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VATSIM UK Live! 2017 - Announcement

Kris Thomson



We are delighted to announce that this year’s VATSIM UK Live! event will take place on the weekend of the 26th and 27th of August at Conference Aston.

Live! is an annual real-world social event which is organised to allow VATSIM members, be that Pilots or Controllers, to meet and work alongside each other. During the event, attendees will be working together in close proximity, which adds a new element to "as real as it gets".


Our venue, Aston Business School, is home to a purpose-built conference centre and on-site hotel with plenty of space, and high-speed Internet for us to use. It's a great location in Birmingham city centre, close to road, rail and air links. During the weekend, we will be focusing ATC services at major (and not so major) airports so that members not in attendance will be able to enjoy the weekend too.

Tickets will be going on sale in the next few weeks and will be available to any VATSIM member. We look forward to seeing new (and not so new) faces at this year's event. The number of places is limited, so when the tickets are available, please book early to be sure of a place!

For now, you can visit our holding page here: https://live.vatsim.uk

VATSIM UK Live! Organisers



Recommended Comments

Alex Hartshorne


Should be in attendance! (by the way, there's no hyphen in VATSIM UK :))

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Morgan Stone


In Denver that weekend so unfortunately won't be in attendance :(

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Loui Ringer


I would love to have attended as well but I will be in Málaga. :( 

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James Horgan


Interesting. In the original date thread where you asked when we wanted it, you had nearly 20 for October and only 3 for August. What was the thinking behind the mid summer date? 

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Loui Ringer


25 minutes ago, James Horgan said:

Interesting. In the original date thread where you asked when we wanted it, you had nearly 20 for October and only 3 for August. What was the thinking behind the mid summer date? 

I agree. August is the most popular month of the year for people to go on holiday so I'm sure there will be more that are unable to attend because of this.

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Barrie Joplin

Posted (edited)

58 minutes ago, James Horgan said:

Interesting. In the original date thread where you asked when we wanted it, you had nearly 20 for October and only 3 for August. What was the thinking behind the mid summer date? 

Hi James et al

Unfortunately the October date option was withdrawn by the venue. This has left us with no other choice but to schedule it for August. I understand that this will be disappointing to many of you who will therefore be unable to attend; on behalf of the entire team I apologise.


Edited by Barrie Joplin
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Steven Messenger


Should be able to attend, and have no intentions of attending the recuss dept! (Again).


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James Horgan


That's a shame. I'd have gone so far as to investigate an alternative venue if it was that bad! 

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Adam Arkley


Have to say, I'm highly disappointed. I've attended every year since Live's inception, and this will be another of the long list of events I can't attend, as it will fall on my then-Wife's birthday. I hope, strongly, that this will not become a regular date...

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Also cant attend, away in Norway. Shame it's in August :( 

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Andy Ford

Posted (edited)

On 2017-5-21 at 20:31, James Horgan said:

That's a shame. I'd have gone so far as to investigate an alternative venue if it was that bad! 

We've been at Aston for so long, that I imagine we have developed a strong with relationship with them. I'm not part of the Live! team, nor pretend to be, but I imagine the fact that we keep going back there has its benefits for keeping the event accessible and also affordable for the membership - not to mention that our bar tabs are probably something quite spectacular to behold.

Edited by Andy Ford
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Alex Hartshorne


33 minutes ago, Andy Ford said:

We've been at Aston for so long, that I imagine we have developed a strong with relationship with them. I'm not part of the Live! team, nor pretend to be, but I imagine the fact that we keep going back there has its benefits for keeping the event accessible and also affordable for the membership - not to mention that our bar tabs are probably something quite spectacular to behold.


There's also the fact of a) finding somewhere that is central to everyone and b), finding a venue with a realtively good level of infrastructure which can support us for 2 days.

It's a bit of a shame that a few people can't attend, but I'm glad the organisers have published this a few weeks earlier this year. :)

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Keith Watt


I hope to make this year's event. Will you, or someone else, be posting when the tickets are available - I know you said "...in a few weeks" ?


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Kris Thomson


Hi Keith, yes we will post here again once tickets become available.


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