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Representation of Redesignation Procedures

Chris Pawley

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As we tend to do two different things in our updates, I thought it was worth discussing. Additionally, some controllers might be interested/have an opinion.

I wanted to breifly discuss what we do when SIDs and STARs are redesignated in AIRAC updates.


Option 1:

Archive the old procedure (typically with a #) and add a complete new procedure.

BLAHH1G updated -> #BLAHH1G

Create BLAHH2G

ANTHR2H withdrawn -> #ANTHR2H


All old procedures correctly displayed in case of old NavData


Cumbersome sectorfile containing lots of out dated procedures

Longer loadtimes in boot up

May be difficult to reclear someone who filed the wrong procedure

Lack of distinction between old and withdrawn procedures


Option 2:

Archive old procedures where there is no longer a procedure with that name. Renumber/resequence updated procedures.

BLAHH1G updated -> BLAHH2G

ANTHR2H withdrawn -> #ANTHR2H


Smaller file, less loading time


Aircraft with the old procedures may fly in an unexpected manner when cleared on a new procedure.


I personally prefer and thought we were using option 2, but willing to discuss and find out if there is merit in following option 1.



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Solution 2 is a lot better in my opinion - however for the Sector File I normally do solution 1 because that's what Harry always liked me to do. :)

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Method two seems better to me, although I wonder if there could be merit in following method one where there are particularly noticeable differences in procedures?

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