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2025-03-11 - Cheltenham Heliport

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective: Tuesday 11 March 2025 to Friday 14 March 2025

During the Cheltenham Festival at Cheltenham Racecourse a temporary restricted airspace will be in operation (see AIC for more information).


For the duration of the real world meeting, an ATZ is established with radius 2 NM centred on Cheltenham Heliport (EGBC) from the surface to 2000 ft above the heliport. Additionally, Restricted Airspace (Temporary) is also established with a 3 NM radius centred on EGBC from the surface to altitude 3000 ft. This airspace is considered active on VATSIM when a controller is providing a service as per the instructions below.
An air traffic control position will be available for suitably qualified controllers (S2 or above) to operate on frequency 121.180 MHz (EGBC_TWR - "Cheltenham Tower") providing a mandatory aerodrome control service to helicopters flying in and out. When EGBC_TWR is not open, EGBJ_A_APP ("Gloster Approach" - 128.555 MHz) may operate the position top down during the effective period only and subject to workload.

Only helicopters to or from EGBC should enter the Restricted Airspace (Temporary), except NPAS aircraft, Helimed aircraft and aircraft on approach/departure to EGBJ, and they must be under the control of either Cheltenham Tower or Gloster Approach.

ATC Procedures 
Five unpublished VRPs are used during the effective period only:

  • BCSTO Stoke Orchard (W) N051.57.13.650 W002.07.14.300
  • BCDIX Dixton Hill (NE) N051.58.27.700 W002.01.41.950 
  • BCDOW Dowdeswell Reservoir (SE) N051.52.37.360 W002.00.57.430
  • BCBIS Bishop’s Cleeve N051.56.44.880 W002.03.42.110
  • BCPRE Prestbury village N051.54.53.450 W002.02.10.440 

Arriving helicopters

Pilots should call for clearance to enter the ATZ and state which of the above VRPs they are approaching. Cheltenham Tower will issue a clearance into the ATZ with a clearance limit of Bishop’s Cleeve VRP from the north or Prestbury from the south
Once number one on final approach, helicopters should be cleared to land and assigned a gate in one transmission. Example: “JKY23, runway 32 cleared to land, gate 1” Helicopters will use the FATO for alignment and then taxi to their assigned gate. Maximum stay is 5 minutes and passengers are to be (dis)embarked rotors running.
There are three unpublished standard departure routes that may be used for departure clearances during the effective period only:

  • 05 - depart to the north east not above altitude 1400 ft
  • 12 - depart to the south East not above altitude 1400 ft
  • 27 - depart to the west not above altitude 1400 ft

Departing helicopters

Pilots should call for clearance for any manoeuvre on the heliport including hovering, air-taxiing or lifting. The departure routing is included with the take off clearance.
Example: “JKY23, runway 32, clear for takeoff, route 05” 
If the pilot is able, departure direct from the gate is possible using non-standard abbreviated phraseology: “JKY23, lift and go, route 27”.

Note that the surface of the heliport, including the FATO, is unprepared and not suitable for ground taxiing.

Weather reports: On VATSIM, no weather data for EGBC is available. In the real world, QNH and wind vectors are not normally transmitted on the frequency. VATSIM pilots should use the Gloucestershire ATIS on frequency 127.480 MHz. The QFE can be given if requested based on the heliport elevation of 200 ft (QFE = EGBJ QNH - 7 hPa). There is no requirement to inform ATC of receipt of any weather information. The real Gloucestershire airport closes at 1930Z and ATIS broadcasts are not updated after that time. Other sources of weather information should be sought. 

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