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2024-07-11 - Cambridge (EGSC) - General Changes

VATSIM UK Operations

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Effective 13th June 2024

Changes to circuit altitudes/heights

  • Mutli-engine fixed-wing - 1600 ft (QFE/QNH)
  • Single-engine fixed-wing/helicopter - 1000 ft (QFE)
  • Poor weather - 600 ft (QFE)

The difference between QNH and QFE is negligible

Changes to VFR Procedures

When traffic is holding at the CAM NDB, VFR departures should be restricted to 2000 ft initially and passed generic traffic information relating to the hold.

Controllers and pilots familiar with the area can refer to two unpublished visual reference points; A wind farm 5 NM southeast and Waterbeach, a town located 3 NM north of the field.

Changes to Local SSR Code Procedures

Radar is assigned the local SSR code range of 6160 - 6177. When controllers open the procedural approach position, they shall assign 6176 for VFR traffic operating on a basic service and 6177 for IFR traffic operating on a procedural service. 

Addition of helicopter landing areas

The ACB now documents Cambridge’s 4 helicopter landing areas, marked H3, H4, H5 and H6 on the aerodrome chart. Helicopter traffic should depart from the runways, however some locally based aircraft may depart from the pads at the discretion of ATC. The East Anglian Air Ambulance service also has a helipad, marked EAAA on the aerodrome chart. 

Clearances to Stansted (EGSS) 

Stansted Director may issue the following unpublished ‘standard clearance’ to traffic departing Cambridge for Stansted via BKY. ‘Climb straight ahead to 2300ft, then turn left on track BKY, climb to altitude 3000 ft.’

Issuing the next frequency in IFR departure clearances

All IFR departure clearance should include the next frequency in them. For example; “GSDRY, hold position. After departure turn right on track ADNAM. Climb to altitude 3000 ft. Remain outside controlled airspace. Squawk 3617. When instructed contact Stansted Director 136.200”

Departure releases for traffic routing via ADNAM

IFR flights joining controlled airspace at ADNAM require release from Stansted FIN, a prenote should be issued by APC and Stansted FIN should provide a release valid for 10 minutes. APC shall obtain this release from Stansted FIN prior to issuing a release to ADC.

Interactions with local aerodromes 

Traffic under the control of Cambridge APC should be routed 5 NM clear of Gransden Gliding Centre (located 10nm east of Cambridge) when below 4000 ft. 

Given the close proximity of the Lakenheath (EGUN) MATZ, situated 8 NM northeast of Cambridge, APC should coordinate a MATZ penetration clearance for traffic on an instrument approach to runway 23, this does not need to be relayed to the pilot. Additionally, runway 05 departures via EBOTO should be prenoted by Cambridge APC to Lakenheath, prior to issuing a release. 

Documentation Status
The Cambridge ACB is published this cycle with the changes.

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