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2024-12-26 - [Enroute] Changes to Amsterdam controller positions

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective 26 December 2024


A new Letter of Agreement between VATSIM UK and the Dutch vACC will take effect on the above date to reflect amended Amsterdam controller positions:

  • EHAA_W_CTR frequency changed to 123.705 - remains highest priority position below FL245 at the UK-EHAA interface
  • EHAA_LOW_CTR (125.750) created - covers EHAA airspace below FL245 (i.e. excluding MUAC Delta airspace)
  • EHAA_ALL_CTR (134.375) created - covers EHAA airspace below FL245 and MUAC Delta.

The MUAC Delta ownership is also affected by the removal of EUC-MW_CTR - see this post.

Ownership summary:



vMATS Procedure (EGPX / EGTT)

Deleted text – red and strikethrough. New text in blue.

ScAC 3.4 / LAC 5.4 / LAC 7.4   -   ScAC South / AC Clacton / AC North Sea
ScAC 3.4.5 / LAC 5.4.2 / LAC 7.4.3   -   Amsterdam ACC

Amsterdam ACC is responsible for the whole of the Amsterdam FIR FL245 and below. 

As in real world, the Maastricht Delta (EDYY_D_CTR) and Jever (EDYY_J_CTR) sectors have responsibility for portions of the Amsterdam FIR adjacent to [London/Scottish] above FL245. On VATSIM, in the absence of EDYY positions, Amsterdam ACC and RG Bremen take responsibility of the Delta and Jever sector airspace, respectively.

Note: Amsterdam Radar always has a higher priority over the upper airspace than the Maastricht Eurocontrol position (EUC-MW_CTR).

FL250 is not available as a cruising level in the Amsterdam FIR/UIR.

ScAC / LAC / LAC   -   Sectorisation

The coverage priority (left to right) for Amsterdam (SFC-FL245) at the interface with [London/Scottish ACC] is as follows:

123.705 MHz

125.750 MHz

134.375 MHz

123.850 MHz

124.880 MHz
(See Note)

Note: The primary callsign for Amsterdam ACC is EHAA_W_CTR, but in cases where they may have logged off leaving EHAA_E_CTR online, EHAA_E shall then be responsible for the whole FIR.

ScAC 3.4.7 / LAC 5.4.4 / LAC 7.4.4   -   Maastricht UAC
Note: Amsterdam/Bremen Radar always has a higher priority over the upper airspace than the Maastricht Eurocontrol position (EUC-MW_CTR).

ScAC / LAC / LAC   -   Sectorisation

The coverage priority (left to right) for Maastricht UAC (FL245+) at the interface with [London/Scottish ACC] is as follows:

Delta Sector (FL245+)

135.960 MHz

134.375 MHz

125.750 MHz

Note: The primary callsign for Amsterdam ACC is EHAA_W_CTR, but in cases where they may have logged off leaving EHAA_E_CTR online, EHAA_E shall then be responsible for the whole FIR.


Documentation Status

The vMATS and Agreed Levels Diagrams will be amended at their next revisions.

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