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[16th March, 1200-1400z] Hebrides High Tour

James Bayliss-de Gruchy

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VATSIM UK is pleased to bring you another thrilling VFR adventure with the Hebrides High Tour on Sunday, 16th March, from 1200-1400z! We're back for more VFR, this time exploring the breathtaking Scottish Hebrides, home to dramatic coastlines, rolling landscapes, and some of the UK’s most unique airfields. 

Take in the spectacular sights as you navigate the iconic beach landing at Barra, pass over the remote beauty of Benbecula, and experience the bustling airspace around Stornoway. Whether you're island-hopping or enjoying a scenic cruise, this is the perfect chance to experience VFR flying at its best. 

We aim to provide ATC coverage for: 

  • Stornoway (EGPO) 
  • Benbecula (EGPL) 
  • Barra (EGPR) 


Fire up your aircraft, plan your route, and join us as we take in the beauty of Scotland’s Western Isles from above!


Controllers wishing to control for this event are to book via the CTS

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