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Contributors to this blog

  • Kieran Hardern 19
  • Jack Edwards 14
  • VATSIM UK Operations 9
  • Luke Brown 1

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Operations New Year Update 2025: Staff Changes, Online ATC Documentation and more

New Operations Staff Members and Team Structure It gives me great pleasure to announce that @James Bayliss-de Gruchy and @Mohamed Ouahchia have accepted offers to join the staff team as Events Assistants. They will assist the Events Manager in organising the UK's event's schedule. Also joining the team is @Ben Walker as the new Sector File Coordinator (replacing Peter Mooney, who has moved to Deputy Operations Director). Ben has been an active contributor to Operations for some time no

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in Operations

Deputy Operations Director Appointment

I am pleased to announce that @Peter Mooney has accepted my offer of the role of Deputy Operations Director. I was delighted to receive so many applications for the role - competition was fierce and I would like to thank everyone who took the time to apply - it's great to see so many people interested in helping the division out.  Note: The role of 'Operations Manager' has been renamed to 'Deputy Operations Director' to make the department structure clearer and better reflect the division o

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in Operations

Operations Vacancies

The restructuring of Events into the Operations Department has created some vacancies! If you have any questions about the roles, including suitability then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I am keen to foster some more home-grown talent in the department - we do not expect anyone to be the complete package when they apply for staff roles - training and guidance will be provided. I would be keen to receive applications from newer and more experienced members alike. Vacancies I am

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in Operations

Happy New Year - Operations 2024

Happy new year of AIRACs from the Operations Department. I have to start the post with a thank you to my staff for yet another year of hard work. @Luke Brown, Harry, @Peter Mooney, @Adam Arkley, @Kye Taylor, @Chad Byworth and @Harrison Grose, thank you for all you've put in over 2023 and for all the jobs behind-the-scenes that go unnnoticed. Network Traffic The network continues to get busier - and the UK is no exception, with nearly 80000 more movements than last year. Currently

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

AFIS/AGO Endorsement Positions Updated

I am pleased to announce that from November 3rd at 0001z, the S1 AFIS/AGO endorsement will cover an additional 41 fields that provide Air/Ground Radio or Aerodrome Flight Information Service. The list is updated on the Endorsement Page of the VATSIM UK website in advance of this change: https://www.vatsim.uk/atc/endorsements Please note that this change co-incides with the 8.33 frequency implementation and all AFIS/AG positions must have the latest sector file and utilise the correct f

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

New Aerodrome Operations Coordinators

I am pleased to announce the appointment of 2 new Aerodrome Operations Coordinators: Adam Arkley and Kye Taylor. Both are experienced controllers and have extensive experience on the network - especially in ATC training. I'm looking forward to seeing what they can bring to the Operations Department. Congratulations to them both. I'll be working with them over the next few months to bring them up to speed.

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

Operations Staff Changes

Following the resignation of Thomas Mills at the start of this year right before our biggest sector/AIRAC release for years, we've had a large hole in our Operations team that many of the team have stepped in to assist with. I am pleased to announce that following his excellent work on the sector file in recent months, @Peter Mooney has agreed to move into the Sector File Coordinator role. He holds this role jointly with Luke, with Peter focusing more on sector file data and releases, Luke more

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

Happy New Year - Operations 2023

Another year, another 13 AIRACs gone. This has been a challenging year, with increased workload placed upon the department, after the loss of some experienced staff. With the introduction of the UK Controller Plugin API, some advances in flow control, and our ever-more present role in traffic planning for big events, it becomes hard to keep up with all our day to day roles!   One of our focuses this year has been to try to increase the list of airports that we can support documentation

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

Flow Control - ECFMP Integration

For over a year, the UK has been participating in a Europe-wide flow control coordination system called 'ECFMP'. In discord, you will see us occasionally posting in the "procedure_changes" channel with a Flow Control measure issued via this system. It allows us to request/issue traffic limitations to each other for the purpose of easing pressure on airports or sectors during events. As of today, the ECFMP group have launched a new web interface where these measures are issued. With that com

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

Operations Assistant - Ellis Delgado

It is my unfortunate duty to announce that @Ellis Delgado will be leaving the Operations Team. Ellis joined the team in August 2021 as an Operations Assistant and has supported us through several major cycle updates, to include our massive Luton/LTMA changes in early 2022. We thank Ellis for his contributions over the last year! Ellis will be continuing to contribute to our AIRAC cycles alongside being an active member of the division.

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

Happy New Year from Operations

It’s time for a quick ‘Happy New (AIRAC) Year’ from the Operations Department. I hope the festive period has allowed you some time to rest and recharge for 2022. It’s a privilege to take over this department from Jack, who’s led it since October 2020. We are going into 2022 with a strong and established team, which we’ll need to achieve all our plans and hit our deadlines for 2022. Thank you @Jack Edwardsfor all your efforts to bring the team to where it is, along with your personal contrib

Kieran Hardern

Kieran Hardern in Operations

Operations Director - Resignation

Good afternoon all. I've throughly enjoyed the last year as Operations Director, the swell in interest and commitment to the network from everyone in VATSIM UK has been a big wave to surf and I'm really proud of the work that everyone in the department has done since we all started last year. It's time for me to move on now and hand the role over to someone else. Before I go, I would like to give you all (the membership) an idea of what goes on behind the scenes and thank some of those

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in Operations

Operations New Year Review - TopSky and 2020 Statistics

Happy New Year! I hope your festive periods have been relaxing. I'm sure many of you like me, will be looking ahead with more optimism to 2021. The past year has generated some remarkable statistics which show the vast contributions made to the division. The Operations Department has also been working hard on a number of topics recently and there are a few exciting projects in the works as we begin 2021. Top-Sky There has been a growing chorus of voices requesting an official VATS

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in Operations

Operations Director - Opening Statement

Firstly, thank you to everyone for the warm welcome, I know recuitment for this role has been eagerly anticipated and I hope I can do justice to it. At the present moment, Chris remains responsible for the majority of the department's output. This will gradually shift as we get the opportunity to hand over the various compenents. Getting to grips with the current state of affairs will take some time and I anticipate that during this period, I won't be able to respond to queries as promptly

Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards in Operations

Open Source Update - UK Sector File

I am pleased to announce that the migration of the UK Sector File Repository from GitLab to GitHub has now been completed - thanks @Neil Farrington! The new repository can be found here: https://github.com/VATSIM-UK/UK-Sector-File The first and most important thing is that you read (and understand) the Contributing guide which is attached to the project. As we go on it is the intention to develop the Wiki with details of how the sector file is generated from the repository, and a step-

VATSIM UK Operations

VATSIM UK Operations in Operations

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