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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

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Entries in this blog

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG Approach

The department is pleased to accept applications for the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Approach. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmat

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Changes in TG App

Good morning, all, It is with much sadness that I announce that Sam Lefevre has left his role within TG APP, effective immediately. Sam has held post within the training group since Feb 2023 and has been subject to incredible pressure in that time. His contributions have been significant within the department in those two years. We've seen some great numbers passing through the training group during Sam's tenure, coupled with the introduction of some great resources and a revision to the sy

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG Heathrow

The department is pleased to accept applications for the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Heathrow. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmat

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

S3 Syllabus

In our quest to create a holistic ATC Training Syllabus and overhaul documentation associated with ATC Training, I am pleased to announce the next training syllabi as now been released - the S3 Syllabus. The new S3 Syllabus has been formatted similarly to the recent S2 Syllabus and is detailed below: Block 1 - Fundamental Approach/Radar Competencies: Block 1 aims to take students from zero experience to a solid understanding of S3 fundamental competencies. This includes Euroscope

Will Jennings

Will Jennings in ATC Training

New ATC Training Documentation

Good morning, I'm pleased to finally be able to announce the publication of new documentation for the department. These documents have both been arduous work, solidifying over a year of changes to how we run training within VATSIM UK whilst also ensuring that our policies and procedures are GCAP compliant. The documents have seen rounds of iterative feedback, both within my teams and within the DSG. We started working on these documents in late Spring last year, reviewing what existed, writ

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Resignation - Fraser Cooper

Good day, It is with tremendous regret that I announce the unfortunate and unexpected resignation of Fraser Cooper from his post as Heathrow TGI. Fraser has been in post since April 2023 and has worked for a long time for the benefit of Heathrow on VATSIM, overseeing some fantastic changes within the TG and pushing Heathrow training to ensure that we consistently deliver prompt and high quality training to those who seek it. Fraser's contributions include overseeing the provision of tr

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

2024 - A Year in Review

Hello everyone! I've been sort of quiet with updates as life has gripped what little precious time I have and summarily taken it away from me, but I promised transparency and it wouldn't be the advent of a new year without a blog post now, would it!? Firstly, as ever, we need to recognise the contributions of our mentors, examiners and staff. Our department is one the most highly demanding across VATSIM and we deal with people from all walks of life, from all situations and with variou

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Tower TGI Resignation

Hello all, Unfortunately, I have decided to step down from my role as Tower TGI. Joining the training team nearly two years ago, as TGNC's TGI, I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet some lovely people within the staff and mentoring team. With @Fergus Walsh at TGNC, we made it a mission to progress students through the OBS->S1 stage and during covid, we did just that!  With the TG TWR change, It was very difficult. Shortly after my appointment, I was soloing the training group

Kye Taylor

Kye Taylor in Staff Changes

ATC Training Appointments

Good evening, It gives me great pleasure, this evening, to make not one, but two appointments - for the same person! Over a month ago, we advertised for applications for the En-Route Training Group lead. I am pleased to say that we had more than one applicant and accordingly, we were able to conduct a proper process. Competition was genuinely strong and I welcome that we've had multiple applicants. I'm pleased to say that Kye Taylor has been offered and has accepted the post of TG ENR

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

2024 Christmas Closure

Good morning, all, As is tradition, to remove any burden of expectation on either our mentors, staff or students, the ATC Training Department will be closed between the 23rd December and 2nd January. During this period, there is no expectation of any mentoring or examinations taking place, but of course, if mentors and students find themselves with time and wanting to take part then we will, of course, not stop them! To this effect, between the 23rd December and 2nd January, no ATC Tra

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG Enroute

The department is pleased to accept applications for the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Enroute. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmati

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

TGI Tower - Appointment

Good morning, It's with great pleasure that I welcome @Reece Buckleyback to the ATC Training team, this time in the role of Training Group Instructor - TG Tower. Reece is no stranger to the ATC Training Team, having previously held a post as TGI APP and his familiarity with the department makes his return to the team most welcome. I was pleased to hear that Reece brought several ideas to the table during interview and have every faith that he'll continue to build upon the solid foundation i

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Changes to our OBS > S1 Process

Dear all, Since the beginning of my tenure, I have been discussing the OBS > S1 process with our New Controller Training Group leads in order to discuss potential improvement in that process. At present, we run a seminar roughly monthly - although these are typically delayed at times like summer and Christmas - in which we invite 30 people to join a seminar. Those 30 people are made up of batches of invitations that are sent out in groups to people at or near the top of the waiting list,

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

[VACANCY] Training Group Instructor - TG TWR

The department is pleased to accept applications for the Training Group Instructor - TG TWR. As you will no doubt be aware, VATSIM UK is a highly-demanded division for ATC training, providing thousands of mentoring sessions per year and hundreds of rating upgrades. Globally, we are renowned for providing high quality training and providing a high standard of service in some of the most densely populated and complicated airspace in the world. Our ethos is to provide pragmatic, high-qual

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Changes in TG TWR

Good morning, all, It is with much sadness that I announce that Will Hinshaw has left his role within TG TWR, effective immediately. Will has held post within the training group since June 2023 and has been subject to incredible pressure in that time. TG TWR is a very difficult place in which to work, subject to high training delays, a challenging teaching environment and significant drop-out rates as people bed into their VATSIM controlling careers. Will has made great progress in reducing

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

GCAP Update 3: Effect of Change

Good morning all, Yesterday, we processed the first roster update since GCAP went live on the 1st March. On the 1st March, we retained on the roster anyone who had controlled at all within the preceding 12 months, from the 1st March 2023 to the 1st March 2024. Thereafter, currency requirements dictate that to remain on the roster, a controller must control three hours within every fixed quarter; three hours between the 1st Jan and the 1st April, three hours between the 1st April and the 1st

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Q2 2024 Review

Good morning, all! When I took this role, I had planned to provide quarterly updates for visibility; certainly I provide a quarterly update to the region to provide them with some oversight and to facilitate governance and, in the spirit of openness and transparency, it's only appropriate that I do the same with all of you. I had intended to write something a little closer to the end of Q2, rather than 1/3 of the way through Q3, but Real Life has conspired against me and I have been delayed

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Resignation - John Batten

Dear all, It's with some regret that I announce that @John Battenis standing down from his post as Training Group Instructor within our New Controller training group. John was appointed in March 2022 and in the 27 months that he's been in post, he's been instrumental in the success of TGNC, leading the delivery of quality training to new members of our community whilst also juggling his tenure as Member Services Director. In recent times, the training group has seen record numbers of e

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

GCAP Changes to Heathrow Training

Hello everyone, To comply with the introduction of the Global Controller Administration Policy (GCAP), we have made some changes to the way training is conducted within the Heathrow TG. Heathrow is now categorised as a Tier 1 airfield. For more information regarding GCAP, please see the VATSIM.net policy here.   Introduction of Heathrow GMP/GMC endorsements for S1 members With the implementation of GCAP, members who hold an S1 rating are now able to apply with Heathrow T

Fraser Cooper

Fraser Cooper in ATC Training

S2 Syllabus and Lesson Plans

Over the last few months in tenure, @Adam Arkley and myself have worked with TG Staff to create a holistic syllabus for all ATC training undertaken in VATSIM UK. Individual Syllabi for each rating will comprehensively detail all theoretical and practical training covered during mentoring sessions. The content of the syllabi gives mentors clear direction and focus in their sessions and ensures students understand what is expected of them; also key competencies will be cemented that will make tran

Will Jennings

Will Jennings in ATC Training

An Insight into Demand

When I was appointed to this post, I committed to being transparent with you all about all manner of different things. Specifically, I've committed to give everybody a view on the demand that ATC training is facing, at all ratings. Thanks to my colleagues in our Tech team, I have some data now that I can share with you. However, before we dive into any detail, it's worth saying that we can only work with the data that we have. We might draw many inferences from that data, but we'll never have a

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Division Instructors - Review and Appointments

As part of my review of ATC Training when I took on this post at the end of last year, I sought to understand the roles that are in place across the department, from department assistants to training group leads and mentors to division instructors. It's this latter group that is the subject of this blog post. For many, many years, division across VATSIM - including here in VATSIM UK - have recognised the experience and seniority of some of our most capable mentors through their appointment

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

TG Enroute - Appointment

Good evening all, I'm tremendously pleased to announce the appointment of @David Woodward who will lead TG Enroute moving forwards. Dave is no stranger to VATSIM, having led ATC Training in Bahrain as well as having previously been Division Director in VATSIM Sub-Saharan Arica. Dave's been a home member in VATSIM UK for some time now, mentoring in TG Enroute and sharing his expertise from his day job with both the ATC Training and Operations departments. As Dave is appointed, we must s

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

Review Findings and First Steps

Good evening, all, As many of you will be aware, I have promised openness and transparency following my appointment and both publicly and within my teams, have shared details of the plan that I intend to follow for ATC Training moving forwards. On Tuesday of this week, Ben Wright chaired the first DSG meeting of both the year and his tenure and, during that meeting, I asked to present my findings on ATC Training across the division so far and my high-level, unordered plan for the future. I

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

2023 - A Year in Review

As 2023 leaves us and we bid a fond greeting to 2024, many will be undertaking a period of reflection and, as is tradition, we'll take a quick look back at ATC Training over the year. Before that, an extraordinary thanks needs to be given to all of our mentors, examiners, instructors and ATC training staff that make everything that we do possible. Mentoring controllers is hard work. Our mentors take people who have likely never, ever worked with, in or near Air Traffic Management before and

Adam Arkley

Adam Arkley in ATC Training

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