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2025-03-05 - Manchester (EGCC) - Runway Utilisation (Dual Runway Periods)

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective 5th March 2025

In order to more accurately simulate realistic runway utilisation at Manchester, the procedure for selecting the active runway configuration is clarified as follows:

A dual runway configuration is operated during:

  • The published times for Manchester to be operating dual runways (see below)
  • VATSIM UK events at Manchester Airport
  • Periods of heavy traffic where single runway operations would result in undue delay – for example, during busier evenings, and weekends.

Summer Dual Runway Periods (1st May - 31st October) 

  • Mon-Fri 0615-2000L
  • Sat 0615-1600L
  • Sun 0615-0930L and 1300-2000L

Winter Dual Runway Periods (1st November - 30th April)

  • Mon-Fri 0630-1030L and 1600-2000L
  • Sat 0630-1030L
  • Sun 1600-2000L

A single runway configuration is only operated when the conditions for dual runway operations are not met. Closures of 05L/23R are permitted under specific circumstances - refer to the vMATS.


Exceptions to Standard Configurations:

  • During mentoring sessions, a mentor may decide to operate a single or dual runway configuration at any time for training purposes.
  • An area (CTR) controller that is covering Manchester AIR function “top-down” may elect to operate in a single runway configuration within the published times for dual runway operations if the expected traffic levels are low. 

In either case, should traffic begin to experience undue delay as a result of a non-standard configuration, area controllers/mentors are to resume a normal runway configuration (seeking support to enable this if required).  



  • Q: I am controlling Manchester GMP/GMC/ADC/APC, during a dual runway operations period but the traffic level is/is expected to be low - can I operate a single runway configuration? 
    • A: No, operate a dual runway configuration until outside the published dual runway period. The purpose of this change is to better simulate real world utilisation of runways at Manchester. See exceptions to this procedure above.


Documentation Status

The Manchester (EGCC) vMATS Part 2 have been updated to reflect the changes

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