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Operations Director - Resignation

Kieran Hardern



Good evening everyone.

I write primarily with a sense of relief, but a tad of regret to inform the Division that I have chosen to leave the Operations Director position. This is a fantastic role that I have held for just shy of 3 years, but one that has required such high levels of effort and expectations of availability that it is time for me to step aside. During that time, I have had the pleasure of working with numerous bright, dedicated and hardworking individuals that churn out a never-ending series of resources to facilitate UK membership. While the work of the Operations Department is perhaps less visible, the team takes complex changes, wades through pages of text and charts, interprets often incomplete information - and turns them into what you see: over a hundred current documents, EuroScope sectors/packs suitable for every AIRAC and the supporting data behind the scenes. It somehow gets done on time, every month with a minuscule error rate - a feat I would struggle to expect in the world of employment, let alone volunteers.

I’ve focused my time here on delivering a documentation series that covers as many airports and positions as possible with accurate, realistic and regularly updated information that trainees can move from one airport to another with familiarity - a goal that took me over 2 years to achieve. While I have supported event planning, the introduction of ECFMP technical systems and acted as caretaker for multiple departments during this time, I am most proud of the quality and currency of the current department resources.

With that in mind, my thanks to many who have worked with me, contributed to our work, collaborated from other departments and provided expert input. There are too many names to thank individually, however to my staff that have made the department what it is, my biggest thanks:

Luke, as the longest serving Coordinator, who has throughout my tenure kept the quality of our Controller Pack high and expanded workability to far beyond what we deserve! I have forgiven him for the removal of my beloved blue area profiles and appreciate the continual drive to make this resource its most realistic, whilst also finding time to support sector file releases.

Harry, the former Enroute Operations Coordinator, who has refined our Area procedures to such a degree whilst supporting so many C1s in training. Not only did Harry write so much of our Area series (the Scottish vMATS most notable in my mind), his support of the remaining departments was extensive. He served as my ‘de facto deputy’ for such a long period that losing him in this post was a big blow for the department.

Peter and Tom our current and previous Coordinator of the sector file release. Both of your eye for detail and ability to rapidly spot issues is phenomenal. Being able to rely on both of you during the busiest of times was indispensable. As our current Coordinator, Peter has released a sector file each AIRAC without fail since his appointment and continues to find time to support many members with EuroScope and getting involved on GitHub.

Chad, Adam, Kye and most recently Archie - who have all worked in the Aerodrome Coordinator role during my tenure. Chad was in this role when I joined the department and was responsible for an explosion of documents, along with commencing our ACB series. Adam and Kye provided much needed continuity to the role after this, seeing us through the 8.33 trial and collectively keeping up with so many updates around the UK. Most recently Archie has taken on this role and is head-on tackling old and new documents alike, pushing out more updates each AIRAC.

Finally to our assistants over the last 3 years: Ellis, Harrison, (Peter) and Alice who do a fantastic job of tackling the steep learning curve that is the Operations Department. Alice I’m pleased to see how you are developing within the team and look forward to seeing how you progress.


While I will be around to support Operations, I will be taking a break and relinquishing many of my responsibilities rapidly to allow me to take a step back. I wish the department, Division and especially my eventual replacement all the best.

Edited by Kieran Hardern


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Adam Arkley



Whilst I understand your relief and agree with your reasons, losing you from the post will be a significant blow to the division. Your legacy is broad and the bits that people see do not even nearly reflect the effort  that you've put in.

Thank you so much for your efforts.


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