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GCAP Update 3: Effect of Change

Adam Arkley



Good morning all,

Yesterday, we processed the first roster update since GCAP went live on the 1st March. On the 1st March, we retained on the roster anyone who had controlled at all within the preceding 12 months, from the 1st March 2023 to the 1st March 2024. Thereafter, currency requirements dictate that to remain on the roster, a controller must control three hours within every fixed quarter; three hours between the 1st Jan and the 1st April, three hours between the 1st April and the 1st June and so on. As a result, every quarter, the roster will be updated to remove those controllers who have not met these currency requirements. This is one of the many advantages of GCAP; ensuring that controllers remain current with operational procedures, whilst also ensuring that our waiting list is populated with enthusiastic and engaged controllers.

This post will be brief compared to my others, but I wanted to give visibility of the numbers: 

  • Yesterday saw a total 370 controllers removed from the active roster; those who had controlled between 1st March 2023 and 1st Jan 2024, but not since 1st Jan 2024.
  • From our Tower/S2 waiting list, 38 controllers were removed. The waiting list now stands at 119 controllers, down from 157.
  • From our Approach/S3 waiting list, 7 controllers were removed. The waiting list now stands at 31 controllers, down from 38.
  • From our En-Route/C1 waiting list, 4 controllers were removed. The waiting list now stands at 16 controllers, down from 20.

Whilst we're obviously sad to see these controllers go from our waiting lists, we ensure that those who remain current on the network remain on the waiting list and able to access training. Those controllers who have been removed from the active controller roster owing to a lack of currency will not be permitted to return to the waiting list in their previous places.

Of course, this is the negative side to the story. GCAP has seen a number of returning controllers asking to become current once again, some of which have not controlled on the network for long over a decade. The division is processing each of these and we've already seen some success with S3 rated controllers being re-added to the roster following an induction plan. We will, of course, continue to monitor the effect on our waiting lists and ensure that we explore opportunities to improve waiting times across the division.

As always, I remain approachable for any questions that anyone may have, either by way of response to this blog post, an e-mail, helpdesk ticket or Discord DM.

Best regards,



Recommended Comments

Hugo Carter


Thanks for the update Adam. How do these numbers removed from waiting lists compare to the numbers removed in the three months prior to GCAP under the previous 12 hours in three months requirement? 

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Adam Arkley


17 hours ago, Hugo Carter said:

Thanks for the update Adam. How do these numbers removed from waiting lists compare to the numbers removed in the three months prior to GCAP under the previous 12 hours in three months requirement? 

Hi Hugo,

Good question, but one I'm afraid I don't know the answer to. Given that we didn't have a roster before and only 'added' people to it that had controlled in the previous 12 months, I'm not even sure whether our colleagues in Tech will have the answer.


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