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  • Loui Ringer 19
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  • Harrison Grose 2
  • Thomas Hallam 1

Livestreaming Update: Behind the Scope

Harrison Grose



Hello All!

I'm happy to announce that 'Behind the Scope' will be making a return to the VATSIM UK YouTube channel. However, we obviously cannot proceed without your involvement!
We are looking for people to live stream their controlling sessions directly onto the YouTube channel, for everyone to see. They will need to read the live chat and, if able, verbally answer ATC related
questions that the viewers may have. (Responding verbally to the live chat is not 100% mandatory, dependant on controller workload) (A member of the marketing team will also be present to answer any questions via text)

We are hoping to run 'Behind the Scope' on the first Friday of every month. Whilst this means the interval between each stream is not short, it leaves room for more frequent streams, should the interest be very high.
The first stream will take place either on Friday 12th, or 18th April, dependant on controller interest. All proceeding streams will take place on the first Friday of the month.


If you would like to get involved, please email me - [email protected] - please include your ATC rating, what position(s) you'd like to control, and what times you are available.

Stream Eligibility Requirements:

  • S2 rated or higher
  • A UK home member in good standing

To ensure that the streams are of sufficient technical quality, members wishing to stream should also ensure:

  • Access to an UPLOAD speed of at least 2500 Kbps (2.5Mbps)
  • Hardware capable of streaming 720p at 30FPS


I look forward to hearing from you all!


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1 Comment

Recommended Comments

Matthew Wilson


I occasionally steam on twitch and really enjoy it. I've also done behind the scope before and really enjoyed so would be happy to do it again.



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