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2024-05-09 - Inverness (EGPE) - General Changes

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective 5th September 2024

The following post summarises the changes to procedures at Inverness with the latest release of the ACB.

Helicopter Procedures

Helicopter traffic is expected to use the runways for arrivals and departures. Wheeled helicopters are to be treated like fixed wing aircraft by ADC. Helicopters with skids will usually use the runway 11 threshold as an aiming point. 

Example: 'Castle 01, cleared to lift/land Runway 11 threshold, winds 260 degree 2 knots'. 

The grass area west of runway 11/29 may also be used to depart into wind. 

Low Visibility & Safeguarding Procedures

Whilst Inverness is not equipped for CAT II/III operations, safeguarding procedures should be enforced when the visibility or RVR is 1500 m or less and falling. Holding points A2, E2 and D should be used, runway 11/29 should be used, and landing clearances must be issued by 2 nm. 

Holding Procedures

The INS (Inverness VORDME) hold is variable and depends on the runway. When on runway 23 the axis is 047° with left hand turns and on runway 05 the axis is 239° with right hand turns. 

Documentation Status
The Inverness ACB will be updated with these changes at the next release.

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