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The Flying Programme

Darren Hill



The Flying Programme - Poll  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be interested in engaging with ‘The Flying Programme’ as a pilot on VATSIM?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Which element(s) of ‘The Flying Programme’ would engage with? (You may select more than one answer)

    • Moodle course
    • Group seminars
    • Group flights
    • One-to-one sessions
  3. 3. Would you be interested in engaging with ‘The Flying Programme’ as a mentor?

    • Yes
    • No
  4. 4. As a mentor for ‘The Flying Programme’ what areas of the programme would you be interested in getting involved with?

    • Moodle course
    • Group seminars
    • Group flights
    • One-to-one sessions
  5. 5. Due to the potential limitation on the number of mentors we may have, would limiting the one-to-one sessions to just one session affect your engagement with the programme? (All other elements will remain available for use without restriction)

    • Yes
    • No

Hi all!

As many of us will know, the first few flights on the network are usually stressful and the amount of information can seem overwhelming.

Behind the scenes, the Training Department has been considering the idea of creating a program to assist new members in transitioning into flying on the network.

Before going ahead and developing/launching the programme, we want to hear the thoughts of the community! We kindly ask that you read through the below information and then fill out the poll.


The removal of the P1 Online Pilot rating has left a large void for new pilots who want to go the extra mile before flying on the network. 

The P1 Online Pilot rating allowed members of the VATSIM UK community to engage with our mentors through one-to-one and group mentoring sessions which provided members with any help they required to feel confident and enjoy flying on the network.

In VATSIM UK over 80% of our membership are a part of the division for the sole reason of flying. This incredible proportion should be addressed with the same level of commitment as  controller training is, across the network.

With all that being said -  VATSIM UK are looking to implement ‘The Flying Programme’

‘The Flying Programme’ aims to fill this void by giving new pilots a multitude of ways to get ready for what the network holds! The programme will be open to all pilots who are home members of VATSIM UK with the view to expand.



The Flying Programme branches off into three main avenues: a Moodle theory course, Group sessions , and one-on-one sessions with mentors. There are no prerequisites to any of the modules, meaning a member can book a one-to-one session or attend a group session without having done the Moodle.

Moodle theory

A Moodle course with basic theory will be available for any home member to join. This will not be a replacement for the theory course on myVATSIM, but rather a more practical set of videos aimed to step members through the basics of a flight on VATSIM in the UK!

Some of the proposed topics include:

  • Flight planning

  • Practical use of aircraft systems

  • Chart reading

  • ATC Structure in the UK

  • Common misconceptions

Group sessions

Group sessions will be run on a regular basis. The sessions will consist of alternating group flights and group seminars. 

Group flight sessions will be run with two or three mentors who will talk attendees through the around one hour long flight and answer any questions. This will not include a full breakdown of the flight planning or technical assistance in flying the aircraft.

Group seminars will be conducted by two to three mentors who will present a topic from a presentation and then answer any questions at the end. The topics will run on a rotational basis, similar to the S2 seminars. Additionally, “seasonal” seminars will be presented for events such as Cross The Pond. 

There will be no limit to the number of group sessions a member may attend as we envision that members will use different elements of the programme. There will be no waiting list to request these sessions, as they operate on a first-come-first-serve basis.

One-on-one sessions

Members will be able to request a one-to-one session with a mentor for 1.5 hours through CTS. Due to the predicted demand and possible shortage of mentors, we are limiting the number of sessions a member can request to one. Should a mentor be willing to do a flight longer than 1.5 hours, they may do so.

During these one-to-one sessions, the member will conduct a short flight, VFR or IFR, with the mentor viewing through Euroscope or via screen sharing/shared cockpit (should this be possible). The aim of the one-to-one sessions is to address small things that the member may be unsure of and not to teach any content that is in the Moodle or in group seminars.

Should a member feel they need more than 1 session, they may join a group flight.

There will be no waiting list to request these sessions.



Staying within the concept of making The Flying Programme as accessible as possible, we are allowing any home member to mentor for the programme.

What are my responsibilities as a mentor?

As a mentor, you will be involved in the one-to-one sessions as well as the group sessions. Additionally, you can assist in producing the Moodle video content.

One-to-one sessions will be booked through CTS as with any other training session. There are no obligations to pick up a certain number of sessions per time period and each student can only have one session.

We will assess the frequency of group sessions based on the interest shown with this post. The frequency at which you will be asked to conduct a group session depends on the number of mentors we will have. 

Assuming we have one group session per week, we will need around 50 mentors should each mentor conduct 1 session per year, around 25 mentors if each mentor conducts 1 group seminar and 1 group flight per year, and around 15 mentors if each mentor conducts 2 group seminars and 2 group flights per year.

Do I need a VATSIM Pilot rating?

Mentors for The Flying Programme will not need any VATSIM Pilot (Px) ratings. Instead, there will be an application process, outlined below.

What is the process to become a mentor?

Since no VATSIM Pilot rating is required to mentor in The Flying Programme, the selection process will be based on the network experience and community reputation of the member. Exact requirements will be decided on soon.

Members who are interested in mentoring will be able to apply via a survey from which the Training Department along with Membership Services will select successful applicants.


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Recommended Comments

Reggie Peach


This sounds like a good idea and wouldn’t mind helping out;)

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Lee Rowlands

Posted (edited)

Great idea. As a qualified trainer (City in Guilds) the use of group sessions along with theory is the way forward to capture a multitude of learning styles. 

I am new to VATSIM (11 IFR flights) and only had YouTube to get an idea of what to expect. I have made a few mistakes and had to learn from them myself without the aid of an experienced network user.

To provide that initial insight into VATSIM and what new pilots are to expect should assist the way the community uses the network. 


Edited by Lee Rowlands
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Reggie Peach


3 hours ago, Lee Rowlands said:

Great idea. As a qualified trainer (City in Guilds) the use of group sessions along with theory is the way forward to capture a multitude of learning styles. 

I am new to VATSIM (11 IFR flights) and only had YouTube to get an idea of what to expect. I have made a few mistakes and had to learn from them myself without the aid of an experienced network user.

To provide that initial insight into VATSIM and what new pilots are to expect should assist the way the community uses the network. 


This is a good example off why it’s been needed for a while and the ONE-ONE sessions will help with along with the Moodle/Group Flights.

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Richard Schunemann


A B S O L U T E L Y   

F A N T A S T I C 

I N I T I A T I  V E

Where do I signup?

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Reggie Peach

Posted (edited)

45 minutes ago, Richard Schunemann said:

A B S O L U T E L Y   

F A N T A S T I C 

I N I T I A T I  V E

Where do I signup?

As In help or be helped? Either way not been announced yet 

Edited by Reggie Peach
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Richard Schunemann


As in helped, the wet behind the ears to offer help ☹️

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Reggie Peach


On 17/03/2021 at 16:17, Richard Schunemann said:

As in helped, the wet behind the ears to offer help ☹️

Aaa no problem we all have to start somewhere I don’t mind helping you I’m not no Approved mentor or some airline pilot in real world but have been taught by a few people. If you want me to help send me a forum PM. *hope this not against the rules*

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Richard Schunemann


Thanks for the offer Reg, very kind of you!



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James Weatherhead


XLNT idea. Look forward to the announcement. I hope vfr flying and phraseology will be included.

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Reggie Peach


3 hours ago, James Weatherhead said:

XLNT idea. Look forward to the announcement. I hope vfr flying and phraseology will be included.

I’m guessing it will be no idea tho. IFR has a guide and I wish VFR did to but that might be something we could work on. We as in the Mentors/Pilot trainers. (I’m not a mentor but it seemed better saying it this way.

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I would love to take part in this as I lack some confidence. I always start off with the intention of flying on VATSIM, then backout at the last minute.

I think it's the fear of saying things wrong and looking like an idiot even though I have years of experience flying various 'planes over the last 20 odd years.

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