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ATC Training Staff Changes

Adam Farquharson



Hi all,

As I'm sure many of you have seen, there have been some staff changes within the ATC Training Department in the last month.

@Kye Taylor has stepped down from his role in the Tower Training Group (resignation post). Kye, I know I've said this privately but I'll extend the message (even more) publicly, you've had a huge effect on the training and experience on the network of hundreds of members. The difference you've made during a difficult time cannot be understated, thank you!

@John Batten has accepted a new role as the Member Services Director. John will remain as part of the TGNC team however as part of managing two roles simultaneously, John will inevitably become less active within the TGNC team. We are planning on opening recruitment for someone to join the TGNC team, more details will be available about this in the coming weeks.

Similar to the TGNC role, we will be opening recruitment for a TWR TG vacancy in the coming weeks.

Thanks to all those who applied during our last round of recruitment. I'm pleased to announce that @Fergus Walsh has returned to the ATC Training Team as a Division Instructor. He brings to the team years of experience as a TGNC TGI and more recently TG Heathrow TGI. We also welcome back @William Jennings who has returned to his previous role as Approach Training Group Instructor. Finally we welcome @Samuel Lefevrewho will also join the Approach TG team alongside @William Jennings and @Reece Buckley as well as @Craig Stewart who has taken up the role of Training Department Assistant.

Over the recent weeks the new team have been settling in and getting up to speed. On behalf of the DSG, Thank you Kye and we wish John, Fergus, Will, Samuel and Craig all the best in their new roles.

On a separate note, I plan to continue to post updates on both the achievements and the plans of ATC Training following the Q3 review. I apologise for the delay in the Q4 review being published. Although very late, this will be published very soon.


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