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  • Barrie Joplin 9
  • Leon Grant 2

TeamSpeak kick grace period

Barrie Joplin



Dear All

After taking into consideration all of the comments and suggestions regarding this, while being mindful of trying to cultivate an environment where there are active people to speak with, the TS bot will be updated by 06:00z 23/02/2018 to the following grace period:

All* rooms within the UK TeamSpeak will have a 60 minute grace period before a member is kicked automatically by the TS Bot for being idle.

*Idle times in the following rooms will be ignored by the bot:

  • Coordination;
  • Mentoring;
  • Exam;
  • Staff > Meeting 1 and 2.

You will be able to reconnect at any time after being removed from the server by the bot.

This will be reviewed by the community team at the end of May 2018, please use the comments section below if you have any feedback regarding the revised TS bot kick time.

Many thanks



Recommended Comments

Has this been reviewed/changed? I was kicked out of Coordination tonight after 60 minutes.

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