss the development of new, previously undocumented, procedures - perhaps most pertinent in cases where VATSIM UK’s knowledge of real world procedures has previously hindered development
  • To propose, discuss and review how AIRAC changes will affect our procedures (e.g. standing agreements, new SIDs)

If you’d like to propose a change to a procedure, please use the Helpdesk’s ‘Operations / Documents & Procedures’ Help Topic. You could also use the Feedback & Proposals forum to gauge interest from other members.

Documentation Review

Posts regarding both published documentation and that which is still in development will begin to fill this forum. Tagging will be used to differentiate between posts which ask for feedback on unpublished documentation before its release, and posts that refer to already published documentation but that are still open to feedback. Threads will begin to appear soon - I’m not going to explain how each type of post will function (i.e. what the tagging means), but it will become clear as posts are added.

If you’d like to work on producing a new document, or updating an existing one, please contact your RTSM, or myself, via the Helpdesk. We’ll then get the appropriate forum thread and Google Drive permissions setup to get you going!



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