New ATC Training Documentation
Good morning,
I'm pleased to finally be able to announce the publication of new documentation for the department. These documents have both been arduous work, solidifying over a year of changes to how we run training within VATSIM UK whilst also ensuring that our policies and procedures are GCAP compliant. The documents have seen rounds of iterative feedback, both within my teams and within the DSG. We started working on these documents in late Spring last year, reviewing what existed, writing new sections and finally, splitting what used to be our ATC Training Handbook in two.
Accordingly, we now have two documents; an ATC Training Handbook which contains much of the 'how' we do training with respect to how we deliver our training, expectations of students and general management of the department. However, some elements of our training process, eligibility for various roles and ratings and role profiles for both my post and that of the ATC Training Manager, currently occupied by @Will Jennings, have been segregated into a new ATC Training Policy. This policy doesn't aim to talk about how we provide training, but does provide some specific guidance on when certain things might happen. Crucially, changes to this policy will require approval from the DSG before they can be publicised. The ATC Training Handbook remains an ATC Training document which is not subject to the same review.
We recognise that these changes are significant and that it's very challenging - even for us! - to keep abreast of everything in both documents. To that end, we welcome questions, feedback and suggestions, but also note that this is the first iteration of review. There are further changes which we plan to make in time, but wanted to publicise this document to solicit feedback and have this serve as a jumping off point for future changes.
The documents are available in our Downloads section, or linked here:
- ATC Training Handbook:
- ATC Training Policy:
My eternal thanks go to Mr. Jennings, without whom these publications simply would not have happened. I think that until you've experienced a document overhaul in a voluntary, policy-driven organisation like VATSIM whilst also jugging a real job which imposes its' own demands on your time, you likely can't empathise with the effort that Will has put into these documents. I am grateful for his efforts therein.
We look forward to your feedback and to making further changes to improve the performance of the department in due course.
Many thanks,
- Matthew Owen and Will Jennings
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