Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy release
Hi All,
Over the last year or so the Members Services and ATC Training departments have been working on a revamp of our visiting and transferring controller policies to give controllers a better and fair opportunity within VATAIM UK as a visitor or transferee.
Today I am pleased to announce that the new policy is now released and can be found here.
The application system will remain closed for the moment for S2/3/C1/3 controllers and will be opened as the training courses for each rating get released. The first training course to be released will be for C1/3 rated Controllers and will be announced in due course.
Many people have contributed to the shaping of this policy and I would like to thank them all for their time and effort.
If you have any questions about this policy, please either submit a ticket on the helpdesk or head to the #members_help channel in discord.
- Harry Downton, Arvid Hansson and Oliver Rhodes
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