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2025-03-20 - East Midlands (EGNX) - SAPCO SID Truncation

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective 20 March 2025

The East Midlands (EGNX) southbound SID via Daventry (DTY) will be truncated - or shortened - to existing point SAPCO, 23 NM to the north, enabling fuel savings for operators. There will also be restrictions on a new real world route via SAPCO DCT LUXTO.

Onward connectivity to DTY is enabled by the extension of existing ATS route Y53 from DTY to SAPCO. However, when re-routing outdated flight plans, the use of SAPCO DCT DTY on VATSIM is acceptable, as there are no intermediate points.

Controllers must update the sector file to ensure correct data display


Route Amendments during VATSIM implementation

If a pilot files a route via SAPCO:

  • Clear via the SAPCO 1N / 1P SID
  • If the pilot reports unable to accept, amend the route in their flight plan to commence at DTY and clear via the old DTY 3N / 4P SID (this will display with a # before the designator in the departure list)

If a pilot files a route via DTY:

  • Ask the pilot whether they have the DTY or SAPCO SID in their FMC and clear accordingly
  • If they have the SAPCO SID, amend the route in their flight plan to start with SAPCO DCT DTY

Phraseology for a clearance to a pilot filed via DTY but that can accept the SAPCO SID:
“BCS12P cleared to Liege, SAPCO 1N departure then direct Daventry, squawk 1234”

Controllers are expected to make any required amendments to the flight plan on behalf of the pilot.

SAPCO DCT LUXTO route availability

Additionally, airlines will be permitted to file via the Cotswold Flexible Use Airspace (FUA) to the west of Birmingham for night/early morning departures - routes via this airspace will start SAPCO DCT LUXTO.

This route will only be available 0025-0835 in winter (2325-0735 in summer) in the real world as well as on the VATSIM network.

Controllers will need to check for this route and re-route via SAPCO-DTY if the pilot will depart outside of these times.

Example route via LUXTO:



Documentation Status

The East Midlands vMATS and Crib Sheet will be updated at its next revision. The UK Controller Plugin has been updated.

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