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2024-08-08 - Bristol (EGGD) - Changes to handling VFR traffic

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective 8th August 2024


VFR arrivals should now be handled in the following way;

Aircraft shall contact Bristol APC to obtain a clearance to enter the CTR. The standard routing for arrivals from the north is on track East Nailsea VRP, and on track Blagdon Lake VRP from the south. Both should be assigned a restriction of not above 2000 ft (or 2500 ft at night). AIR still remains responsible for traffic below 2000 ft in the CTR, however APC may issue a clearance to enter. 

Once the traffic has entered controlled airspace, APC should update their service, pass any relevant traffic information and transfer the aircraft to the AIR controller. 

Aircraft wishing to transit should be handled the same, however AIR may elect to work traffic below 4000 ft where required to ensure separation against departing aircraft and go arounds. APC must coordinate all transiting traffic below 4000 ft with AIR. Traffic below 2000 ft remains the responsibility of AIR


Documentation Status
The Bristol vMATS will be updated with these changes at the next release.

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